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Results 5,7415,750 of 5,827 for /net-mgmt/.(0.009 seconds)
sysutils/safecat-1.13 (Score: 0.004375564)
Safely write data to maildir directory
From the safecat README: safecat is an implementation of D. J. Bernstein's maildir algorithm. It can be used to write mail messages to a qmail-style maildir, or to write data to a "spool" directory reliably. There are no lockfiles with safecat, and nothing is left to chance. If safecat returns a successful exit status, then you can be (practically) 100% sure your data is safely committed to disk. Further, if data is written to a directory using safecat (or other implementations of the maildir algorithm), then every file in that directory is guaranteed to be complete. If safecat fails to write all of the data, there will be no file at all in the destination directory. Of course, you know that such a thing cannot be: between UNIX and the different hardware options available, a 100% guarantee is not possible. However, safecat takes every precaution possible in writing your data.
textproc/bomstrip-9 (Score: 0.004375564)
Strip Byte-Order Marks (BOM) from UTF-8 text
Bomstrip is a very simple tool that removes BOM's (byte-order-marks) from utf-8 files. Actually, it is a set of tools that all do the same thing, but - for added entertainment value - in multiple programming languages (python, c, java, brainfuck, ook!, perl, sed, postscript, pascal, unlambda, limbo, haskell, ocaml, php, ruby). You want to always have this tool within hand-reach, no matter where you are and which compilers/interpreters you keep close to you. Each tool reads from stdin and writes to stdout. It accepts no options or arguments. It never writes into files directly. All files are public domain. It exists for the purpose of noting how stupid BOM's in utf-8 files are. Oh, in case you didn't know yet: utf-8 does not have byte-ordering issues, so there is absolutely no need to have three bytes (the utf-8-BOM) that do not say anything about the byte-order (since there is nothing to say).
textproc/regex-compat-tdfa- (Score: 0.004375564)
Unicode Support version of Text.Regex, using regex-tdfa
One module layer over regex-tdfa to replace Text.Regex. regex-compat can't use Unicode characters correctly because of using regex-posix.
textproc/mythes-02.09.l (Score: 0.004375564)
Italian thesaurus
Italian thesaurus
textproc/artha-1.0.3 (Score: 0.004375564)
Free cross-platform English thesaurus
Artha is a free cross-platform English thesaurus that works completely off-line and is based on WordNet. Stable releases for download are currently available for GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows; it is tested on major Desktop Environments like GNOME, KDE, Xfce, etc and on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista and 7. Artha is released under the GNU General Public Licence version 2; hence you are free to copy/redistribute it.
PEAR class for writing Microsoft Excel files
PEAR class for generating Excel spreadsheets. It was born as a port of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Perl module to PHP. It allows writing of Excel spreadsheets without the need for COM objects. It supports formulas, images (BMP) and all kinds of formatting for text and cells. It currently supports the BIFF5 format (Excel 5.0), so functionality appeared in the latest Excel versions is not yet available.
DataSource driver using RSS files
This is a DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid using RSS files.
DataSource driver using XML files
This is a DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid using XML files.
Renderer driver that generates a CSV string
This is a Renderer driver for Structures_DataGrid that generates a CSV string.
Renderer driver that generates a XLS string
This is a Renderer driver for Structures_DataGrid that generates a XLS string.