One of the aims of this package is to make life easier for useRs
who deal with survey data sets. It provides an infrastructure for
the management of survey data including value labels, definable
missing values, recoding of variables, production of code books,
and import of (subsets of) SPSS and Stata files. Further, it provides
functionality to produce tables and data frames of arbitrary
descriptive statistics and (almost) publication-ready tables of
regression model estimates. Also some convenience tools for graphics,
programming, and simulation are provided.
[ excerpt from developer's web site ]
Using JNI (Java Native Interface), a bit of C code (thanks ugha!),
a little manual work and a piece of chewinggum: it is possible to
make the public key cryptography quite a bit faster.
Functions from this package are useful for number theory applications.
For example, in two-keys cryptography.
See /tests/RSA.php in the package for example of simple implementation of
RSA-like cryptoalgorithm. See page
for more complex implementation of RSA-like crypto, which supports key
generating, encrypting/decrypting, signing and validating of sign.
The package has many bitset functions, which allow to work with arbitrary
length bitsets.
This package is much faster than bundled into PHP BCMath and consists almost
all functions, which are implemented in PHP GMP extension, but it needn't any
external libraries.
This extension for PHP provides routines for manipulating bitsets.
This extension for PHP provides routines for manipulating bitsets.
This ststs extension for PHP provides few dozens routines for statistical
The package is intended for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate
a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations. Emphasis is
on the kind of operations needed in statistical calculations such as least
squares, linear equation solve and eigenvalues.
The general purpose of this library is to provide C language procedures related
to cartographic processes. Procedures for each of the processes will be strictly
categorized and although they may share common subfunctions they will not
intersect in scope.
Msieve is a library and utility for factoring large integers using the most
powerful modern algorithms. It features a stable and very fast implementation
of a self-initializing multiple polynomial quadratic sieve (MPQS), plus a
somewhat experimental general number field sieve (GNFS) implementation.
Primary design goals are speed, portability and ease of use. Msieve claims to
be the fastest implementation for factoring general inputs between 40 and 100
decimal digits, but can handle larger input as well.
ocamlgsl is an interface to GSL (GNU scientific library), for the
Objective Caml langage.