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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第7,6117,620项(搜索用时0.012秒)
textproc/htmldoc-1.8.28 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Converts HTML to PDF and/or PostScript
This is a port of HTMLDOC, which can: Convert HTML files to PDF or PostScript Generate a table-of-contents for books Generate indexed HTML files Generate files on-the-fly for web applications, from the command-line for batch jobs, or from a GUI for interactive work. HTMLDOC Provides A command-line interface for batch and WWW applications. A graphical interface for interactive work. In my opinion, HTMLDOC is *fast*, compared to the other solutions I've seen. HTMLDOC is available under the GPL. Commercial support is available from the author.
textproc/hxt- (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell
The Haskell XML Toolbox bases on the ideas of HaXml and HXML, but introduces a more general approach for processing XML with Haskell. The Haskell XML Toolbox uses a generic data model for representing XML documents, including the DTD subset and the document subset, in Haskell. It contains a validating XML parser, a HTML parser, namespace support, an XPath expression evaluator, an XSLT library, a RelaxNG schema validator and funtions for serialization and deserialization of user defined data. The library makes extensive use of the arrow approach for processing XML.
textproc/libtranslate-0.99 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Natural language translation library
libtranslate is a library for translating text and web pages between natural languages. Its modular infrastructure allows to implement new translation services separately from the core library. libtranslate is shipped with a generic module supporting web-based translation services such as Babel Fish, Google Language Tools and SYSTRAN. Moreover, the generic module allows to add new services simply by adding a few lines to a XML file (see the services.xml(5) manual page). The libtranslate distribution includes a powerful command line interface (see the translate(1) manual page).
textproc/Text-Query-0.09 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Query processing framework
This module provides an object that matches a data source against a query expression. Query expressions are compiled into an internal form when a new object is created or the `prepare' method is called; they are not recompiled on each match. The class provided by this module uses four packages to process the query. The query parser parses the question and calls a query expression builder (internal form of the question). The optimizer is then called to reduce the complexity of the expression. The solver applies the expression on a data source.
textproc/dblatex-0.3.7 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishing
Dblatex started as a DB2LaTeX clone. So, why this project? The purpose is a bit different on these points: (1) The project is end-user oriented, that is, it tries to hide as much as possible the latex compiling stuff by providing a single clean script to produce directly DVI, PostScript and PDF output. (2) The actual output rendering is done not only by the XSL stylesheets transformation, but also by a dedicated LaTeX package. The purpose is to allow a deep LaTeX customisation without changing the XSL stylesheets. (3) Post-processing is done by Python, to make publication faster, convert the images if needed, and do the whole compilation.
textproc/XML-Node-0.11 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Perl5 module to extend and simplify XML::Parser
XML::Node is a Perl5 module which provides a simplified extension interface to XML::Parser. Paraphrasing the README: Instead of worrying about "start", "end", and "char" callbacks of every single XML node, you can simply say that you only want to be notified when a path is found. Using XML::Node, you can ignore the parts of XML files that you are not interested in. Additionally, you can register a variable instead of a callback function. The corresponding string found in an XML file will be automatically appended to your variable.
textproc/rxp-0.9 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Fast validating XML parser for Python
RXP is a very fast validating XML parser written by Richard Tobin of the University of Edinburgh. It complies fully with the W3C test suites (although we have compiled it without Unicode support for the time being). pyRXP is a wrapper around this which constructs a lightweight in-memory "tuple tree" in a single call. This structure is the lightest one we could define in Python, and it is constructed entirely in C code, resulting in unprecedented speed. It is a core part of ReportLab's forthcoming XML toolkit, which aims to offer simple, fast and pythonic tools for common XML processing tasks.
textproc/tagsoup-1.2.1 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
SAX-compliant parser written in Java
TagSoup - Just Keep On Truckin' TagSoup is a SAX-compliant parser written in Java that, instead of parsing well-formed or valid XML, parses HTML as it is found in the wild: poor, nasty and brutish, though quite often far from short. TagSoup is designed for people who have to process this stuff using some semblance of a rational application design. By providing a SAX interface, it allows standard XML tools to be applied to even the worst HTML. TagSoup also includes a command-line processor that reads HTML files and can generate either clean HTML or well-formed XML that is a close approximation to XHTML.
textproc/xmlada-17.0.0 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Adacore XML suite for the Ada language
XML/Ada is a full XML suite for use with Ada compilers, such as GNAT AUX. XML/Ada is a set of modules that provide a simple manipulation of XML streams. It supports the whole XML 1.1 specification and can parse any file that follows this standard, including the contents of the DTD although no validation of the documents is performed based on those. It provides support for a number of standards associated with XML such as SAX, DOM, and XML schemas. Additionally, it includes a module to manipulate unicode streams since this is required by the XML standard.
www/cocoon-2.1.11 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
XML Web Development Framework
Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns and component-based web development. Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component pipelines', each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular operation. This makes it possible to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building web solutions, hooking together components into pipelines without any required programming. Cocoon is "web glue for your web application development needs". It is a glue that keeps concerns separate and allows parallel evolution of all aspects of a web application, improving development pace and reducing the chance of conflicts.