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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第7,6317,640项(搜索用时0.013秒)
x11-toolkits/unique-1.1.6 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Library for single instance applications
Unique is a library for writing single instance application. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side. Unique aims to replace the BaconMessageConnection code that has been copied by many projects and the code using Bonobo and D-Bus.
x11/libsx-1.1 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Simple X11 library
Libsx is a library of code that sits on top of and to the side of the Athena widget set. Its purpose is to make writing X applications *much* easier. To accomplish this, libsx encapsulates a large portion of the uglier details that arise while programming in X and it fills in some gaps that exist with the Athena Widget set (such as a widget for drawing graphics); libsx tries to simplify the common case down to a single function call with only a few arguments.
x11/metisse-0.4.1 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Innovative X-based window system
Metisse is an experimental X desktop with neat OpenGL features. It consists of a virtual X server called Xmetisse, a special version of FVWM, and a FVWM module FvwmCompositor. Metisse was designed with two goals in mind. First, it should make it easy for HCI researchers to design and implement innovative window management techniques. Second, it should conform to existing standards and be robust and efficient enough to be used on a daily basis, making a suitable platform for the evaluation of the proposed techniques.
databases/kyotocabinet-1.2.76 (Score: 1.5386227E-4)
Straightforward implementation of DBM
Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. Kyoto Cabinet runs very fast. For example, elapsed time to store one million records is 0.9 seconds for hash database, and 1.1 seconds for B+ tree database. Moreover, the size of database of Kyoto Cabinet is very small. For example, overhead for a record is 16 bytes for hash database, and 4 bytes for B+ tree database. Furthermore, scalability of Kyoto Cabinet is great. The database size can be up to 8EB (9.22e18 bytes). Kyoto Cabinet is written in the C++ language, and provided as API of C++, C, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, and Lua. Kyoto Cabinet is available on platforms which have API conforming to C++03 with the TR1 library extensions. Kyoto Cabinet is a free software licensed under the GNU General Public License.
devel/PEAR_PackageFileManager2-1.0.4 (Score: 1.5386227E-4)
PEAR class to maintain PEAR packages
This package revolutionizes the maintenance of PEAR packages. With a few parameters, the entire package.xml is automatically updated with a listing of all files in a package. Features include - manages the new package.xml 2.0 format in PEAR 1.4.0 - can detect PHP and extension dependencies using PHP_CompatInfo - reads in an existing package.xml file, and only changes the release/changelog - a plugin system for retrieving files in a directory. Currently four plugins exist, one for standard recursive directory content listing, one that reads the CVS/Entries files and generates a file listing based on the contents of a checked out CVS repository, one that reads Subversion entries files, and one that queries a Perforce repository. - incredibly flexible options for assigning install roles to files/directories - ability to ignore any file based on a * ? wildcard-enabled string(s) - ability to include only files that match a * ? wildcard-enabled string(s) - ability to manage dependencies - can output the package.xml in any directory, and read in the package.xml file from any directory. - can specify a different name for the package.xml file
net/freenet6-6.0.1 (Score: 1.5386227E-4)
Hexago Freenet6 Tunnel Setup Protocol Client - Free IPv6 tunnel
Freenet6 is an IPv6 access service offered for free to the community. This service enables thousands of people from all over the world to experience the best solution for a smooth and incremental deployment of IPv6. Freenet6 users can get IPv6 connectivity from anywhere, including from behind any NAT device or from outside of their home network. On Freenet6, a single, permanent IPv6 address and a DNS name are assigned to each user, making their PC reachable from anywhere on the IPv6 internet. A full /48 prefix may also be assigned to a router, enabling the distribution of IPv6 connectivity to an entire network. Freenet 6 - Get Connected For Free! Instead of a Web interface, which is usually offered by traditional tunnel brokers, Freenet6 uses an innovative model based on a client/server architecture. The Gateway6 Client is software that usually runs on a PC and that implements the Tunnel Setup Protocol (TSP). The Gateway6 Client is used to automatically negotiate a configured tunnel between a PC or router and the Freenet6 tunnel broker, making IPv6 easy to install and maintain. The Gateway6 Client source code is licensed under the GPL. A commercial license is also available.
security/Authen-PAAS-1.1.1 (Score: 1.5386227E-4)
Perl Authentication & Authorization Service
The Authen::PAAS distribution provides a Perl API for authenticating and authorizing users of computing services. Its design is inspired by existing pluggable authentication services such as PAM and Java's JAAS, so people familiar with those two services should be comfortable with the concepts in Authen::PAAS. At its heart, Authen::PAAS provides a login service, with pluggable modules for performing different authentication schemes. The pluggable framework enables the system administrator, rather than the application developer to define what method is used to authentication with a particular application. One might ask, why not just use PAM directly via the existing Authen::PAM Perl bindings. While this works well for applications which wish to authenticate against real UNIX user accounts (eg FTP, Telnet, SSH), it is not particularly well suited to applications with 'virtualized' user accounts. For example, a web application may maintain a set of virtual user accounts in a database, or a chat server, may maintain a set of user accounts in a text configuration file. Since it merely delegates through to the underlying C libraries, the Authen::PAM module does not provide a convenient means to write new authentication schemes in Perl. Thus the Authen::PAAS distribution provides a pure Perl API for authentication.
textproc/pandoc- (Score: 1.5386227E-4)
Conversion between markup formats
Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. It can read markdown and (subsets of) HTML, reStructuredText, LaTeX, DocBook, MediaWiki markup, TWiki markup, Haddock markup, OPML, Emacs Org-Mode, txt2tags and Textile, and it can write markdown, reStructuredText, XHTML, HTML 5, LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook, OPML, OpenDocument, ODT, Word docx, RTF, MediaWiki, DokuWiki, Textile, groff man pages, plain text, Emacs Org-Mode, AsciiDoc, Haddock markup, EPUB (v2 and v3), FictionBook2, InDesign ICML, and several kinds of HTML/javascript slide shows (S5, Slidy, Slideous, DZSlides, reveal.js). Pandoc extends standard markdown syntax with footnotes, embedded LaTeX, definition lists, tables, and other features. A compatibility mode is provided for those who need a drop-in replacement for Markdown.pl. In contrast to existing tools for converting markdown to HTML, which use regex substitutions, pandoc has a modular design: it consists of a set of readers, which parse text in a given format and produce a native representation of the document, and a set of writers, which convert this native representation into a target format. Thus, adding an input or output format requires only adding a reader or writer.
audio/csound-5.19.01 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Sound synthesizer
Csound is a programming language designed and optimized for sound rendering and signal processing. The language consists of over 450 opcodes - the operational codes that the sound designer uses to build "instruments" or patches. Although there are an increasing number of graphical "front-ends" for the language, you typically design and modify your patches using a word processor. Usually, you create two text files - a .orc (orchestra) file containing the "instruments," and a .sco (score) file containing the "notes." In Csound, the complexity of your patches is limited by your knowledge, interest, and need, but never by the language itself. For instance, a 22,050 oscillator additive synthesizer with 1024 stage envelope generators on each is merely a copy-and-paste operation. The same goes for a 1 million voice granular texture! Have you ever dreamed of sounds such as these? Well in Csound you can. And in Csound these dreams can come true!
audio/umodplayer-0.b5.1 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Console module player
UModPlayer or Universal Module Player is a audio module "tool-chain", providing you functions to work with modules like playing, exporting, getting information, and more. * You can play the supported formats and seek to any order in the song. You have pause, timer, display, and other standard features. * You can view the pattern notes while playing. * Playlist support: you can create playlists, delete or move individual items in a playlist, import a playlist from the current directory contents, save a playlist and load a saved playlist... * You can specify any of the ModPlug options: noise reduction, megabass, surround, reverb sound options specifying the grade and the delay of most of the options. * You can export the audio data of a module to any of the supported formats * You can read and export to a file the song builtin message, the song instrument names and the song sample names. * Each user of your UNIX box can save all the sound options. * And much more!