Ports 搜索

net/Net-LDAP-Server-0.43 (Score: 0.060454294)
Perl module for LDAP server side protocol handling
Net::LDAP::Server provides the protocol handling for an LDAP server. You can subclass it and implement the methods you need (see below). Then you just instantiate your subclass and call its handle method to establish a connection with the client.
net/Net-Traceroute-PurePerl-0.10 (Score: 0.060454294)
Traceroute(1) functionality in perl via raw sockets
Net::Traceroute::PurePerl implements traceroute(1) functionality for perl5. It allows you to trace the path IP packets take to a destination. It is implemented by using raw sockets to act just like the regular traceroute. You must also be root to use the raw sockets.
net/Net-Whois-ARIN-0.12 (Score: 0.060454294)
ARIN whois client
This module provides a Perl interface to the ARIN Whois server. The module takes care of connecting to an ARIN whois server, sending your whois requests, and parsing the whois output. The whois records are returned as lists of Net::Whois::ARIN::* instances.
net/pynmsg-0.4.0 (Score: 0.05999258)
Python wrapper for net/nmsg
This is pynmsg, a Python extension module implemented in Cython for the nmsg C library.
Spore Middleware to add header on each request
Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Header is a middleware that add header on each request. You can specify for exemple a Content-Type to pass.
net-im/centerim- (Score: 0.059703834)
Text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface
CenterIM is a fork of CenterICQ. CenterIM is a text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface that supports the ICQ2000, Yahoo!, MSN, AIM, Gadu-Gadu and IRC protocols as well as posting to LiveJournal aggregating RSS feeds. It allows you to send, receive, and forward messages, URLs, SMSes, contacts, and email express messages. It also lets you set your own and fetch others' away messages, and define external handlers for incoming events. You can mass message-send, search for users, view users' details, maintain your contact list directly from the program, view the message history, register a new UIN and update your details, be informed upon receipt of email messages, automatically set away after the defined period of inactivity, and have your own ignore, visible, and invisible lists. It can also associate events with sounds, make log of events, and allows arrangement of contacts into groups. WARNING: This is the development version of centerim. There's no proof that it will build and/or run properly on your system. But we will be happy to get some feedback if you experience any problems. For testing purposes, all available protocols are enabled in this port. If you don't agree to these facts, you should probable use net-im/centerim release version.
dns/Net-DNSBL-MultiDaemon-0.39 (Score: 0.059301507)
Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon - multi DNSBL prioritization
Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon is the Perl module that implements the multi_dnsbl daemon. multi_dnsbl is a DNS emulator daemon that increases the efficacy of DNSBL look-ups in a mail system. multi_dnsbl may be used as a stand-alone DNSBL or as a plug-in for a standard BIND 9 installation. multi_dnsbl shares a common configuration file format with the Mail::SpamCannibal sc_BLcheck.pl script so that DNSBL's can be maintained in a common configuration file for an entire mail installation. Because DNSBL usefulness is dependent on the nature and source of spam sent to a specific site and because sometimes DNSBL's may provide intermittant service, multi_dnsbl interrogates them sorted in the order of greatest successful hits. DNSBL's that do not respond within the configured timeout period are not interrogated at all after 6 consecutive failures, and thereafter will be retried not more often than once every hour until they come back online. This eliminates the need to place DNSBL's in a particular order in your MTA's config file or periodically monitor the DNSBL statistics and/or update the MTA config file.
japanese/fcitx-skk-0.1.2 (Score: 0.05882772)
SKK support for Fcitx
fcitx-skk provides SKK as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
korean/fcitx-hangul-0.3.0 (Score: 0.05882772)
Hangul support for Fcitx
fcitx-hangul provides Korean input back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
net/Net-DAV-Server-1.30.5 (Score: 0.05857052)
Provide a DAV Server
This module provides a WebDAV server. WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning". It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. Net::DAV::Server provides a WebDAV server and exports a filesystem for you using the Filesys::Virtual suite of modules. If you simply want to export a local filesystem, use Filesys::Virtual::Plain as above. This module doesn't currently provide a full WebDAV implementation. However, I am working through the WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite (litmus, see http://www.webdav.org/neon/litmus/) and will provide more compliance in future. The important thing is that it supports cadaver and the Mac OS X Finder as clients.