Ports 搜索

devel/PathTools-3.6200 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
一个轻便的操作文件路径的 Perl 模块
此模块的目的是支持文件路径操作(通常称为“文件名”,但不能和文件内容混为一谈,或 者是 Perl 的文件句柄),如连接一些目录和文件名为一个单一的路径,或确定是否是根 路径。
devel/Penguin-3.00 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Framework for passing digitally signed perl5 code between machines
The Penguin module provides a framework within which a user on one host electronically signs a piece of Perl code, sends it to another host where the signature is checked and the code is executed with privileges that are particular to that user.
devel/Perl6-Rules-0.03 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Implements (most of) the Perl 6 regex syntax
This module implements a close simulation of the Perl 6 rule and grammar constructs, translating them back to Perl 5 regexes via a source filter. (And hence suffers from all the usual limitations of a source filter, including the ability to translate complex code spectacularly wrongly).
devel/Proc-Pidfile-1.06 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl extension for maintaining pid file for curent process
Proc::Pidfile is a very simple OO interface which manages a pidfile for the current process. You can pass the path to a pidfile to use as an argument to the constructor, or you can let Proc::Pidfile choose one (basically, "/var/run/$basename", if you can write to /var/run, otherwise "/$tmpdir/$basename").
devel/Proc-Wait3-0.05 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl extension for wait3 system call
Proc::Wait3 module implements wait3 system call in Perl. If any child processes have exited, this call will "reap" the zombies similar to the perl "wait" function. By default, it will return immediately and if there are no dead children, everything will be undefined. If you pass in a true argument, it will block until a child exits (or it gets a signal).
devel/Return-MultiLevel-0.04 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Return across multiple call levels
Return::MultiLevel provides a way to return immediately from a deeply nested call stack. This is similar to exceptions, but exceptions don't stop automatically at a target frame (and they can be caught by intermediate stack frames). In other words, this is more like setjmp(3)/longjmp(3) than die.
devel/Sys-CPU-0.52 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Sys::CPU - Perl extension for getting CPU information
Sys::CPU - Perl extension for getting CPU information. In responce to a post on perlmonks.org, a module for counting the number of CPU's on a system. Support has now also been added for type of CPU and clock speed. While much of the code is from UNIX::Processors, Win32 support has been added (but not tested).
devel/Term-ReadLine-Zoid-0.07 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Provides an interactive input buffer written in plain PERL
This package provides a set of modules that form an interactive input buffer written in plain perl with minimal dependencies. It features almost all key-bindings described in the posix spec for the sh(1) utility with some extensions like multi-line editing; this includes a vi-command mode with a save-buffer (for copy-pasting) and an undo-stack.
devel/Term-VT102-Boundless-0.04 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Subclass to emulate boundless DEC VT102 terminal
This is a subclass of Term::VT102 that will grow the virtual screen to accomodate arbitrary width and height of text. The behavior is more similar to the buffer of a scrolling terminal emulator than to a real terminal, making it useful for output displays in scrolling media.
devel/Test-Exception-LessClever-0.007 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Test::Exception simplified
Test::Exception::LessClever is an alternative to Test::Exception that is much simpler. This alternative does not use fancy stack tricks to hide itself. The idea here is to keep it simple. This also solves the Test::Exception bug where some dies will be hidden when a DESTROY method calls eval. If a DESTROY method masks $@ a warning will be generated as well.