Ports Search

Results 2,2112,220 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.01 seconds)
science/Chemistry-Ring-0.20 (Score: 8.715876E-4)
Represent a ring as a substructure of a molecule
Perl module which provides some basic methods for representing a ring.
security/rex-struct2-0.1.0 (Score: 8.7127264E-4)
Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for creating and using C-like structs
This Gem contains all of the Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for generating/manipulating C-Style structs.
sysutils/clsync-0.4.r2 (Score: 8.7127264E-4)
Live file sync daemon based on inotify, written in GNU C
file live sync daemon based on inotify, written in GNU C
www/plone.app.caching-1.1.11 (Score: 8.7127264E-4)
Plone UI and default rules for plone.caching/z3c.caching
Plone UI and default rules for plone.caching/z3c.caching.
devel/tcllib-1.18 (Score: 8.706782E-4)
Collection of utility modules for Tcl
Tcllib is a collection of utility modules for Tcl. The intent is to collect commonly used function into a single library, which users can rely on to be available and stable. There are too many modules now to list here. Browse the on-line documentation at http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/ to get the idea. This port installs pure-Tcl versions of the modules only. C-implementations -- for some of the modules -- can be added by installing devel/tcllibc port.
devel/AI-Pathfinding-AStar-0.10 (Score: 8.681216E-4)
Perl implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm
This module implements the A* pathfinding algorithm. It acts as a base class from which a custom map object can be derived. It requires from the map object a subroutine named "getSurrounding" and provides to the object a routine called "findPath" which calculates the shortest (ie. least-expensive) path between two nodes.
devel/statik-20141209 (Score: 8.658453E-4)
Embed static files into a Go executable
statik allows you to embed a directory of static files into your Go binary to be later served from an http.FileSystem. Is this a crazy idea? No, not necessarily. If you're building a tool that has a Web component, you typically want to serve some images, CSS and JavaScript. You like the comfort of distributing a single binary, so you don't want to mess with deploying them elsewhere. If your static files are not large in size and will be browsed by a few people, statik is a solution you are looking for.
databases/rdfdb-0.46 (Score: 8.657717E-4)
Lightweight RDF database
R.V. Guha's rdfDB. Intended to be a simple, scalable, open-source database for RDF. Written in C and based on top of the Sleepycat Berkeley Database, it supports interrogation via TCP/IP sockets, meaning integration is possible with any programming language. rdfDB uses a high level SQLish query language. The data is modelled as a directed labelled graph (RDF). The goals of this project are to build a database that is capable of: 1. Supporting a graph oriented API via a textual query language ala SQL. 2. Load/Reload an RDF file from a url into the database 3. Scalable to millions of nodes and triples. 4. Provide support for RDF Schemas. 5. Provide support for some basic forms of inferencing. 6. Provide both C and Perl access to the database. 7. The Perl philosophy applies : Simple things should be simple and complex things should be possible.
devel/libconfig-1.0.5 (Score: 8.643669E-4)
C library for parsing config files
libconfig is a simple library for dealing with parsing config files.
devel/gtgt-3.2.0 (Score: 8.642248E-4)
General (or GNU) template generation tools
The (general | GNU) template generation tools are a set of scripts for creating a whole set of sources, which may already be compiled and installed by using the GNU development tools. Think of gtgt as a program which is able to create an already compilable, very sophisticated "hello world" program, written in C or C++ and constituted by a main program, two internal modules (classes), one static and one shared library. Using gitty-gitty you will get a template of sources for the main cases you might meet, and which you can also use as examples for automake, autoconf and so on.