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Results 5,1215,130 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.004 seconds)
devel/libkolab-0.6.3 (Score: 0.032514982)
Advanced Kolab Object Handling Library
Libkolab provides advanced calendaring functionality including: * Recurrence handling * Timezone handling * iTip/iMip parsing/generation * Freebusy generation
devel/liblas12-1.2.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Library For Reading And Writing LAS-Format Data
libLAS is a BSD library for reading and writing ASPRS LAS version 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 data. LAS-formatted data is heavily used in LiDAR processing operations, and the LAS format is a sequential binary format used to store data from sensors and as intermediate processing storage by some applications.
devel/str-0.9.12 (Score: 0.032514982)
Generic String Library
OSSP str - Generic String Library Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/> OSSP str is a generic string library written in ISO-C which provides functions for handling, matching, parsing, searching and formatting of ISO-C strings. So it can be considered as a superset of POSIX string(3), but its main intention is to provide a more convenient and compact API plus a more generalized functionality.
devel/strace-4.5.18 (Score: 0.032514982)
System call tracer
strace is a system call tracer, i.e. a debugging tool which prints out a trace of all the system calls made by a another process/program. strace is similar to the native BSD ``truss'' utility, but it's output style is more convenient in most cases. For strace to work, procfs has to be mounted. FreeBSD does not mount it by default. For more information, man procfs.
devel/memoist-0.14.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Memoize methods invocation
Memoist is an extraction of ActiveSupport::Memoizable. Since June 2011 ActiveSupport::Memoizable has been deprecated. But I love it, and so I plan to keep it alive.
devel/memoizable-0.4.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Memoize method return values
Memoize method return values
devel/stxxl-1.4.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets
STXXL is an implementation of the C++ standard template library STL for external memory (out-of-core) computations, i. e. STXXL implements containers and algorithms that can process huge volumes of data that only fit on disks. While the closeness to the STL supports ease of use and compatibility with existing applications, another design priority is high performance.
devel/memoize-1.3.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
The memoize library allows you to cache methods for faster lookup. Cached results can either be stored in memory (the default) or to a file.
devel/mercenary-0.3.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Lightweight and flexible library for writing command-line apps in Ruby
rubygem-mercenary is a lightweight and flexible library for writing command-line apps in Ruby.
devel/message_bus-1.0.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Message bus for rack
A message bus for rack