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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第631640项(搜索用时0.008秒)
dns/ironsides-20150415 (Score: 0.026474876)
Authoritative DNS server formally verified by SPARK/Ada
IRONSIDES is an authoritative DNS server that is provably invulnerable to many of the problems that plague other servers. It achieves this property through the use of formal methods in its design, in particular the language Ada and the SPARK formal methods tool set. Code validated in this way is provably exception-free, contains no data flow errors, and terminates only in the ways that its programmers explicitly say that it can. These are very desirable properties from a computer security perspective. IRONSIDES is not a complete implementation of DNS. In particular, it does not support zone transfers or recursive queries. It does, however, support a sufficient number of DNS records to be useful as an authoritative DNS server for an enterprise.
ftp/bftpd-4.4 (Score: 0.026474876)
Very configurable FTP server that can do chroot easily
The Bftpd file server is designed to be as small and easy to manage as possible, while providing most of the features you would expect from a file server. On most home systems, bftpd is ready to work out-of-the-box without requiring any extra configuration. Production systems can be set up by editing a few lines in an easy-to-read config file. Features of bftpd include: * Easy configuration * Speed * Support for most RFC FTP commands * tar.gz on-the-fly compression/archiving * Security with chroot without special setup * No need for files (sh, ls...) in a chroot environment * Logging to wtmp and to a config file * PAM support * Support for site chown/chmod
multimedia/ffmpeg-0.7.17 (Score: 0.026474876)
Realtime audio/video encoder/converter and streaming server
[ excerpt (with adaptations) from developer's README ] ffmpeg is a hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder, a streaming server and a generic audio and video file converter. It can convert a standard video source into several file formats based on DCT/motion compensation encoding. Sound is compressed in MPEG audio layer 2 or using an AC3 compatible stream. What makes ffmpeg interesting ? - Simple and efficient video encoder: outputs MPEG1, H263, Real Video(tm), MPEG4, DIVX and MJPEG compatible bitstreams using the same encoder core. - Hyper fast MPEG audio layer 2 compression (50 times faster than realtime on a K6 500). [snip -> rest on website below] ffmpeg is made of two programs: * ffmpeg: soft VCR which encodes in real time to several formats. It can also encode from any supported input file format to any input supported format. * ffserver: high performance live broadcast streaming server based on the ffmpeg core encoders.
sysutils/ucspi-ssl-0.70 (Score: 0.026459806)
UCSPI tools for building SSL client-server applications
sslserver and sslclient are command-line tools for building SSL client-server applications. They conform to the UNIX Client-Server Program Interface, UCSPI. sslserver listens for connections, and runs a program for each connection it accepts. The program environment includes variables that hold the local and remote host names, IP addresses, and port numbers. sslserver offers a concurrency limit on acceptance of new connections, and selective handling of connections based on client identity. sslclient requests a connection to a TCP socket, and runs a program. The program environment includes the same variables as for sslserver.
audio/streamtranscoder-1.2.8 (Score: 0.026455864)
Transcode and stream audio to a SHOUTcast/Icecast/Peercast server
streamTranscoder takes the output from SHOUTcast/Icecast/Peercast/KasterBlaster servers or a sound card input and transcodes them to another SHOUTcast, Icecast, or Peercast server in MP3 or Ogg Vorbis format. It can transcode the input audio by resampling or re-encoding, as well as changing the format from MP3 to Ogg Vorbis (or vice versa).
audio/superdatetime-5.9.16 (Score: 0.026455864)
Squeezebox Server plugin to display weather conditions and forecasts
This is a Squeezebox Server plugin screensaver datetime replacement. Graphically displays current weather conditions and forecasts. Will also optionally display stock quotes and upcoming/active game information for MLB, NBA, NHL, NFL, and college football and basketball teams at user-configurable intervals.
dns/mydns-ng- (Score: 0.026455864)
Next Generation DNS Server for sql based DNS services
MyDNS - SQL-based DNS server This is the MyDNS package. MyDNS is a simple, non-recursive Internet name daemon which serves records directly from an SQL database. It currently works with either MySQL or PostgreSQL. This version of the MyDNS package is a development of the original one produced by Don Moore. - 12-May-2004 Don Moore <bboy@bboy.net> - 23-January-2009 Howard Wilkinsin <howard@cohtech.com>
net/coda-6.9.4 (Score: 0.026455864)
Server programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
Coda is a distributed file system. Among its features are disconnected operation, good security model, server replication and persistent client side caching. This package builds the entire source tree but only installs(/packages) the client side programs. For more info, contact information available below. EMAIL: coda@cs.cmu.edu
sysutils/MogileFS-Network-0.06 (Score: 0.026455864)
Network awareness and extensions for p5-MogileFS-Server
This collection of modules adds multiple network awareness to the MogileFS server. It provides two replication policies, 'MultipleNetworks' and 'HostsPerNetwork', and also provides a plugin 'ZoneLocal' that causes get_paths queries to be returned in a prioritized order based on locality of storage.
mail/mbox2imap-1.0 (Score: 0.026446518)
Upload email stored in mbox file format to an IMAP server
mbox2imap is a python script to upload email stored in mbox file format to an IMAP server.