Ports 搜索

graphics/aalib-1.4.r5 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
ASCII art library
AA-lib is a low-level graphics library similar to many other libraries except for the fact that AA-lib does not require a graphics device! In fact, no "graphical" output is possible. AA-lib uses a modern, high-tech ascii-art renderer in place of outmoded and cumbersome graphical output. The AA-lib API is designed to be similar to that of other graphics libraries so learning its API should be simple.
graphics/mahotas-0.9.6 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
Computer vision and image processing library for Python
Mahotas is a computer vision and image processing library for Python. It includes many algorithms implemented in C++ for speed while operating in numpy arrays and with a very clean Python interface. Notable algorithms: - Watershed - Convex points calculations - Hit & miss thinning - Zernike & Haralick, LBP, and TAS features - Freeimage-based numpy image loading - Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF), a form of local features - Thresholding - Convolution - Sobel edge detection
graphics/Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.97 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
This is a Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API. From the recaptcha.net web site: reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read correctly.
graphics/Convert-Color-0.11 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
Perl extension for color space conversions and named lookups
This module provides conversions between commonly used ways to express colors. It provides conversions between color spaces such as RGB and HSV, and it provides ways to look up colors by a name. This class provides a base for subclasses which represent particular color values in particular spaces. The base class provides methods to represent the color in a few convenient forms, though subclasses may provide more specific details for the space in question.
Perl helper class for the Google Chart Tools Datasource Protocol
Perl helper class for implementing the Google Chart Tools Datasource Protocol. The Google Visualization API is a nifty bit of kit for generating pretty pictures from your data. By design it has a fair amount of Google-cruft, such as non-standard JSON and stuffing configuration options in to a single CGI query parameter. Data::Google::Visualization::DataTable takes care of preparing data for the API.
graphics/PGPLOT-2.21 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
Perl5 extension which makes available the pgplot library
'pgperl' is a version of the Perl language which has available the PGPLOT FORTRAN library, a very popular package for plotting astronomical data. (As a glance through any issue of ApJ or MNRAS will confirm.) The details of this involve some complicated C glue routines but are transparent to the user. See the file LICENSE in /usr/local/share/doc/pgperl for copyright/licensing information and the file pgperl.doc on how to use pgplot from perl.
graphics/pngwriter-0.5.5 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
C++ library for creating PNG images
The PNGwriter library, which requires libpng, allows you to plot to a 48-bit PNG file, saving it directly to disk. Plotting is as easy as specifying the red, green, and blue values and the x, y coordinates of the pixel. It includes functions for plotting simple geometric shapes (circle, rect, line), reading the colour of a pixel, reading in a whole PNG file (great for image analysis), plotting and reading in HSV colourspace, and many others that might come in handy.
graphics/exiv2-0.3.2 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
Python bindings for exiv2
pyexiv2 is a python binding to exiv2, the C++ library for manipulation of EXIF and IPTC image metadata. It is a python module that allows your python scripts to read and write metadata (EXIF, IPTC, thumbnail) embedded in image files (JPEG, TIFF, ...). It is designed as a high level interface to the functionalities offered by exiv2 (and is built on top of it). Using python's built-in data types and standard modules, it provides easy manipulation of image metadata.
graphics/quesa-1.8 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
High level 3D graphics library compatible with Apple's QuickDraw(TM)
Quesa is a high level 3D graphics library, released as Open Source under the LGPL, which offers binary and source level compatibility with Apple's QuickDraw(TM) 3D API. Quesa does not contain any Apple source code, and was developed without access to Apple's QD3D implementation. QD3D supports both retained and immediate mode rendering, an extensible file format, plug-in renderers, a wide range of high level geometries, hierarchical models, and a consistent and object-orientated API.
graphics/mapserver-7.0.2 (Score: 7.851118E-5)
System for developing web-based GIS applications
MapServer is a system for developing web-based GIS applications. The basic system consists of a CGI program that can be configured to respond to a variety of spatial requests like making maps, scalebars, and point, area and feature queries. Virtually all aspects of an application, from web interface to map appearance can be developed without any programming. For the more ambitious user, MapServer applications can be enhanced using Java, JavaScript or many other web technologies.