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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第7,6817,690项(搜索用时0.013秒)
net/Parallel-Pvm-1.4.0 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Perl extension for the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
Paraller::Pvm is a perl interface to the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Message Passing System. The PVM message passing system enables a programmer to configure a group of (possibly heterogenous) computers connected by a network into a parallel virtual machine. Using PVM, applications can be developed which spawns parallel processes onto nodes in the virtual machine to perform specific tasks. These parallel tasks can also periodically exchange information using a set of message passing functions developed for the system. PVM applications have mostly been developed in the scientific and engineering fields. However applications for real-time and client/server systems can also be developed. PVM simply provides a convenient way for managing parallel tasks and communications without need for rexec or socket level programming.
net/pygopherd-2.0.16 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Multiprotocol Information Server
PyGopherd is a modern dynamic multi-protocol hierarchical information server with a pluggable modularized extension system, full flexible caching, virtual files and folders, and autodetection of file types -- all with support for standardized yet extensible per-document metadata. PyGopherd is designed to serve up files using the Gopher Internet protocol. With Gopher, you can mount a filesystem (viewing files and folders as if they were local), browse Gopherspace with a web browser, download files, and be interactive with searching. But this is only part of the story. The world of Gopher is more expansive than this. There are two major gopher protocols: Gopher0 (also known as RFC1436) and Gopher+. PyGopherd supports both. PyGopherd also fully natively supports HTTP, the protocol used on the Internet for most Web transactions. So, you can access a PyGopherd server using anything from a small, 20-line client in mobile phone to a massive 50-MB web browser.
net/fping-3.13 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Quickly ping multiple hosts without flooding the network
A tool to quickly ping N number of hosts to determine their reachability without flooding the network. fping is different from ping in that you can specify any number of hosts on the command line, or specify a file containing the lists of hosts to ping. Instead of trying one host until it timeouts or replies, fping will send out a ping packet and move on to the next host in a round-robin fashion. If a host replies, it is noted and removed from the list of hosts to check. If a host does not respond within a certain time limit and/or retry limit it will be considered unreachable. Unlike ping, fping is meant to be used in scripts and its output is easy to parse.
print/pmw-4.28 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
High quality music typesetting program
Philip's Music Writer (PMW) is a computer program for high quality music typesetting. Originally written for Acorn RISC OS computers, there is now a version that runs on Unix and Unix-like systems. PMW operates by reading an input file containing an encoded description of the music; such a file can be constructed using any text editor or word processor. The music encoding is very straightforward and compact, and quick to enter. PMW comes with a PostScript outline font that contains all the musical shapes (notes, rests, accidentals, bar lines, clefs, etc.) that it requires. There is a man page for the command line options, and a 200-page manual that is distributed as a PDF file.
science/hdf-4.2.11 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
HDF4 (originally known as HDF) is file format for storing scientific data and a software library that provides high-level APIs and a low-level data access interface. HDF technologies at present include two data management formats (HDF4 and HDF5) and libraries, a modular data browser/editor, associated tools and utilities, and a conversion library. Both HDF4 and HDF5 were designed to be a general scientific format, adaptable to virtually any scientific or engineering application, and also have been used successfully in non- technical areas. The Open Source format is a key technological foundation for HDF core technologies. It allows users to collaborate with The HDF Group regarding functionality requirements and permits users' experience and knowledge to be incorporated into the HDF product when appropriate. It also permits users and organizations without adequate technology resources to use a sophisticated and robust data management tool for no charge.
science/Mcstas-Tools-2.2a (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Perl based tools for the McStas neutron ray tracing package
McStas perl tools to aid in running neutron ray tracing simulations. McStas is a tool for simulating neutron instrumentation and experiments using a ray-tracing formalism. Currently the main use of McStas is in the field of instrumentation design. This port contains a few perl-based helper tools (including a GUI) to aid the user in setting up and running simulations. The tools are: mcgui: A Tk/Perl based GUI. mcrun: A Script that makes it easy to run sims and perform point scans and simple optimizations. mcdoc: Script for viewing inline component documentation. mcplot: Tool for plotting McXtrace-generated results. mcdisplay: Visual ray-tracing displaying neutron trajectories. mcformatgui: Front-end to mxformat to help reformat data-files (obsolescent). mcdaemon: Deamon to dynamically monitor and plot results (obsolescent). mcstas2vitess: Tool to transfer a McStas simulation to ViTESS. mcresplot: Script to help plotting resolution functions.
security/tripwire-1.3.1 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
File system security and verification program
Tripwire is a tool that aids system administrators and users in monitoring a designated set of files for any changes. Used with system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, Tripwire can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. If "TRIPWIRE_FLOPPY" is set to "YES" in the environment or on the "make" command line, this port will write the tripwire database to a floppy disk, which should then be write-protected and used as a reference for future runs. The diskette should be formatted and present in the "A" drive before starting the "make install" step. Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net>
security/tripwire-1.2 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
File system security and verification program
Tripwire is a tool that aids system administrators and users in monitoring a designated set of files for any changes. Used with system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, Tripwire can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. If "TRIPWIRE_FLOPPY" is set to "YES" in the environment or on the "make" command line, this port will write the tripwire database to a floppy disk, which should then be write-protected and used as a reference for future runs. The diskette should be formatted and present in the "A" drive before starting the "make install" step. Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net>
sysutils/bchunk-1.2.0 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Converts .bin/.cue files to .iso/audio
bchunk is a Unix/C rewrite of the fine BinChunker software for some non-Unix systems. binchunker converts a CD image in a ".bin / .cue" format (sometimes ".raw / .cue") to a set of .iso and .cdr tracks. The bin/cue format is used by some non-Unix cd-writing software, but is not supported on most other cd-writing programs. The .iso track contains an ISO file system, which can be mounted through a vn device on FreeBSD systems, or written on a CD-R using cdrecord. The .cdr tracks are in the native CD audio format. (pcm) They can be either written on a CD-R using cdrecord -audio, or converted to WAV (or any other sound format for that matter) using sox.
textproc/Chess-PGN-Parse-0.20 (Score: 1.5342454E-4)
Reads and parses PGN (Portable Game Notation) Chess files
Chess::PGN::Parse offers a range of methods to read and manipulate Portable Game Notation files. PGN files contain chess games produced by chess programs following a standard format (http://www.schachprobleme.de/chessml/faq/pgn/). It is among the preferred means of chess games distribution. Being a public, well established standard, PGN is understood by many chess archive programs. Parsing simple PGN files is not difficult. However, dealing with some of the intricacies of the Standard is less than trivial. This module offers a clean handle toward reading and parsing complex PGN files. A PGN file has several tags, which are key/values pairs at the header of each game, in the format [key "value"] After the header, the game follows. A string of numbered chess moves, optionally interrupted by braced comments and recursive parenthesized variants and comments. While dealing with simple braced comments is straightforward, parsing nested comments can give you more than a headache.