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Results 4,8714,880 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.058 seconds)
devel/autodia-2.14 (Score: 3.3666918E-4)
Automatic Dia XML - from Source Code and Data
AutoDia is a modular application that parses source code or data (if a handler is available) and produces an XML document in Dia format, essentially a Dia diagram auto creation package. The diagrams it creates are standard UML diagrams showing dependencies, superclasses, packages, classes and inheritances, as well as the methods, etc of each class. AutoDia supports any language that a Handler has been written for - currently this is C++, DBI, Java, PHP, Perl, Python, SQL and Torque (XML DB schema). Adding a handler is easy - read the DEVELOP file for details.
security/oath-toolkit-2.6.2 (Score: 3.3666918E-4)
Library, tools, and PAM module for OATH authentication
The OATH Toolkit contains a shared library, command line tool and a PAM module that makes it possible to build one-time password authentication systems. Supported technologies include the event-based HOTP algorithm and the time-based TOTP algorithm. OATH is the Open AuTHentication organization which specify the algorithms. The components included in the package is: - liboath: A shared and static C library for OATH handling. - oathtool: A command line tool for generating and validating OTPs. - pam_oath: A PAM module for pluggable login authentication for OATH.
security/Crypt-Solitaire-2.0 (Score: 3.3615297E-4)
Solitaire encryption
Solitaire is a top-notch pencil-and-paper encryption system developed by Bruce Schneier. Here is the description in Schneier's own words: "Solitaire gets its security from the inherent randomness in a shuffled deck of cards. By manipulating this deck, a communicant can create a string of "random" letters that he then combines with his message. Of course Solitaire can be simulated on a computer, but it is designed to be implemented by hand. "Solitaire may be low-tech, but its security is intended to be high-tech. I designed Solitaire to be secure even against the most well-funded military adversaries with the biggest computers and the smartest cryptanalysts. Of course, there is no guarantee that someone won't find a clever attack against Solitaire, but the algorithm is certainly better than any other pencil-and-paper cipher I've ever seen." Simple system, easy to use, and relatively fast. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
sysutils/safecat-1.13 (Score: 3.3615297E-4)
Safely write data to maildir directory
From the safecat README: safecat is an implementation of D. J. Bernstein's maildir algorithm. It can be used to write mail messages to a qmail-style maildir, or to write data to a "spool" directory reliably. There are no lockfiles with safecat, and nothing is left to chance. If safecat returns a successful exit status, then you can be (practically) 100% sure your data is safely committed to disk. Further, if data is written to a directory using safecat (or other implementations of the maildir algorithm), then every file in that directory is guaranteed to be complete. If safecat fails to write all of the data, there will be no file at all in the destination directory. Of course, you know that such a thing cannot be: between UNIX and the different hardware options available, a 100% guarantee is not possible. However, safecat takes every precaution possible in writing your data.
devel/blitz-devel-0.7.2 (Score: 3.3545087E-4)
PHP templating engine
Blitz is a PHP templating engine with two main features: Fast. Blitz is written in C and built as PHP-extension which makes it one of the fastest template engines (you may see the benchmarks section below) Clear. Blitz has quite simple and clear syntax and makes developer to build compact and easy-to-read-and-support code even for applications with very complex presentation logic
devel/styx-1.6.1 (Score: 3.3545087E-4)
Scanner/parser generator
Styx is a scanner/parser generator designed to address some shortcomings of the traditional lex/yacc combination. It has unique features like automatic derivation of depth grammar, production of the derivation tree including it's C interface, preservation of full source information and pretty printing to facilitate source-source translation, persistence to aid rapid interpreter writing. For application in contemporary computing environments, it supports unicode, reentrancy and offers thread-safeness.
editors/mp-5.2.10 (Score: 3.3545087E-4)
Programming text editor
Minimum Profit is an easy to use programmer's text editor. Its features: - Syntax highlighting for many popular languages and file formats - Fully scriptable using a C-like scripting language - Unlimited undo levels; configurable keys, menus, and colors - Can edit multiple files at the same time (shared copy/paste buffer) - Creative use of tags, symbol name auto-completion - Intelligent, context-dependent help system - Automatic indentation, word wrapping, internal grep, etc. - Spellchecking support (via the ispell package) - Multilingual; has complete Unicode support
emulators/xcpc-20070122 (Score: 3.3545087E-4)
Portable Amstrad 464&/664/6128 emulator
Xcpc is a portable Amstrad CPC464/CPC664/CPC6128 Emulator written in C. It is designed to run on any POSIX system (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes). Implemented Features: * Athena GUI (selected at compilation time) * Motif* GUI (selected at compilation time) * Floppy disk images support (*.dsk) * Snapshot memory images support (*.sna) * Drag and Drop support (*.dsk, *.sna) * Keyboard emulation (QWERTY, AZERTY) * Joystick emulation (numeric keypad, numlock disabled) * Almost full CRTC-6845 / GateArray emulation * Adaptative frame-rate
lang/gcl-2.6.12 (Score: 3.3545087E-4)
GNU Common Lisp
The GCL system contains C and Lisp source files to build a Common Lisp sytem. The original KCL system was written by Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya in 1984. The AKCL system work was begun in 1987 by William Schelter and continued through 1994. In 1994 AKCL was released as GCL (GNU Common Lisp) under the GNU public library license. NOTE: GCL supports Tk bindings with Tcl 8 and Tk 8.
lang/TryCatch-1.003002 (Score: 3.3545087E-4)
First class try catch semantics for Perl, without source filters
This module aims to provide a nicer syntax and method to catch errors in Perl, similar to what is found in other languages (such as Java, Python or C++). The standard method of using eval {}; if ($@) {} is often prone to subtle bugs, primarily that its far too easy to stomp on the error in error handlers. And also eval/if isn't the nicest idiom.