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Results 5,1715,180 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.003 seconds)
devel/tijmp-0.7 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tools Interface Java Memory Profiler
TIJmp is a memory profiler for java. TIJmp is made for java/6 and later, it will not work on java/5 systems. If you need a profiler for java/5 or earlier try the jmp profiler. TIJmp is written to be fast and have a small footprint, both memory- and cpu- wise. This means that the jvm will run at almost full speed, until you use tijmp to find some information. TIJmp uses C code to talk to the jvm and it uses swing to show the tables of information. So tijmp is written in C (using jvmti and jni) and Java. TIJmp runs in the same jvm as the program being profiled. This means that it can easily get access to all things jvmti/jni has to offer. TIJmp is distributed under the General Public License, GPL. Usage: java -Dtijmp.jar=%JAVAJARDIR%/tijmp.jar -agentlib:tijmp <your-class>
devel/nio4r-1.2.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
New IO for Ruby
nio4r provides an abstract, cross-platform stateful I/O selector API for Ruby. I/O selectors are the heart of "reactor"-based event loops, and monitor multiple I/O objects for various types of readiness, e.g. ready for reading or writing. The most similar API provided by Ruby today is Kernel.select, however the select API requires you to pass in arrays of all of the I/O objects you're interested in every time. nio4r provides a more object-oriented API that lets you register I/O objects with a selector then handle them when they're selected for various types of events. nio4r is modeled after the Java NIO API, but simplified for ease-of-use. Its goals are: - Expose high-level interfaces for stateful IO selectors - Keep the API small to maximize both portability and performance across many different OSes and Ruby VMs - Provide inherently thread-safe facilities for working with IO objects
devel/nori-2.6.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Library for converting XML to Hash syntax
XML to Hash translator.
devel/notiffany-0.1.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Single wrapper for most popular notification libraries
Notiffany is a notification library supporting popular notifiers, such as: Growl, libnotify, TMux, Emacs, rb-notifu, notifysend, gntp, TerminalNotifier. Features: - most popular notification libraries supported - easy to override options at any level (new(), notify()) - using multiple notifiers simultaneously - child processes reuse same configuration
devel/notify-0.5.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Desktop notify for many platform
rubygem-notify provides notification functionalities on cross platforms.
devel/tmake-1.13 (Score: 0.032514982)
Extremely portable perl-based make utility
This is a port of tmake, the tool from Troll Tech to create and maintain makefiles for software projects. It is especially useful if you develop for more than one platform or use more than one compiler. tmake automates and streamlines this process and lets you spend your valuable time on writing code, not makefiles.
devel/nprogress-rails- (Score: 0.032514982)
Rails implementation of nprogress progress bars library
Rails implementation of nprogress progress bars library
devel/toh-0.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Text to include
A filter program, used to generate text to be included into C code as #define, provides the conversion of newlines and quotes into standard C-code text
devel/tokamak-1.0.5a (Score: 0.032514982)
High performance real-time physics library
Tokamak Game Physics SDK is a high performance real-time physics library designed specially for games. It has a high-level, simple to use programming interface. With Tokamak, game developers and designers are empowered to produce the next generation of interactive games.
devel/numerizer-0.2.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Parse numbers in natural language from strings
Numerizer is a gem to help with parsing numbers in natural language from strings (ex forty two).