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Results 771780 of 1,309 for /graphics/.(0.002 seconds)
Pick whether an image fill setting for a image should be fill or full
Decides if the fill setting for an image should be either fill, in meaning the image should be resized to fix the screen, or full which means it should be scaled to fit the screen. use Image::Size::FillFullSelect; my $iffs = Image::Size::FillFullSelect->new(); my $FFselection = $iffs->select("someImage.gif");
graphics/Imager-AverageGray-0.0.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Finds the average gray for a Imager object or image
This uses the Imager to find the average gray value for a image.
graphics/Imager-Graph-0.10 (Score: 0.08697138)
Perl extension for producing Graphs using the Imager library
Imager::Graph is intended to produce good looking graphs with a minimum effort on the part of the user. Currently only the pie graph class, Imager::Graph::Pie, is provided.
graphics/Imager-Plot-0.09 (Score: 0.08697138)
Perl extension for generating fancy graphic plots in color
This is a module for generating fancy raster plots in color. There is support for drawing multiple datasets on the same plot, over a background image. It's even possible to do shadows with some thinking. It's also possible to generate clean plots without any chartjunk at all. The plot is generated in a few phases. First the initial plot object is generated and contains defaults at that point. Then datasets are added with possible drawing specifications. Most of the actual work is delegated to Imager::Plot::Axis. See the Imager::Plot::Axis manpage for more information on how to control grid generation, ranges for data (zoom).
graphics/Imager-QRCode-0.03.4 (Score: 0.08697138)
Generate QR Code with Imager using libqrencode
This module allows you to generate QR Code with Imager. This module use libqrencode library.
graphics/Imager-1.005 (Score: 0.08697138)
Perl module for manipulating gray, color, and rgba format images
Imager is a perl module for manipulating gray, color and rgba format images. It can read various file formats and has a builtin interpretered language for blends, fade and multiimage effects. It also has a plugin interface to write plugins in C. It also has drawing primitives and supports antialiased truetype and postscript fonts.
graphics/Imlib2-1.0.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Perl bindings for Imlib2
Perl bindings for Imlib2.
graphics/Layout-Manager-0.35 (Score: 0.08697138)
2D Layout Management
Layout::Manager provides a simple interface for creating layout managers, or classes that size and position components withing a container.
graphics/PGPLOT-2.21 (Score: 0.08697138)
Perl5 extension which makes available the pgplot library
'pgperl' is a version of the Perl language which has available the PGPLOT FORTRAN library, a very popular package for plotting astronomical data. (As a glance through any issue of ApJ or MNRAS will confirm.) The details of this involve some complicated C glue routines but are transparent to the user. See the file LICENSE in /usr/local/share/doc/pgperl for copyright/licensing information and the file pgperl.doc on how to use pgplot from perl.
graphics/SVG-DOM2-1.00 (Score: 0.08697138)
SVG extension to the popular XML::DOM2
An SVG Extention of XML::DOM2, this should provide for all features of the svg specification upto 1.1.