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Results 2,0412,050 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.004 seconds)
www/OhlohWidgetsMacro-0.2 (Score: 0.062004834)
Trac macro to embed Ohloh widgets
OhlohWidgetsMacro is a plugin for Trac which embeds Ohloh widgets.
www/TracGoogleAnalytics-0.2.4 (Score: 0.062004834)
Trac plugin to enable logging by Google Analytics
Previously known as Google Analytics Plugin, this plugin will enable your trac environment to be logged by Google Analytics. It adds the necessary javascript code to log your environment, plus, it also logs the downloads of regular filenames which end with a specific extension; these extensions are defined by you; and also external links.
www/anyterm-1.1.29 (Score: 0.062004834)
Terminal emulator on a Web page
Anyterm provides a terminal emulator on a Web page using Javascript and a server daemon. The daemon typically runs behind an HTTP proxy; it forks a shell and communicates with the script using XMLHTTP on port 80 or securely using SSL. This provides you with shell access to your machine from almost any Web browser, even when firewalls are in the way.
www/Gtk2-WebKit-0.09 (Score: 0.062004834)
Web content engine library for Gtk2
WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.
www/webcheck-1.10.3 (Score: 0.062004834)
View structure of a web site, get a list of problems like broken links
Webcheck is the professional Site Management Tool for webmasters. Linbot allows webmasters to view the structure of a site, track down broken links, find potentially outdated web pages list links pointing to external sites, view portfolio of inline images, get a run-down of problems sorted by author and to do all this periodically without user intervention.
www/RT-Extension-CommandByMail-3.00 (Score: 0.062004834)
RT Extension to change ticket metadata via email
RT's extension that allows you to change ticket metadata via email.
www/RT-Extension-Gravatar-2.01 (Score: 0.062004834)
RT Extension to change ticket metadata via email
RT's extension that displays gravatar images within RT
www/sitebar-3.3.9 (Score: 0.062004834)
The Bookmark Server for Personal and Team Use
SiteBar is a multi-user, multi-group bookmark server that lets users view, add, import, and maintain bookmarks from anywhere. It offers enterprise- quality access rights and granular permissions. Corporations can use it as a complete intranet bookmark solution, and end-users can use it to access their bookmark collection from anywhere, and share it with friends. It is intended for use in a browser's sidebar, and offers a clean, easy to use interface.
x11-fm/PerlFM-0.2.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
Perl based file manager
A basic file manager writen in Perl and using ZConf::Runner to figure out what todo with files and ZConf::Bookmark to store bookmarks.
x11-fonts/roboto-fonts-ttf-2.131 (Score: 0.062004834)
Roboto typeface family
Roboto is a sans serif typeface family designed to be modern yet emotional. It was introduced as the font used for Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich". This typeface is designed for high resolution mobile devices so it includes several typefaces for text in different sizes.