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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第531540项(搜索用时0.015秒)
audio/shout-0.8.0 (Score: 0.029659428)
Send mp3 streams to an icecast/shoutcast server
Shout feeds an mp3 stream to your icecast or shoutcast server. The shoutcast system is a more or less commercial system, developed by Nullsoft.
mail/avelsieve-1.9.9 (Score: 0.029659428)
SquirrelMail plugin for Server-Side Mail Filtering management
Sieve Mail Filters for Squirrelmail (avelsieve) is a plugin for creating server-side filtering scripts on RFC 3028 compliant servers including Cyrus IMAP, DBMail, Dovecote and Exim 4.x.
russian/ircd-7.2.4 (Score: 0.029659428)
Russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
ircd-hybrid-ru is russian version of well known hybrid IRC server with plently number of features russian version can handle russian channel names, nicknames and charset recoding
www/twistedWeb2-8.1.0 (Score: 0.029659428)
Next generation Web Server Framework built with Twisted
Twisted Web2 is the next generation Web Server Framework built with Twisted. Twisted Web2 is available under the MIT Free Software licence.
databases/pgpool-II-2.2.6 (Score: 0.029368527)
Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II allows multiple PostgreSQL servers (DB nodes) to be connected, which enables queries to be executed simultaneously on all servers. It enables "parallel query" processing. Also, pgpool-II can be started as pgpool-I by changing configuration parameters. pgpool-II that is executed in pgpool-I mode enables multiple DB nodes to be connected, which was not possible in pgpool-I.
databases/pgpool-II-2.3.3 (Score: 0.029368527)
Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II allows multiple PostgreSQL servers (DB nodes) to be connected, which enables queries to be executed simultaneously on all servers. It enables "parallel query" processing. Also, pgpool-II can be started as pgpool-I by changing configuration parameters. pgpool-II that is executed in pgpool-I mode enables multiple DB nodes to be connected, which was not possible in pgpool-I.
databases/pgpool-II-3.0.4 (Score: 0.029368527)
Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II allows multiple PostgreSQL servers (DB nodes) to be connected, which enables queries to be executed simultaneously on all servers. It enables "parallel query" processing. Also, pgpool-II can be started as pgpool-I by changing configuration parameters. pgpool-II that is executed in pgpool-I mode enables multiple DB nodes to be connected, which was not possible in pgpool-I.
dns/checkdns-0.5 (Score: 0.02935918)
Domain name server analysis and reporting tool
This program is a domain name server analysis and reporting tool. It checks and reports whether a domain name, hosted by your organization, is still in use, and if so, reports whether your name servers are still the delegated name servers of the domain name in question. Reports are generated both to the console and as HTML output. HTMLs also include information about the MX and WWW records of the domain name. The tool is expected to be of great use for Internet Service Providers who are in need of keeping track of lame dns records.
www/revive-adserver-3.0.5 (Score: 0.02935918)
Free, opensource ad server in PHP
Revive AdServer is a hugely popular, free ad server designed by web publishers for web publishers. It provides everything you need to manage your online advertising. Make more money from online advertising today. Revive AdServer gives you: Control: Maximise your revenue by showing the right ad campaigns to the right people. Transparency: Track the performance of all your online advertising from one intuitive interface. Freedom: Free to mix direct, network and house ads to optimise your revenue per page. Revive AdServer obsoletes OpenX, which obsoletes OpenAds, which obsoletes phpAdsNew2.
mail/filtermail-0.8.3 (Score: 0.02921602)
Filter mail on a POP3 server: saves downloading spam
This is mail/filtermail, a port of mailfilter, renamed because another mailfilter exists in the ports tree. It filters mail on a pop3 server, allowing junk to be deleted on the server rather than after it has been downloaded, and integrates with other programs such as fetchmail.