Ports 搜索

net/nast-0.2.0 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
Packet sniffer
Nast is a packet sniffer and a LAN analyzer based on Libnet and Libpcap. As analyzer tool, it has many features like: * Build LAN hosts list * Follow a TCP-DATA stream * Find LAN internet gateways * Discorver promiscous nodes * Reset an established connection * Perform a single half-open portscanner * Perform a multi half-open portscanner * Find link type (hub or switch) * Catch daemon banner of LAN nodes * Control arp answers to discover possible arp-spoofings * Byte couting with an optional filter * Write reports logging It also provides a ncurses menu.
net/Net-OAuth-0.28 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
Implementation of the OAuth protocol
Net::OAuth provides a low-level API for reading and writing OAuth messages. OAuth is an open protocol to allow secure API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications. In practical terms, OAuth is a mechanism for a Consumer to request protected resources from a Service Provider on behalf of a user. Net::OAuth provides: - classes that encapsulate OAuth messages (requests and responses). - message signing - message serialization and parsing. - 2-legged requests (aka. tokenless requests, aka. consumer requests), see "CONSUMER REQUESTS" Net::OAuth does not provide: - Consumer or Service Provider encapsulation - token/nonce/key storage/management
net/Net-Telnet-3.04 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
Perl5 module to access and use telnet protocol
Description ----------- Net::Telnet allows you to make client connections to a TCP port and do network I/O, especially with a port using the TELNET protocol. Simple I/O methods such as print, get, and getline are provided. More sophisticated interactive features are provided because connecting to a TELNET port ultimately means communicating with a program designed for human interaction. Some interactive features include the ability to specify a timeout and to wait for patterns to appear in the input stream, such as the prompt from a command interpreter.
net/ntp-4.2.8p8 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
The Network Time Protocol Distribution
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the time of a computer client or server to another server or reference time source, such as a radio or satellite receiver or modem. It provides client accuracies typically within a millisecond on LANs and up to a few tens of milliseconds on WANs relative to a primary server synchronized to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) via a Global Positioning Service (GPS) receiver, for example. Typical NTP configurations utilize multiple redundant servers and diverse network paths, in order to achieve high accuracy and reliability. Some configurations include cryptographic authentication to prevent accidental or malicious protocol attacks. See homepage for more infos:
net/socketpipe-1.9 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
Zero overhead remote process plumbing
Socketpipe connects over a TCP/IP socket a remote command to a local input generation command and/or a local output processing command. The connection is made by redirecting the input/output file descriptors to the socket. This saves the context switching and data copying overhead associated with piping data through ssh(1) or rsh(1). Socketpipe must be installed on both machines and user authentication is still performed by a command like ssh(1) or rsh(1). The confidentiality and integrity of the data in transit is not protected against mallicious attacks; the command is designed for use in a trusted LAN environment.
net/uplog-0.3 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
UDP-based ping program
Uplog is an UDP-based ping program that gives an ASCII graphical log of packet loss. Once per second, it sends a UDP packet to the echo port of the target host and waits for a reply. If it gets a reply an X is written, otherwise a dot is written to the log file. If a packet with an incorrect sequence number arrives, a colon is written to the log file. By examining the log file, one can easily see when and how the packet losses occur.
net/zebra-0.95a (Score: 9.516992E-5)
Free RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, BGP4 route software (server/reflector)
GNU Zebra is a free software (distributed under GNU Generic Public License) which manages TCP/IP based routing protocols. It supports BGP-4 protocol as described in RFC1771 (A Border Gateway Protocol 4) and RIPv1, RIPv2 and OSPFv2. Zebra uses multithread technology under multithread supported UNIX kernels. However it can be run under not-multithread supported UNIX kernels. Zebra is intended to be used as a Route Server and a Route Reflector. Zebra is not a toolkit, it provides full routing power under a new architecture.
security/scrypt-0.8.0 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
Bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library
This is is a set of Python bindings for the scrypt key derivation function. Scrypt is useful when encrypting password as it is possible to specify a minimum amount of time to use when encrypting and decrypting. If, for example, a password takes 0.05 seconds to verify, a user won't notice the slight delay when signing in, but doing a brute force search of several billion passwords will take a considerable amount of time. This is in contrast to more traditional hash functions such as MD5 or the SHA family which can be implemented extremely fast on cheap hardware.
sysutils/amtc-0.8.5 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
Threaded Intel AMT/vPro mass management tool
Intel's Active Management Technology is a simple embedded subsystem that helps you manage remote servers. In particular you can power off or reset a remote system, regardless of the state of the operating system. amtc is a tool to efficiently monitor, power-control on a scheduled basis and interactively manage a bigger bunch of PCs equipped with Intel vPro technology, distributed over several rooms. Having a practical tool for this purpose massively eases system management procedures, from scheduled, unattended OS-re-installs to individual, interactive remote power management needs.
sysutils/stress-1.0.4 (Score: 9.516992E-5)
Tool to impose load on and stress test Unix-like systems
stress is a tool which imposes a configurable amount of CPU, memory, I/O, or disk stress on a POSIX-compliant operating system. It is written in portable ANSI C, and uses the GNU Autotools to compile on a great number of UNIX-like operating systems. stress is not a benchmark. It is a tool used by system administrators to evaluate how well their systems will scale, by kernel programmers to evaluate perceived performance characteristics, and by systems programmers to expose the classes of bugs which only or more frequently manifest themselves when the system is under heavy load.