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Results 651660 of 8,048 for www%3Atrac.(0.003 seconds)
www/wml-2.0.12 (Score: 0.020137845)
Website META Language, webdesign toolkit for HTML generation
__ ___ __ _ \ \ / / \/ | | Website META Language \ \ /\ / / |\/| | | \ V V /| | | | |___ ``WML is the Unix toolkit for getting \_/\_/ |_| |_|_____| your webdesigner's HTML job done.'' Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Ralf S. Engelschall Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Denis Barbier WML is a free and extensible Webdesigner's off-line HTML generation toolkit for Unix, distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL v2). It is written in ANSI C and Perl 5, build via a GNU Autoconf based source tree and runs out-of-the-box on all major Unix derivates. It can be used free of charge both in educational and commercial environments. WML consists of a control frontend driving up to nine backends in a sequential pass-oriented filtering scheme. Each backend provides one particular core language. For maximum power WML additionally ships with a well-suited set of include files which provide higher-level features build on top of the backends core languages. While not trivial and idiot proof WML provides most of the core features real hackers always wanted for HTML generation.
www/flickcurl-1.26 (Score: 0.020137845)
C library for the Flickr API
Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API, handling creating the requests, signing, token management, calling the API, marshalling request parameters and decoding responses. It uses libcurl to call the REST web service and libxml2 to manipulate the XML responses. The current version supports part of the API (see Flickcurl API coverage) primarily the functions for reading photo, people and tags description, uploading photos, changing tags and comments.
www/flood-0.20041105 (Score: 0.020137845)
Profile-driven HTTP load tester
Flood is a profile-driven HTTP load tester. It can be used to gather important performance metrics for your website.
www/mySAR-2.1.4 (Score: 0.020137845)
MySQL Squid Access Report
MySQL Squid Access Report, mysar for short, is a reporting system for user web traffic activity, as logged from a squid proxy. MySAR consists of two parts: * Command line utilities which import a squid log file in a MySQL database and maintain the databas. * A web interface for accessing the reports.
www/grr-1.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Rss reader for GNUstep
Grr is a RSS Reader application Features Parsing RSS Feeds Fetching feeds from the web Showing headlines Showing the article's descriptions Categories for feeds Articles can be rated Simple HTML rendering on GNUstep Serializing obtained feed-information to hard-disk Managing (Adding, removing) feeds Parsing ATOM feeds.
www/fpc-3.0.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Free Pascal fastcgi unit
www/fpc-3.0.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Free Pascal headers for Apache 2.2 series web server
www/fpc-3.0.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Free Pascal headers for Apache 2.4 series web server
www/fswiki-3.6.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
FreeStyle Wiki (perl based wiki clone)
FreeStyle Wiki (perl based wiki clone).
www/ftasv-0.9.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Is a commandline scoreboard viewer for the Apache server
Apache's status module is an easy way to get information about what your webserver is doing - at any time, except when you need that information. Because this information is normally gathered via the server-status page, it will be unavailable when the webserver is not responding. The system administrator can restart the daemon and hope to get a glimpse of the server-status page, a tiny clue about what is causing the trouble, before the server gets overloaded again. This project aims at helping the system administrator get his information in crisis situations.