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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第17,55117,560项(搜索用时0.019秒)
devel/MooX-File-ConfigDir-0.005 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Moo eXtension for File::ConfigDir
MooX::File::ConfigDir is a helper for easily find configuration file locations. Whether to use this information for find a suitable place for installing them or looking around for finding any piece of settings, heavily depends on the requirements.
Moo types for numbers
MooX::Types::MooseLike::Numeric provides Moo types for numbers.
devel/MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.29 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Some Moosish types and a typer builder
MooX::Types::MooseLike provides some Moosish types and a typer builder.
devel/MooseX-App-Cmd-0.32 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Mashes up MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd
This module marries App::Cmd with MooseX::Getopt. Use it like App::Cmd advises (especially see App::Cmd::Tutorial), swapping App::Cmd::Command for MooseX::App::Cmd::Command. Then you can write your moose commands as moose classes, with MooseX::Getopt defining the options for you instead of opt_spec returning a Getopt::Long::Descriptive spec.
devel/MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.2 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
MooseX::Attribute::Chained is a Moose Trait which allows for method chaining on accessors by returning $self on write/set operations.
devel/MooseX-Attribute-ENV-0.02 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Set default of an attribute to a value from %ENV
MooseX-Attribute-ENV is a Moose attribute trait that you use when you want the default value for an attribute to be populated from the %ENV hash.
Perl extension to allow compile time traits for classes/roles
MooseX::CompileTime::Traits allows role application at compile time via use statements. What this class does is provide an import method that will apply each of the roles (along with any arguments for parameterized roles). Roles and their arguments should be provided as an ArrayRef of tuples. Simply 'with' the role to gain the functionality.
Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast attempts to emulate the behavior of Class::Accessor::Fast as accurately as possible using the Moose attribute system. The public API of Class::Accessor::Fast is wholly supported, but the private methods are not. If you are only using the public methods (as you should) migration should be a matter of switching your "use base" line to a "with" line.
devel/MooseX-Has-Options-0.003 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
MooseX::Has::Options - Succinct options for Moose
This module provides a succinct syntax for declaring options for Moose attributes.
devel/MooseX-Has-Sugar-1.000004 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Sugar Syntax for moose has fields
MooseX::Has::Sugar is a perl module of sugar sytax for moose 'has' fields.