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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第7,5417,550项(搜索用时0.011秒)
devel/twisted-15.5.0 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Asynchronous networking framework written in Python
From the README: Twisted is an event-based framework for Internet applications. It includes a web server, a telnet server, a chat server, a news server, a generic client and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols and services. Twisted supports integration of the Tk, GTK+, Qt or wxPython event loop with its main event loop. The Win32 event loop is also supported, as is basic support for running servers on top of Jython. Twisted is based on an unconventional and somewhat Twisted design philosophy.
devel/twisted-15.2.1 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Metaport of Twisted, an event-driven networking engine
From the README: Twisted is an event-based framework for Internet applications. It includes a web server, a telnet server, a chat server, a news server, a generic client and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols and services. Twisted supports integration of the Tk, GTK+, Qt or wxPython event loop with its main event loop. The Win32 event loop is also supported, as is basic support for running servers on top of Jython. Twisted is based on an unconventional and somewhat Twisted design philosophy.
devel/pysvn-1.8.0 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Python binding for Subversion
The pysvn module is a python interface to the Subversion version control system. This API exposes client interfaces for managing a working copy, querying a repository, and synchronizing the two. This API cannot create new repositories; it can only interact with existing repositories. If you need to create a repository, use the svnadmin command from Subversion. Using the API, you can check out a working copy, add, edit, and remove working files, and check in, compare, or discard your changes. Repository properties such as keyword expansion, end of line characters, and ignore lists can also be examined and manipulated.
devel/spatialindex-1.8.5 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
General Framework for Developing Spatial Indices
This package provides a general framework for developing spatial indices. Currently it defines generic interfaces, provides simple main memory and disk based storage managers and a robust implementation of an R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree. Supported Features: * Generic main memory and disk based storage managers. * R*-tree index (also supports linear and quadratic splitting). * MVR-tree index (a.k.a. PPR-tree). * TPR-tree index. * Advanced query capabilities, using Strategy and Visitor patterns. * Arbitrary shaped range queries, by defining generic geometry interfaces. * Large parameterization capabilities, including dimensionality, fill factor, node capacity, etc. * STR packing / bulk loading.
devel/st-1.9 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
State Threads Library for Internet Applications
The State Threads is a small application library which provides a foundation for writing fast and highly scalable Internet applications (such as web servers, proxy servers, mail transfer agents, and so on) on UNIX-like platforms. It combines the simplicity of the multithreaded programming paradigm, in which one thread supports each simultaneous connection, with the performance and scalability of an event-driven state machine architecture. In other words, this library offers a threading API for structuring an Internet application as a state machine. The State Threads library is a derivative of the Netscape Portable Runtime library (NSPR).
devel/tcl-mmap-1.1 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
New TCL channel type using mmap-ed files
This extension provides a Tcl interface to the mmap(2) POSIX system call. It provides a Tcl package that allows Tcl scripts to: 1) Memory map files for improved access efficiency; 2) Share memory between related processes; 3) Easily implement cyclic persistent log files. The functionality of 'mmap' is exported from this extension in the form of a new Tcl channel type, named "mmap". A memory mapping is established with the 'mmap' command. Following 'mmap' execution, access to the memory mapped file is done via the standard Tcl commands: puts/gets/seek/flush/close/fconfigure, only that this time these commands operate on memory, rather than on a file.
editors/edith-1.58 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
X11 GUI editor for binary and plain text files
Edith Pro is a high quality user-friendly text editing system that combines a modern, colourful multi-window user interface with large basic editing flexibility. It is intended for those who want a powerful editing tool, but are not prepared to spend a wealth of energy into learning and configuring their applications. Edith Pro concentrates on editing features that are universal in applicability; as such it is not a programmable editor, but it has many well thought-out elementary features that allow efficient text editing for arbitrary types of text. This port uses the Linux binary compatibility.
emulators/loemu-0.3.1 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Simple frontend for various game emulators
Loemu is a free application that provides a simple frontend for various game emulators. Features: - Currently it supports game emulation with mame, sdlmame and snes9x. - Browse games using dynamic list. This allows to browse in a list generated with some categories (and it has other advantages). - Finds games quickly. Using a specific dialog that looks for a game in all the gamelist. - The generation of the dynamic list filtering the gamelist is very fast. - It has been developed with PyGTK + Glade. - Released under GNU General Public License. The design of loemu allows the support of more emulators adding specific emulator configuration files.
ftp/gwget-1.0.4 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
GNOME wget 前端
Gwget 是一个 Gnome 桌面的下载管理器。其主要特性如下: * 恢复:默认情况下,gwget 尝试继续所有的下载。 * 通知:Gwget 尝试使用 Gnome 通知区域。你可以关闭主窗口,让 gwget 在后台运行。 * 递归:当你给的下载 URL 是一个 html、php、asp 或者 web 页的目录时, gwget 检测后会询问你是否是仅要下载某个文件(多媒体文件或者仅仅该索引页 等等)。 * 拖放:你可以拖放一个 url 到主窗口或者通知区域图标来添加一个下载。
games/blokish-0.9.4 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Clone of the strategy board game 'Blokus'
Clone of the strategy board game 'Blokus'. Four players must place as many of their 21 pieces on the board as possible while preventing others from doing the same. This is made difficult by the fact that a piece played by a player must touch another of the player's pieces, but only at their corners (a player's first piece must touch a board corner). The game is over when no player can play any new pieces. The winner is the player with the fewest & smallest pieces remaining. Bonus points are awarded for playing all pieces. Features a tweakable AI to take the place of any human players.