Ports 搜索

net/simpleproxy-3.4 (Score: 0.07643312)
Simple TCP proxy
Simpleproxy program acts as simple TCP proxy. It listens for local socket, and any connection to this port will be forwarded to another socket at remote host. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
net/sippy_b2bua-1.0.2 (Score: 0.07643312)
SIP Back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) server with Radius support
Sippy B2BUA is a RFC3261-compliant Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) server software. The B2BUA is a SIP call controlling component. Unlike a SIP proxy, which only maintains transaction state, the B2BUA maintains complete call state and participates in all call requests. For this reason it can perform number of functions that are not possible to implement using SIP proxy, such as for example accurate call accounting, pre-paid rating and billing, fail over call routing etc. Unlike PBX-type solutions such as Asterisk for example, the B2BUA doesn't perform any media relaying or processing, therefore it doesn't introduce any additional packet loss, delay or jitter into the media path. Features: o Realtime calls control and call data records (CDRs) generation; o Optional ability to use Sippy RTPproxy for media relaying; o Optional ability to perform Cisco-compatible RADIUS AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting); o RFC3261 compliance; o RFC3326 support; o IPv6 support; o Seamless compatibility with majority of popular SIP software and hardware on the market today; o Robustness and Resilience.
net/sipsak-0.9.6 (Score: 0.07643312)
Small command line tool for SIP testing
Sipsak is a small command line tool for developers and administrators of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications. It can be used for some simple tests on SIP applications and services.
net/skstream-0.3.9 (Score: 0.07643312)
iostream based C++ socket library
Skstream is an iostream based C++ socket library. It is ideally suited for use as the underlying transport for Atlas-C++, and has been well tested and debugged. It was first discovered for WorldForge when it was used in UClient and has since been packaged up as its own library for use on other WorldForge projects. The code was originally written by Rafael Guterres Jeffman who is not involved with the project but we have extensively rewritten it, and added new features such as IPv6 support and Unix domain sockets. It now maintained for WorldForge by Al Riddoch and others.
net/uplog-0.3 (Score: 0.07643312)
UDP-based ping program
Uplog is an UDP-based ping program that gives an ASCII graphical log of packet loss. Once per second, it sends a UDP packet to the echo port of the target host and waits for a reply. If it gets a reply an X is written, otherwise a dot is written to the log file. If a packet with an incorrect sequence number arrives, a colon is written to the log file. By examining the log file, one can easily see when and how the packet losses occur.
net/libkfbapi-1.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Library for accessing Facebook services
Library for accessing Facebook services.
net/libkvkontakte-4.12.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
KDE library for accessing vk.com
Libkvkontakte is a KDE C++ interface for VK (http://vk.com).
net/smcroute-2.1.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Static multicast routing tool
SMCRoute is a command line tool to manipulate the multicast routes of a UNIX kernel. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 multicast routing. SMCRoute can be used as an alternative to dynamic multicast routers like mrouted or pimd in setups where static multicast routes should be maintained and/or no proper IGMP or MLD signaling exists.
net/fping-3.13 (Score: 0.07643312)
Quickly ping multiple hosts without flooding the network
A tool to quickly ping N number of hosts to determine their reachability without flooding the network. fping is different from ping in that you can specify any number of hosts on the command line, or specify a file containing the lists of hosts to ping. Instead of trying one host until it timeouts or replies, fping will send out a ping packet and move on to the next host in a round-robin fashion. If a host replies, it is noted and removed from the list of hosts to check. If a host does not respond within a certain time limit and/or retry limit it will be considered unreachable. Unlike ping, fping is meant to be used in scripts and its output is easy to parse.
net/sniffit-0.3.7b (Score: 0.07643312)
Packet sniffer program. For educational use
Sniffit is a network sniffer for TCP/UDP/ICMP packets. Sniffit produces very detailed technical details about the packets flowing through your network (SEQ, ACK, TTL, Window, ...) and also packet contents in different formats (hex or plain text, ...) WWW-404: http://reptile.rug.ac.be/~coder/sniffit/sniffit.html FAQ-404: http://reptile.rug.ac.be/~coder/sniffit/sniffit-FAQ.html or http://reptile.rug.ac.be/~wvdputte/sniffit_addicts_anonymous/