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Create and drop tables, primary indexes, and sequences
DBIx::Admin::CreateTable is a pure Perl module. Database vendors supported: MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, SQLite. Assumptions: - Every table has a primary key - The primary key is a unique, non-null, integer - The primary key is a single column - The primary key column is called 'id' - If a primary key has a corresponding auto-created index, the index is called 't_pkey': This is true for Postgres, where declaring a column as a primary key automatically results in the creation of an associated index for that column. The index is named after the table, not after the column. - If a table 't' (with primary key 'id') has an associated sequence, the sequence is called 't_id_seq': This is true for both Oracle and Postgres, which use sequences to populate primary key columns. The sequences are named after both the table and the column.
audio/trackstat-2.11.3435 (Score: 4.9583152E-5)
Squeezebox Server plugin to store ratings and statistics about songs
This is a statistic plugin for Squeezebox Server. Squeezebox Server normally stores statistics about the last time a track was played, when a specific track was added to the library and how many times a track has been played. The problem is that all of these statistics are cleared every time you perform a full rescan of Squeezebox Server. The TrackStat plugin solves this problem by making sure that the statistics survive a rescan. Besides this TrackStat also extends the statistics a bit, one example is that it doesn't count a track as played just because you listen to the first 2 seconds of it, you will have to play a certain amount of the track until it is played. TrackStat also makes it possible to put a rating on all your tracks by holding a number between 1-5 down on the now playing screen. The other main functionality the TrackStat plugins provides is various ways to browse your music based on the statistic information. The standard Squeezebox Server only makes it possible to show most played tracks. The TrackStat plugin makes it possible to show the statistics in a lot more ways. The purpose is simply to give you another way to select which music you like to play, for example like: * Find tracks you haven't played for a long time * Find tracks you have recently added to the library * Find top rated tracks * Find least played tracks * And a lot more...
audio/gnomoradio-0.15.1 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Program for finding and playing free music from the Internet
Gnomoradio is quickly becoming a fully-featured music player and peer to peer file sharing system. Here is a quick outline of its current features that more or less work: * Finds and plays mp3's and ogg's that are located on the user's hard drive * Sorts songs in playlists, including search playlists for songs that match a given criteria * Searches for, downloads and shares songs that are available under a Creative Commons license * Recommends songs based on a user's listening preferences, almost like a totally personalized radio broadcast
benchmarks/nuttcp-7.3.2 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
TCP/UDP network testing tool
nuttcp is a network performance measurement tool intended for use by network and system managers. Its most basic usage is to determine the raw TCP (or UDP) network layer throughput by transferring memory buffers from a source system across an interconnecting network to a destination system, either transferring data for a specified time interval, or alternatively transferring a specified number of bytes. nuttcp is based on nttcp, but have several useful features such as a server mode, rate limiting, multiple parallel streams, and timer based usage.
deskutils/xrolo-2.6 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Electronic Rolodex
Rolo is a tool for the Sun workstation which presents a user interface to a simple database of notes in a manner which approximates a Rolodex file. Each note in your Rolo file is meant to simulate a 3x5 card upon which you may scribble anything you like. You can have any number of cards in your rolodex, Rolo will keep track of them for you. You may browse around through them, create new ones, throw old ones away, search for strings in them, etc.
devel/libuutil-1.0.3 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Illumos userland utilities library
libuutil is a library of userland utilities originating from solaris This library provides both a doubly linked-list implementation and a AVL tree implementation. This has been a private library best known as a core component for ZFS and SMF. The performance is considered excellent. As this has always been a private library, it is not well documented and there is no man page for it. The best documentation is located in the source code and reading OpenSolaris/Illumos ZFS and SMF sources will help as well.
devel/codeworker-4.5.3 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Versatile parsing tool and source code generator
CodeWorker is a parsing tool and a source code generator, available in Open Source (distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License) devoted to cover many aspects of the generative programming. Generative programming is a software engineering approach for producing reusable, tailor-made, evolvable and reliable IT systems with a high level of automation. The tool interprets a scripting language that drives the processing of parsing and source code generation in a quite familiar syntax for developers. It insists on adapting the syntax of the language to the particularities of tasks to resolve (parse, code generation, procedural) and on offering powerful functionalities to do intensive source code generation.
devel/Data-Dump-1.23 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Pretty printing of data structures
This module provides a single function called dump() that takes a list of values as its argument and produces a string as its result. The string contains Perl code that, when evaled, produces a deep copy of the original arguments. The string is formatted for easy reading. If dump() is called in a void context, then the dump is printed on STDERR instead of being returned. If you don't like importing a function that overrides Perl's not-so-useful builtin, then you can also import the same function as pp(), mnemonic for "pretty-print".
devel/Devel-Leak-0.03 (Score: 4.868969E-5)
Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed
Devel::Leak has two functions NoteSV and CheckSV. NoteSV walks the perl internal table of allocated SVs (scalar values) - (which actually contains arrays and hashes too), and records their addresses in a table. It returns a count of these "things", and stores a pointer to the table (which is obtained from the heap using malloc()) in its argument. CheckSV is passed argument which holds a pointer to a table created by NoteSV. It re-walks the perl-internals and calls sv_dump() for any "things" which did not exist when NoteSV was called. It returns a count of the number of "things" now allocated.
Configurator implementation with Config::Any
Log::Dispatch::Config is a wrapper for Log::Dispatch and provides a way to configure Log::Dispatch objects with configuration files. Somewhat like a lite version of log4j and Log::Log4perl it allows multiple log destinations. The standard configuration file format for Log::Dispatch::Config is AppConfig. This module plugs in to Log::Dispatch::Config and allows the use of other file formats, in fact any format supported by the Config::Any module. As a bonus you can also pass in a configuration data structure instead of a file name.