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Results 5,6915,700 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
games/lbreakout-010315 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
Nice clone of classical Breakout game
LBreakout is a classical Breakout game and this means (if you like Breakout ;-) it is a lot of fun to play! If you never ever played such a game you can check out the manual for more information and last but not least... play it! This is a list of LBreakout's features: Sound HighScore A menu with mouse support Mouse or keyboard can be used for playing Controls can be redefined Mouse can be kept in window while playing Your starting level can be chosen A difficulty can be selected (easy, medium, hard) Various backgrounds A lot of collectable extras Nice graphics Cool effects Own levels can be created
games/solarconquest-0.2 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
Space 2D action game with plenty of shooting
An expedition to another solar system was supposed to be the biggest event in mankind's history. While it achieved such glory, it also caused a corrupt Admrial to gain new territory. You are part of a small rebel force. Your task is to keep Admrial Moretti's forces at bay, until the Earth Space Forces can send a rescue team. Solar Conquest is a 2D action game that takes place in space. You pilot a fighter and fight alongside dozens of allies. Battles can range from just a dozen a team, or up to all out war with hundreds of ships per team.
graphics/gle-graphics-4.2.4.c (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
Graphics language that produces images from script files
GLE is a graphics language that produces PostScript, EPS, PDF, PNG, or JPG ouput from a simple script file. GLE is a full featured scripting language that includes variables, subroutines, logic control, looping, a graphing tool, and more to produce high quality output. It has a full range of facilities for producing publication-quality graphs, diagrams, posters and slides. GLE provides LaTeX quality fonts together with a flexible graphics module, which allows the user to specify any feature of a graph (down to the line width of the subticks, for example).
graphics/netpbm-10.35.98 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
Toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
Netpbm is a toolkit for conversion of images between a variety of different formats, as well as to allow a few basic image operations. Netpbm is based on the widely spread Pbmplus package (release: 10 Dec 91). On top of that, a lot of improvements and additions have been made. After the latest release of Pbmplus, a lot of additional filters have been circulating on the net. The aim of Netpbm was, to collect these and to turn them into a package. This work has been performed by a group of programmers all over the world.
net-mgmt/netdisco-2.033006 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
Network discovery/management tool with web console
Netdisco is a web-based network management tool designed for network administrators. Data is collected into a PostgreSQL database using SNMP. Some of the things you can do with Netdisco: Locate a machine on the network by MAC or IP and show the switch port it lives at Turn off a switch port, or change the VLAN or PoE status of a port Inventory your network hardware by model, vendor, software and operating system Pretty pictures of your network App::Netdisco provides a web frontend with built-in web server, and a backend daemon to handle interactive requests such as changing port or device properties.
net-mgmt/pads-1.2 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
Passively detect network assets
PADS is a signature based detection engine used to passively detect network assets. It is designed to complement IDS technology by providing context to IDS alerts. Goals: * Passive: Records and identifies traffic seen on a network without actively "scanning" a system. There will never be a packet sent from the pads applications. * Portable: Has the ability to be placed easily on a remote system. Does not require additional external libraries other than those associated with libpcap. * Lightweight: Logging is sent to a simple CSV file. There is no need for a database or other data repository installed on the local machine. All correlation is done outside of the pads program.
security/poly1305aes-20050218 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
Poly1305 message authentication reference implementation using AES
Poly1305-AES is a state-of-the-art secret-key message-authentication code suitable for a wide variety of applications. Poly1305-AES computes a 16-byte authenticator of a message of any length, using a 16-byte nonce (unique message number) and a 32-byte secret key. Attackers can't modify or forge messages if the message sender transmits an authenticator along with each message and the message receiver checks each authenticator. There's a mailing list for Poly1305-AES discussions. To subscribe, send an empty message to poly1305-subscribe@list.cr.yp.to.
security/webfwlog-1.01 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
Web-based firewall log analyzer
Webfwlog is a flexible web-based analysis and reporting tool for firewall logs. It supports log files in standard ipfilter or ipfw format. With Webfwlog you can design reports to use on your firewall logs in whatever configuration you desire. Included are example reports as a starting point. You can sort a report with a single click, "drill-down" on the reports all the way to the packet level, and save your reports for later use. You can also create a link directly to any saved report. Webfwlog requires a web server with PHP support and a MySQL or PostgresSQL database server.
sysutils/downtimed-1.0 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
System downtime monitoring and reporting tool
downtimed is a program that monitors operating system downtime, uptime, shutdowns and crashes and keeps records of those events. downtimed(8) is a daemon process which is intended to be started automatically from system boot scripts every time when the operating system of a server starts. First the daemon logs its findings about the previous downtime to a specified logging destination as well as in a database file which can be displayed with downtimes(1). After that the daemon just keeps waiting in the background and periodically updates a time stamp file on the disk. downtimes(1) is a command-line tool which can be used to inspect previous downtime records.
textproc/Text_Highlighter-0.7.3 (Score: 1.0279525E-4)
PEAR Syntax highlighting
Text_Highlighter is a package for syntax highlighting. It provides a base class provining all the functionality, and a descendent classes geneator class. The main idea is to simplify creation of subclasses implementing syntax highlighting for particular language. Subclasses do not implement any new functioanality, they just provide syntax highlighting rules. The rules sources are in XML format. To create a highlighter for a language, there is no need to code a new class manually. Simply describe the rules in XML file and use Text_Highlighter_Generator to create a new class.