Ports 搜索

net/slurm-0.3.3 (Score: 0.09382034)
Generic network load monitor
slurm started as a port of pppstatus to FreeBSD and now is a generic curses based network load monitor. It features three different modes with real-time ASCII graphs and interface statistics for all kinds of network interfaces on most Unix systems. Michael L. Hostbaek mich@FreeBSD.org
net/ssspl-0.1 (Score: 0.09382034)
Simple Socks Server for Perl
SSSPL - Simple Socks Server for Perl SSS is a simple socks server written in perl that implements the SOCKS v5 protocol.
net/wmping-0.2.1 (Score: 0.09382034)
Windowmaker dock app to display network hosts status
This is a port of wmping which is a Windowmaker dock app which is simple usefull program that allows to check host status in your network environment. It can be used for monitoring servers in the network.
net/tapidbus-0.2.1 (Score: 0.09382034)
Abstraction layer for interprocess communication
An abstraction layer that uses dbus for interprocess communication.
net/thcrut-1.2.5 (Score: 0.09382034)
Local network discovery tool
RUT (pronouced as 'root') mean 'aRe yoU There'. It was developed to brute force its way into wvlan (IEEE 802.11b) access points which use mac authentification. It offers a wide range of _local_ network discovery features like arp lookup on all hosts on a network with vendor-string, spoofed DHCP request, RARP, BOOTP, ICMP-ping and address mask request and some other features.
net/tsclient-0.150 (Score: 0.09382034)
GNOME 2 frontend for rdesktop and vncviewer
Tsclient is a GNOME 2 frontend for rdesktop, and also supports VNC clients, Citrix ICA client (experimental) and X via Xnest (experimental).
net/wmnetload-1.3 (Score: 0.09382034)
Network load monitor dockapp
wmnetload is a network interface monitor dockapp. It is designed to fit well with dockapps like wmcpuload and wmmemmon.
net/wol-0.7.1 (Score: 0.09382034)
Tool to wake up Wake-On-LAN compliant computers
wol implements Wake-On-LAN functionality in a small program. It wakes up hardware that is Magic Packet compliant. Consider you have a sleeping or turned-off computer and you want to wake it up remotely. Just type: # wol <MAC-ADDRESS> and the host wakes up (OK, it will boot ;-). Features: - Wakes up various NIC's (tested) - 3COM 3C905c - Intel EtherExpress Pro 100 - Linksys Etherfast LNE100TX - Realtek LFE8139 - LevelOne FNC-0107TX - Wake up from file (same as /etc/ethers and an enhanced format) - Sleeping between two wake ups (measured in milliseconds)
net/xmlrpc-epi-0.54.2 (Score: 0.09382034)
General purpose implementation of the xmlrpc specification in C
xmlrpc-epi is an implementation of the xmlrpc protocol in C. It provides an easy to use API for developers to serialize RPC requests to and from XML. It does *not* include a transport layer, such as HTTP. The API is primarily based upon proprietary code written for internal usage at Epinions.com, and was later modified to incorporate concepts from the xmlrpc protocol. It passed the xmlrpc validation test suite in December 2000. As of Sept. 27, 2001, experimental support for SOAP v 1.1 has been added to the library. This support is implemented transparently to the application such that a single API can be used for manipulation of values, yet both SOAP and XML-RPC can be read or written. Various iterations of this code have been/are running at Epinions.com and are sufficiently fast for the high traffic volume this site encounters, with several xmlrpc type requests generated for each user http request. No specific speed claims are made. Your mileage may vary.
net/tn5250j-0.6.0 (Score: 0.09382034)
5250 terminal emulator for the AS/400 written in Java
A feature-rich graphical Telnet 5250 emulator written in Java.