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java/je-6.2.31 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
这是一个纯Java实现的Berkeley(伯克利)数据库(由SleepyCat开发,现在是Oracle)。 编译时需要Java 1.5,虽然结果可以在1.4下运行。来自 “Berkeley(伯克利)数据库Java版设计基于Java。它充分利用Java环境。Berkeley (伯克利)数据库Java版API提供了一个Java集合式(Java Collections-style)的接 口,以及一个类似Berkeley(伯克利)数据库API的编程接口。 Berkeley(伯克利)数据库Java版不同于其他的Java数据库。Berkeley(伯克利) 数据库Java版不是一个建立在Java上的关系性数据库引擎。它是一个Berkeley(伯克利) 数据库式的嵌入式存储,设计了给程序员用的接口,而不是DBA(数据库管理员)。Berkeley (伯克利)数据库Java版的体系使用了基于日志的、不改写的存储系统,高并发和高速度, 同时提供ACID事务和记录级别的锁。Berkeley(伯克利)数据库Java版本在内存里高效地 缓存最频繁使用的数据,而没有应用程序上的限制。这样,Berkeley(伯克利)数据库 Java版充分利用JVM资源来提供访问非常大的数据集的能力。 Berkeley(伯克利)数据库Java版体系为任何需要高性能、交易完整性和可恢复性的 Java应用程序提供了一个潜在的存储层。”
lang/groovy-2.4.7 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Agile dynamic language for the JVM
Groovy is an agile dynamic language for the Java 2 Platform that has many of the features that people like so much in languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk, making them available to Java developers using a Java-like syntax. Groovy is designed to help you get things done on the Java 2 Platform in a quick, concise and fun way. Groovy brings the power of a scripting language directly into the Java 2 Platform. For example: - Shell scripting using Groovy allows the full power of the Java Platform to be brought to bear to the task at hand. - Groovy can be used (and indeed is already being used) as a replacement for Java for small and medium sized applications to execute on the Java 2 Platform. - Groovy can be used as an embedded language for dynamic business rules or extension points utilizing the agility of Groovy and saving the cost of redeploying applications for each change of rule (especially when the rules are stored in a database). - Groovy makes writing test cases for unit tests very easy. As well as being a powerful language for scripting Java objects, Groovy can be used as an alternative compiler to javac to generate standard Java bytecode to be used by any Java project.
lang/scheme48-1.9.2 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Scheme Underground's implementation of R5RS
Scheme 48 is an implementation of the Scheme programming language as described in the Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. It is based on a compiler and interpreter for a virtual Scheme machine. The name derives from our desire to have an implementation that is simple and lucid enough that it looks as if it were written in just 48 hours. We don't claim to have reached that stage yet; much more simplification is necessary. Scheme 48 is an implementation of the Scheme programming language as described in the Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme [6]. It is based on a compiler and interpreter for a virtual Scheme machine. Scheme 48 tries to be faithful to the Revised5 Scheme Report, providing neither more nor less in the initial user environment. (This is not to say that more isn't available in other environments; see below.) Scheme 48 is under continual development. Please report bugs, especially in the VM, especially core dumps, to scheme-48-bugs@s48.org. Include the version number x.yy from the "Welcome to Scheme 48 x.yy" greeting message in your bug report. It is a goal of this project to produce a bullet-proof system; we want no bugs and, especially, no crashes.
mail/skem-1.0.2 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Cache earlier sendmail's verdicts for the relays
The skem utility is a sendmail milter, that checks and maintains a list of whitelisted, temporary banned, and permanently blacklisted IP-addresses. How you obtain the entries is up to you, but the included logwatcher module provides one possibility. The list is stored in a directory, each entry being a file (usually -- zero sized) or a symlink (usually -- a "broken" one). Such entries are stored efficiently (within the directory itself) and the directories are searched using the hash tables on modern file systems. At the same time, they can be listed, added, and removed with the simple ls(1), touch(1), and rm(1). This milter does not itself filter spam, instead it memorizes the verdicts issued by your other anti-spam defenses to reduce the system load and resource consumption, by temporarily rejecting the relays suspected of spamming (banned) and, optionally, by permanently rejecting the relays "convicted" of spamming (blacklisted). The idea is to stem the spam from real spam sources, while reducing the ill effects of false-positives to merely delaying, rather than rejecting future messages.
math/kktdirect-0.5 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Direct solver package for saddle-point (KKT) matrices
KKTDirect implements an ordering method and accompanying factorization for the direct solution of saddle-point matrices (also known as KKT or equilibrium matrices). A simple constraint on ordering together with an assumption on the rank of parts of the matrix are sufficient to guarantee the existence of the LDL^T factorization, stability concerns aside. In fact, D may be taken to be a diagonal matrix with +/-1 along the diagonal, and be fully determined prior to factorization, giving rise to a "signed Cholesky" factorization. A modified minimum-degree-like algorithm which incorporates this constraint is used, along with a simple algorithm to modify an existing fill-reducing ordering to respect the constraint. While a stability analysis is lacking, numerical experiments indicate that this is generally sufficient to avoid the need for numerical pivoting during factorization, with clear possible benefits for performance. Note this is only alpha-quality proof-of-concept code: for example, out-of-memory errors are not handled gracefully, and the provided Minimum Degree routine is not yet competitive with other packages.
math/unuran-1.8.1 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Universal Non-Uniform RANdom number generators
UNU.RAN (Universal Non-Uniform RAndom Number generator) is a collection of algorithms for generating non-uniform pseudorandom variates as a library of C functions designed and implemented by the ARVAG (Automatic Random VAriate Generation) project group in Vienna, and released under the GNU Public License (GPL). It is especially designed for situations where: - a non-standard distribution or a truncated distribution is needed; - experiments with different types of distributions are made; - random variates for variance reduction techniques are used; or - fast generators of predictable quality are necessary. UNU.RAN provides generators that are superior in many aspects to those found in quite a number of other libraries; however, due to its more sophisticated programming interface, it might not be as easy to use. It uses an object-oriented interface in which distributions and generators are treated as independent objects, so that different methods for generating non-uniform random variates may be chosen according to various criteria, such as speed, quality, and variance reduction. It is flexible enough to permit sampling from non-standard distributions, such as distributions that arise in a model and can only be computed in complicated subroutines.
net-mgmt/pandora_server-6.0.2 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Pandora FMS server
Pandora FMS is a monitoring Open Source software. It watches your systems and applications, and allows you to know the status of any element of those systems. Pandora FMS could detect a network interface down, a defacement in your website, a memory leak in one of your server application, or the movement of any value of the NASDAQ new technology market. Pandora FMS could send out SMS message when your systems fails... or when Google's value drop below US348.60? Pandora FMS runs on any operating system, with specific agents for each platform, gathering data and sending it to a server, it has specific agents for GNU/Linux, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, BSD/IPSO, and Windows 2000, XP and 2003. Pandora FMS can also monitor any kind of TCP/IP service, without the need to install agents, and monitor network systems such as load balancers, routers, switches, operating systems, applications, or simply printers if you need. Pandora FMS also supports SNMP for collecting data and for receiving traps. A few examples of common resources monitored by Pandora FMS could be processor load, disk and memory usage, running processes, log files, environmental factors such as temperature, or application values like strings contained in web pages or any possible way to collect data in an automatic way.
net/rwhoisd- (Score: 6.344661E-5)
The Internic referral whois server
With the exponential growth of the Internet, a central Whois database that provides host and network information of systems connected to the Internet, and electronic mail (email) addresses of the users of those systems has proven to be very inefficient. The sheer size and effort needed to maintain a centralized database necessitates an alternate, decentralized approach to storing and retrieving this information. RWhois is a Directory Services protocol which extends and enhances the Whois concept in a hierarchical and scaleable fashion. It focuses on the distribution of "network objects"--the data representing Internet resources or people--and uses the inherently hierarchical nature of these network objects (domain names, Internet Protocol (IP) networks, email addresses) to more accurately discover the requested information. RWhois synthesizes concepts from other, established Internet protocols to create a more useful way to find resources across the Internet. The RWhois protocol and architecture derive a great deal of structure from the Domain Name System (DNS) [RFC 1034] and borrow directory service concepts from other directory service efforts, primarily [X.500]. The protocol is also influenced by earlier established Internet protocols, such as the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) [RFC 821] for response codes.
net/openpgm-5.2.122 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Implementation of the PGM reliable multicast protocol
OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) specification in RFC 3208 available at www.ietf.org. PGM is a reliable and scalable multicast protocol that enables receivers to detect loss, request retransmission of lost data, or notify an application of unrecoverable loss. PGM is a receiver-reliable protocol, which means the receiver is responsible for ensuring all data is received, absolving the sender of reception responsibility. PGM runs over a best effort datagram service, currently OpenPGM uses IP multicast but could be implemented above switched fabrics such as InfiniBand. PGM is appropriate for applications that require duplicate-free multicast data delivery from multiple sources to multiple receivers. PGM does not support acknowledged delivery, nor does it guarantee ordering of packets from multiple senders. PGM is primarly used on internal networks to help integrate disparate systems through a common communication platform. A lack of IPv4 multicast-enabled infrastructure leads to limited capability for internet applications, IPv6 promotes multicast to be a part of the core functionality of IP but may still be disabled on core routers. Support of Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) allows for improved WAN deployment by allowing end-point router filtering of unwanted source traffic
print/auctex-11.88 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Integrated environment for writing LaTeX using GNU Emacs
AUC TeX is a comprehensive customizable integrated environment for writing input files for LaTeX using GNU Emacs. AUC TeX lets you run TeX/LaTeX and other LaTeX-related tools, such as a output filters or post processor from inside Emacs. Especially `running LaTeX' is interesting, as AUC TeX lets you browse through the errors TeX reported, while it moves the cursor directly to the reported error, and displays some documentation for that particular error. This will even work when the document is spread over several files. AUC TeX automatically indents your `LaTeX-source', not only as you write it -- you can also let it indent and format an entire document. It has a special outline feature, which can greatly help you `getting an overview' of a document. Apart from these special features, AUC TeX provides a large range of handy Emacs macros, which in several different ways can help you write your LaTeX documents fast and painlessly. All features of AUC TeX are documented using the GNU Emacs online documentation system. That is, documentation for any command is just a key click away! AUC TeX is written entirely in Emacs-Lisp, and hence you can easily add new features for your own needs.