Ports 搜索

sysutils/sys-uname-1.0.2 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Ruby interface for getting system information
A Ruby interface for getting system information along the lines of the uname Unix command
sysutils/unstow-0.1.1 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Script to unstow packages much faster than stow -D
unstow ------ This is a script to unstow packages much faster than stow -D.
sysutils/ansible- (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Radically simple IT automation
Ansible is a radically simple configuration-management, deployment, task-execution, and multinode orchestration framework.
sysutils/vordog-20080708 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Watchdog(9) driver for watchdog timer of Vortex86
vordog is a collection of a driver and a user space daemon for FreeBSD to leverage watchdog timer of Vortex86 SoC . vordog is also watchdog(9) compatible. It is as a timer source of watchdog(9), you can use it with watchdog(4), watchdog(8), and watchdogd(8). You can get vordog from repository with Mercurial.
sysutils/sysgather-1.0.p10 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Keep configuration files under version control
sysgather is a simple command-line utility for keeping configuration files under version control.
sysutils/xfce4-cpugraph-plugin-1.0.5 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Graphical representation of the CPU load
Panel plugin to display a graphical representation of the CPU load.
sysutils/xfce4-diskperf-plugin-2.5.5 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Graphical representation of the disk IO
Panel plugin to display a graphical representation of the disks IO.
sysutils/Rex-1.4.1 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Perl framework for automation and systems administration
(R)?ex is a server orchestration tool to ease the execution of remote commands.
sysutils/vcp-2.2 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Copy files in curses interface
vcp copies files and directories in a curses interface, and behaves much like cp.
sysutils/warden-1438351389 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Warden jail management system utility
A jail management utility, which uses ZFS extensively under the hood.