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Results 631640 of 8,048 for www%3Atrac.(0.004 seconds)
www/cowboy-1.0.4 (Score: 0.020137845)
Small, fast and modular HTTP server written in Erlang
Cowboy aims to provide a complete HTTP stack in a small code base. It is optimized for low latency and low memory usage, in parts because it uses binary strings. Cowboy provides routing capabilities, selectively dispatching requests to handlers written in Erlang. Because it uses Ranch for managing connections, Cowboy can easily be embedded in any other application.
www/cowlib-1.0.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Erlang support library for manipulating Web protocols
Cowlib provides Erlang libraries for parsing and building messages for various Web protocols, including SPDY, HTTP and Websocket. It is optimized for completeness rather than speed. No value is ignored, they are all returned.
www/hackney-1.6.1 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple HTTP client in Erlang
Hackney is an HTTP client library for Erlang. Main features: - No message passing - Binary streams - SSL support - Keepalive handling - Basic authentication - Stream the response and the requests - Fetch a response asynchronously - Multipart support (streamed or not) - Chunked encoding support - Can send files using the sendfile API - Optional socket pool - REST syntax
www/ibrowse-4.3 (Score: 0.020137845)
HTTP client library for Erlang
HTTP client library for Erlang.
www/cssed-0.4.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Application to help CSS style sheets creation and maintenance
CSSED is a small developer editor and validator, which tries to ease the CSS editing. It features syntax highlighting, syntax validation, MDI notebook based interface, quick CSS properties and values insertion, auto-completion and dialog-based insertion of CSS complex values.
www/erwn-0.8 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple GTK+-2 HTML editor
erwin is a simple GTK+-2 based HTML editor. Its features include: - preview rendered html page - support for html tags - intelligent tag closer - drag'n'drop support - source highlighting
www/csstidy-1.4 (Score: 0.020137845)
Opensource CSS parser and optimiser
CSSTidy is an opensource CSS parser and optimiser.
www/ctemplate-0.5 (Score: 0.020137845)
Template system for C
CTemplate is a simple but powerful, extremely fast HTML template system for C language. It provides separation between code and presentation.
www/mochiweb-2.9.0p2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers (Basho fork)
MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers. This is the Basho fork of MochiWeb.
www/mochiweb-2.15.1 (Score: 0.020137845)
Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers
MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers, from Mochi Media, Inc.