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Results 401410 of 650 for name%3Aeclipse.(0.005 seconds)
dns/dnspython-1.14.0 (Score: 0.0043663546)
DNS toolkit for Python
dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python. It supports almost all record types. It can be used for queries, zone transfers, and dynamic updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0. dnspython provides both high and low level access to DNS. The high level classes perform queries for data of a given name, type, and class, and return an answer set. The low level classes allow direct manipulation of DNS zones, messages, names, and records.
editors/mp-5.2.10 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Programming text editor
Minimum Profit is an easy to use programmer's text editor. Its features: - Syntax highlighting for many popular languages and file formats - Fully scriptable using a C-like scripting language - Unlimited undo levels; configurable keys, menus, and colors - Can edit multiple files at the same time (shared copy/paste buffer) - Creative use of tags, symbol name auto-completion - Intelligent, context-dependent help system - Automatic indentation, word wrapping, internal grep, etc. - Spellchecking support (via the ispell package) - Multilingual; has complete Unicode support
games/rtcw-1.41.b (Score: 0.0043663546)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Linux version)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a remake of sorts of the id's early, seminal first-person shooter, Wolfenstein 3D. However, with the advances in graphics technology and gameplay design since the original game, without the name and the occasional in-game references, it would be unrecognizable as a remake. Unlike the original Wolfenstein 3D, only a handful of the single player missions in Return to Castle Wolfenstein takes place in the infamous castle and prison.
games/frogatto-1.3.1 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Old-school 2D classic adventure platformer game
Frogatto is a "platformer", or "jump-and-run" videogame. Like many classic games, the world is viewed as a cross-section seen from the side, and your character walks and jumps between solid platforms, whilst avoiding monsters. Frogatto is not a clone of any specific game; although, being a platformer, it is impossible not to have something in common with titles like Mario or Sonic, but authors are trying to innovate a bit. Frogatto is also the protagonist's name. It's eponymous.
games/gnugo-3.8 (Score: 0.0043663546)
The game of Go
This plays a competent beginner's game of Go (the development line has achieved a rating of 17 kyu on the No Name Go Server, nngs.cosmic.org 9696), and operates both in plain ASCII and using the Go Modem Protocol. For a nice graphical interface, cgoban's Go Modem feature can operate as a front-end for gnugo (cgoban is available as a port/package). -Steve Coltrin- spcoltri@code.cs.unm.edu
games/oneko-1.2 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Cat, Sakura or Tomoyo chasing a mouse all over the screen
The program oneko creates a cute cat chasing around your mouse cursor. patchlevel "1.2.sakura.5" Added bitmaps of Sakura Kinomoto and Tomoyo Daidouji who are characters in a comic strip "CARDCAPTOR SAKURA" (CLAMP, Kodansha), with the sanction indicated in CLAMP-NET.COM (http://www.clamp-net.com/). Modified to support -name, -towindow, -toname and -tofocus. by Kiichiroh Mukose <mukose@hbar.mp.es.osaka-u.ac.jp>, This port maintainer is: HOTARU-YA <hotaru@tail.net>
games/bzflag-2.4.6 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Multiplayer 3D tank battle game
BZFlag is a free online multiplayer 3D tank battle game. The name originates from "Battle Zone Capture The Flag". It runs on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, BSD, and other platforms. It was one of the most popular games ever on Silicon Graphics machines and continues to be developed and improved to this day. At its heart, the game is a 3D first person tank simulation where opposing teams battle for dominance.
games/violetland-0.4.3 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Top-down survival shoot 'em up
In this game the player should help a girl by name of Violet to struggle with hordes of monsters. For this purpose the various weapon, and also the special abilities of the heroine which are opening with experience can be used. In game there are elements of RPG in the form of strength-agility-vitality and derivatives. Also there is an unique feature: dynamic change of day and night.
games/xpuzzletama-1.5b (Score: 0.0043663546)
Puzzle tama, a Tetris like game
PuzzleTama is a tetris-like puzzle game for X Window System. OPTIONS: usage: xpuzzletama [options] -display display Specify display name -rensa n How many balls is need to disappear. (Score registration available only 3) -install Install colormap -mouse Use mouse -net Multi player through net -host host Specify host when multi playing You can also configure mouse button. -rturn button-number default 1 -fall button-number default 2 -lturn button-number default 3
graphics/hobbes-icons-xpm3-1.0 (Score: 0.0043663546)
Collection of over 3000 icons in XPM3 format
These icons were converted from the Hobbes OS/2 archive at hobbes.nmsu.edu. There were over 7000 icons on Hobbes, but many were duplicates. All duplicates (based on comparing CRC's) have been removed, a suffix of .N was added when there were name clashes, and any icons with 256 colors were also deleted. What remained became 3,382 icons which are mostly 32x32 and 16 colors. If you want the converter program used, write to: -Rick Richardson, rick@pcroe.digibd.com, 10/29/93