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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第8,9018,910项(搜索用时0.012秒)
math/Math-Random-MT-Auto-6.22 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
The Mersenne Twister is a fast pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) that is capable of providing large volumes (> 10^6004) of "high quality" pseudorandom data to applications that may exhaust available "truly" random data sources or system-provided PRNGs such as rand. This module provides PRNGs that are based on the Mersenne Twister. There is a functional interface to a single, standalone PRNG, and an OO interface (based on the inside-out object model as implemented by the Object::InsideOut module) for generating multiple PRNG objects. The PRNGs are self-seeding, automatically acquiring a (19968-bit) random seed from user-selectable sources.
Calculate Gaussian Error Propagation
This module extends the functionality of Math::Symbolic by offering facilities to calculate the propagated variance of a function of variables with variances themselves.
math/Number-WithError-LaTeX-0.06 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
LaTeX output for Number::WithError
This class is a subclass of Number::WithError. It provides the same interface and the same exports. It adds several methods to every object. The main functionality is provided by latex(), which dumps the object as valid LaTeX code. Also, encode() is a convenient way to encode any UTF-8 string into TeX. It is just a convenience thing since it is delegated to TeX::Encode. Unlike Number::WithError, this module requires perl version 5.8 or later. (That is the rationale for creating a separate distribution, too.)
math/Set-IntSpan-Fast-XS-0.05 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Faster Set::IntSpan::Fast
This is a drop in replacement XS based version of Set::IntSpan::Fast. See that module for details of the interface.
math/Task-Math-Symbolic-1.01 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Math::Symbolic with lots of plugins
This installs Math::Symbolic and a load of easily installable (i.e. pure Perl) plugins that make the module so much more powerful.
math/reed-solomon-4.0 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Reed-Solomon CODEC library
This is a port of Phil Karn's Reed-Solomon CODEC library. This package may be useful to programmers working on data communications software.
math/intspan-1.5.3 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
FInite element Automatic Tabulator
intspan is a set subclass that conveniently stores sets of integers. Sets can be created from and displayed as integer spans such as 1-3,14,29,92-97 rather than exhaustive member listings.
math/simd-viterbi-2.0.3 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Fast Viterbi CODEC library
This is a port of Phil Karn's SIMD assisted Viterbi CODEC library. This package may be useful to programmers working on data communications software.
math/theano-0.8.0 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Optimizing compiler for evaluating math expressions on CPUs and GPUs
Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and efficiently evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays. It is built on top of NumPy.
math/viper-1.0.1 (Score: 1.3917367E-4)
Minimalistic scientific plotter and visualization module
Viper is a minimalistic scientific plotter and run-time visualization module. Viper has support for visualizing meshes and solutions in DOLFIN.