Ports 搜索

textproc/ripole-0.2.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Small program designed to pull attachments out of OLE2 documents
ripOLE is a small program/library designed to pull out attachments from OLE2 data files (ie, MS Office documents). ripOLE is BSD licenced meaning that commercial projects can also use the code without worrying about licence costs or legal liabilities. Currently, ripOLE is in a development phase. It can extract some files from Microsoft Office documents. Ultimately, what ripOLE should be able to do is convert any embedded content in MS Office files back into its original format (JPEG, arbitary files, movies etc).
textproc/rman-3.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Reverse compile man pages from formatted form
PolyglotMan takes formatted man pages from most of the popular flavours of UN*X and transforms them into any of a number of source formats. It can produce ASCII-only, section headers-only, TkMan, [tn]roff, Ensemble, SGML, HTML, LaTeX, RTF, Perl 5 POD.
textproc/hunspell-3.3.10 (Score: 0.068937615)
Romanian hunspell dictionaries
Romanian hunspell dictionaries
textproc/hyphen-3.3.10 (Score: 0.068937615)
Romanian hyphenation rules
Romanian hyphenation rules
textproc/mythes-3.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Romanian thesaurus
Romanian thesaurus
textproc/sphinxcontrib-bitbucket-1.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Sphinx/BitBucket integration
This module adds custom roles to Sphinx for linking to resources on BitBucket projects.
textproc/rtf2html-1.1.b (Score: 0.068937615)
一个简单的 rtf2html 转换器
一个简单的 rtf2html 转换器。如果没有指定文件,rtf2html 将从标准输入读取。 - ehaupt ehaupt@critical.ch
textproc/rtfreader-1.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
一个便携的 application/ms-rtf 解析器
RTF 是微软的富文本格式,一个更便携、主要是ASCII的格式化语言,它由像微软 Word 字处理软件导出。这些文件一般具有扩展名 .rtf,但偶尔也用 .doc 扩展 名。这个解析器是从微软规范移植到 Unix 系统的。 - jim <jim@FreeBSD.org>
textproc/rubber-1.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Wrapper for LaTeX and friends
Rubber is a program whose purpose is to handle all tasks related to the compilation of LaTeX documents. This includes compiling the document itself, of course, enough times so that all references are defined, and running BibTeX to manage bibliographic references. Automatic execution of dvips to produce PostScript documents is also included, as well as usage of pdfLaTeX to produce PDF documents.
Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs
This contrib extension, sphinxcontrib.httpdomain provides a Sphinx domain for describing RESTful HTTP APIs.