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Results 601610 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
sysutils/cronolog-1.7.1 (Score: 0.0072692498)
Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
"cronolog" is a simple program that reads log messages from its input and writes them to a set of output files, the names of which are constructed using template and the current date and time. "cronolog" is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web server, such as Apache to split the access log into daily or monthly logs. E.g.: TransferLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/access.log" ErrorLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/errors.log" would instruct Apache to pipe its access and error log messages into separate copies of cronolog, which would create new log files each day in a directory hierarchy structured by date, i.e. on 31 December 1996 messages would be written to: /www/logs/1996/12/31/access.log /www/logs/1996/12/31/errors.log After midnight the following files would be used: /www/logs/1997/01/01/access.log /www/logs/1997/01/01/errors.log
sysutils/cronolog-1.6.2 (Score: 0.0072692498)
Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
"cronolog" is a simple program that reads log messages from its input and writes them to a set of output files, the names of which are constructed using template and the current date and time. "cronolog" is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web server, such as Apache to split the access log into daily or monthly logs. E.g.: TransferLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/access.log" ErrorLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/errors.log" would instruct Apache to pipe its access and error log messages into separate copies of cronolog, which would create new log files each day in a directory hierarchy structured by date, i.e. on 31 December 1996 messages would be written to: /www/logs/1996/12/31/access.log /www/logs/1996/12/31/errors.log After midnight the following files would be used: /www/logs/1997/01/01/access.log /www/logs/1997/01/01/errors.log
sysutils/pstacku-0.9.2 (Score: 0.007263256)
Retrieve process stack traces
"pstack" is a workalike for the Solaris program of the same name. Running pstack on a process produces a stack trace of each thread in that process. It's useful for finding out what wedged processes are up to, getting profiles of applications, and just satisfying one's curiosity.
mail/dbmail-3.2.3 (Score: 0.007230147)
SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possibility of storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite). * Scalability. Dbmail is as scalable as the database system that is used for the mail storage. In theory millions of accounts can be managed using dbmail. One could, for example, run 4 different servers with the pop3 daemon each connecting to the same database (cluster) server. * Manageability. Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL), without needing shell access. * Speed. Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem. * Security. Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail is as secure as the database it's based upon. * Flexibility. Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are effective immediately.
mail/dbmail-2.2.18 (Score: 0.007230147)
SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possibility of storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite). * Scalability. Dbmail is as scalable as the database system that is used for the mail storage. In theory millions of accounts can be managed using dbmail. One could, for example, run 4 different servers with the pop3 daemon each connecting to the same database (cluster) server. * Manageability. Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL), without needing shell access. * Speed. Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem. * Security. Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail is as secure as the database it's based upon. * Flexibility. Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are effective immediately.
databases/pdo_cassandra-0.2.1 (Score: 0.007223648)
PDO driver for Apache Cassandra
PDO driver for Apache Cassandra Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store. Cassandra brings together the distributed systems technologies from Dynamo and the data model from Google's BigTable. Like Dynamo, Cassandra is eventually consistent. Like BigTable, Cassandra provides a ColumnFamily-based data model richer than typical key/value systems.
chinese/cnprint-3.30b (Score: 0.007206641)
Print CJK text (or convert to PostScript)
CNPRINT is a utility to print Chinese/Japanese/Korean (CJK) text (or convert to PostScript) under DOS, VMS and UNIX systems. It works just as a print command on your system. Currently GB, Hz, zW, BIG5, CNS, JIS, EUC, Shift-JIS, KSC, UTF8, UTF7 and UTF16 formats are supported. CNPRINT also has many other features, among them: * print all CJK codes using a single Unicode CJK font * print GB using Big5 fonts or print Big5 using GB fonts * multiple columns, vertical printing, change font or character size within document * phrase-based GB<->BIG5 conversions * built-in HZ<->GB conversion * repair/re-format functions for CJK text * envelope and address label printing * decode MIME quoted printable (=20=3C=5E like text) * true type fonts (TTF) support With its full Unicode support, it should be able to print other language (e.g. Thai, Vietnames, Arabic as well). For more information, please read the help file.
net/serviio-1.7 (Score: 0.007206641)
Transcoding DLNA-server implemented in Java
Serviio is a free DLNA media server. It allows you to stream your media files (music, video or images) to any DLNA-certified renderer device (e.g. a TV set, Bluray player, games console) on your home network. Serviio uses a priority-based metadata extraction so that you can choose what metadata should describe your media files (e.g. audio track name, DVD cover, TV series and episodes names, etc.). These include metadata embedded into the media files themselves, locally stored metadata files and metadata that can be obtained online. With this powerful tool you will be able to build your Serviio media library easily and effectively. Serviio works with any DLNA compliant device (TV, Playstation 3, etc.) and some other (XBox 360). It supports profiles for particular devices so that it can be tuned to maximise the device's potential and/or minimize lack of media format playback support (via transcoding).
sysutils/Schedule-Cron-1.01 (Score: 0.007206641)
Schedule::Cron - cron-like scheduler for Perl subroutines
This module provides a simple but complete cron like scheduler. I.e this modules can be used for periodically executing Perl subroutines. The dates and parameters for the subroutines to be called are specified with a format known as crontab entry (see manpage crontab(5) or documentation of Schedule::Cron). The philosophy behind Schedule::Cron is to call subroutines periodically from within one single Perl program instead of letting cron trigger several (possibly different) Perl scripts. Everything under one roof. Furthermore Schedule::Cron provides mechanism to create crontab entries dynamically, which isn't that easy with cron. Schedule::Cron knows about all extensions (well, at least all extensions I'm aware of, i.e those of the so called "Vixie" cron) for crontab entries like ranges including 'steps', specification of month and days of the week by name or coexistence of lists and ranges in the same field. And even a bit more (like lists and ranges with symbolic names).
textproc/wiggle-1.0 (Score: 0.007203184)
Apply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs
The main function of wiggle is to apply a patch to a file in a similar manner to the patch(1) program. The distinctive difference of wiggle is that it will attempt to apply a patch even if the "before" part of the patch doesn't match the target file perfectly. This is achieved by breaking the file and patch into words and finding the best alignment of words in the file with words in the patch. Once this alignment has been found, any differences (word- wise) in the patch are applied to the file as best as possible. Also, wiggle will (in some cases) detect changes that have already been applied, and will ignore them. -- Neil Brown