doc-mode is an emacs mode for editing documentation, specifically
designed for use with asciidoc (textproc/asciidoc).
Aspell Gujarati dictionary.
The standard for machine-readable cataloging (MARC) records is documented at This package enables you to read existing MARC records
from a file, string, or (using the YAZ extension), from a Z39.50 source. You
can also use this package to create new MARC records.
Interface API for regex-posix,pcre,parsec,tdfa,dfa.
One module layer over regex-posix to replace Text.Regex.
The posix regex backend for regex-base.
The doublemetaphone extension provides an implementation of the Double Metaphone
Translate GNU info files into HTML pages
Enchant is a binder for libenchant. Libenchant
provides a common API for many spell libraries,
such as aspell/pspell(intended to replace
(OpenOffice project, mozilla),uspell (primarily
Yiddish, Hebrew, and Eastern European languages)
A PECL HTML parser extension based on the ekhtml library