Ports 搜索

net/pptpclient-1.8.0 (Score: 0.033929482)
PPTP client for establishing a VPN link with an NT server
This is a port of the "pptp-linux" PPTP client. It can establish a PPP connection with an NT server, tunneled through a PPTP link over the Internet. In effect, it makes the client machine behave as if it were on the same LAN as the server. John Polstra has created the port, including bug fixes that were subsequently integrated in the upstream release, and a patch to use FreeBSD's userland "ppp" package rather than "pppd" which it was originally designed to use. There is no manpage for this package, but you will find some quickstart instructions and example configuration files in "${PREFIX}/share/examples/pptpclient".
net/ptpd-2.3.1 (Score: 0.033929482)
Implementation of the precision time protocol IEEE 1588-2008
ptpd2 is an implementation of version 2 the Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588-2008) PTP was developed to provide very precise time coordination of LAN connected computers.
net/eventlet-0.19.0 (Score: 0.033929482)
Concurrent networking library for Python
Eventlet is a networking library written in Python. It achieves high scalability by using non-blocking IO while at the same time retaining high programmer usability by using coroutines to make the non-blocking IO operations appear blocking at the source code level.
net/libnet-1.1 (Score: 0.033929482)
Python module for the libnet packet construction library
Python module for the libnet packet construction library
net/hexinject-1.5 (Score: 0.033929482)
HexInject is a very versatile packet injector and sniffer
HexInject is a very versatile packet injector and sniffer, that provide a command-line framework for raw network access. It's designed to work together with others command-line utilities, and for this reason it facilitates the creation of powerful shell scripts capable of reading, intercepting and modifying network traffic in a transparent manner.
net/rfbproxy-1.1.1 (Score: 0.033929482)
Simple tool for recording VNC sessions
This program is a simple tool for recording VNC sessions. Make no mistake: it is hacked together and very ugly. But it does the job.
net/rsync-bpc- (Score: 0.033929482)
Modified rsync that used as part of BackupPC
Rsync-bpc is a customized version of rsync that is used as part of BackupPC, an open source backup system. The main change to rsync is adding a shim layer that emulates the system calls for accessing the file system so that rsync can directly read/write files in BackupPC's format. Rsync-bpc is fully line-compatible with vanilla rsync, so it can talk to rsync servers and clients. Rsync-bpc serves no purpose outside of BackupPC.
net/fspd- (Score: 0.033929482)
FSP daemon, clients, and scanner
This is a server daemon, port scanner and (optionally) clients for FSP, the File Service Protocol. FSP is lightweight and connectionless. It is typically used for offering files to "anonymous" visitors over a congested link. It uses UDP rather than TCP sockets. A service contact port (well-known port) for FSP has not been assigned by IANA (per RFC 1700). See <URL:http://www.faqs.org/faqs/fsp-faq/> for an overview. To use fspd, you must copy the fspd.conf.sample file, normally installed in /usr/local/etc/, to fspd.conf and edit it. You can run fspd from inetd or stand-alone.
net/txamqp-0.3 (Score: 0.033929482)
Twisted Python library for the AMQP messaging protocol
This project contains all the necessary code to connect, send and receive messages to/from an AMQP-compliant peer or broker (Qpid, OpenAMQ, RabbitMQ) using Twisted. It also includes support for using Thrift RPC over AMQP in Twisted applications.
net/zsi-2.1.a1 (Score: 0.033929482)
Pure Python implementation of SOAP 1.1
Paraphrasing the original (2.0) website: ZSI, the Zolera SOAP Infrastructure, is a Python package that provides an implementation of SOAP messaging, as described in The SOAP 1.1 Specification. In particular, ZSI parses and generates SOAP messages, and converts between native Python datatypes and SOAP syntax. ZSI, the Zolera SOAP Infrastructure, is a pure Python module that provides an implementation of the SOAP 1.1 specification. Simple client and server support are also provided.