Ports 搜索

devel/cx_Freeze-4.3.3 (Score: 0.0052506765)
The cx_Freeze is a set of utilities for freezing Python scripts
cx_Freeze is a set of utilities for freezing Python scripts into executables using many of techniques found in Thomas Heller's py2exe, Godon McMillan's Installer and the Freeze utility that ships with Python itself.
devel/libdisasm-0.23 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Bastard Disassembly Environment x86 disassembler library and CLI
The libdisasm library provides basic disassembly of Intel x86 instructions from a binary stream. The intent is to provide an easy to use disassembler which can be called from any application; the disassembly can be produced in AT&T syntax and Intel syntax, as well as in an intermediate format which includes detailed instruction and operand type information.
devel/alexandria-2010.01.16 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Collection of portable public domain utilities for Common Lisp
As a project Alexandria's goal is to reduce duplication of effort and improve portability of Common Lisp code according to its own idiosyncratic and rather conservative aesthetic. What this actually means is open to debate, but each project member has a veto on all project activities, so a degree of conservatism is inevitable.
devel/split-sequence-20011114.1 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
split-sequence is a small library to split sequences in to a list of subsequences delimited by an object satisfying a test function. It is a member of the Common Lisp Utilities family of programs, designed by community consensus.
devel/trivial-features-2010.01.16 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp
trivial-features ensures consistent *FEATURES* across multiple Common Lisp implementations. For example, on MacOS X platforms, while most Lisps push :DARWIN to *FEATURES*, CLISP and Allegro push :MACOS and :MACOSX instead, respectively. Some Lisps might not push any feature suggesting MacOS X at all. trivial-features will make sure all Lisps will have :DARWIN in the *FEATURES* list when running on MacOS X.
devel/trivial-gray-streams-2008.11.02 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Thin compatibility layer for Gray streams
trivial-gray-streams is a trivial library which provides an extremely thin compatibility layer for Gray streams. From David N. Gray's STREAM-DEFINITION-BY-USER proposal: "Common Lisp does not provide a standard way for users to define their own streams for use by the standard I/O functions. This impedes the development of window systems for Common Lisp because, while there are standard Common Lisp I/O functions and there are beginning to be standard window systems, there is no portable way to connect them together to make a portable Common Lisp window system. There are also many applications where users might want to define their own filter streams for doing things like printer device control, report formatting, character code translation, or encryption/decryption."
devel/dwarfdump-20130207 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Tool to display DWARF debugging information in ELF files
The dwarfdump tool prints the various elements of DWARF debugging information found in ELF object files.
devel/fastcrc-1.0 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Fast CRC routines
Fast CRC routines written in assembly language, callable using the C and Pascal calling conventions, as well as directly from assembly language programs. This Unix port contains routines for the calculation of traditional CRC-32 used by Zmodem, Opus, Ethernet, and many other protocols. It also contains routines for the POSIX 1003.2 32-bit CRC calculation. See ${PREFIX}/share/doc/fastcrc/index.html for reference. This port requires ELF. It creates libfcrc.so.1, and includes <fastcrc.h> for C programmers. Dependencies: nasm
devel/ebnf2yacc-0.1.1 (Score: 0.0052506765)
ebnf2yacc is a tool to help write yacc parsers/compilers. It takes as input a grammar written in ebnf, and outputs a c++ abstract syntax tree that supports the visitor pattern, along with a yacc file to build the tree.
devel/readline-0.1 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Pure gauche/scheme implementation of the Readline library
Written in Scheme only, this adds input line editing feature to Gauche. Assumes VT100 compatible terminal capability.