Ports 搜索

security/File_HtAccess-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR class to manipulate .htaccess files
Provides methods to create and manipulate .htaccess files.
security/File_Passwd-1.1.7 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR class to manipulate many kinds of password files
Provides methods to manipulate and authenticate against standard Unix, SMB server, AuthUser (.htpasswd), AuthDigest (.htdigest), CVS pserver and custom formatted password files.
security/File_SMBPasswd-1.0.3 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR class for managing SAMBA style password files
With PEAR::File_SMBPasswd you can maintain smbpasswd-files, usualy used by SAMBA.
security/HTML_Crypt-1.3.4 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Encrypts text which is later decoded using JavaScript on the client side
HTML_Crypt provides methods to encrypt text, which can be later be decrypted using JavaScript on the client side. This is very useful to prevent spam robots collecting email addresses from your site, included is a method to add mailto links to the text being generated.
security/LiveUser-0.16.14 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR user authentication and permission management framework
LiveUser is a set of classes for dealing with user authentication and permission management. Basically, there are three main elements that make up this package: * The LiveUser class * The Auth containers * The Perm containers Currently available are containers using: PEAR::DB, PEAR::MDB, PEAR::MDB2, PEAR::XML_Tree and PEAR::Auth.
security/LiveUser_Admin-0.4.0 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR user authentication and permission management framework
LiveUser_Admin is meant to be used with the LiveUser package. It is composed of all the classes necessary to administrate data used by LiveUser.
security/Crypt_GPG-1.4.2 (Score: 0.0052562496)
GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
This package provides an object oriented interface to GNU Privacy Guard (GPG). It requires the GPG executable to be on the system. Though GPG can support symmetric-key cryptography, this package is intended only to facilitate public-key cryptography.
security/crack-0.4 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PECL extension to cracklib
This package provides an interface to the cracklib (libcrack) libraries that come standard on most Unix-like distributions. This allows you to check passwords against dictionaries of words to ensure some minimal level of password security. From the cracklib README CrackLib makes literally hundreds of tests to determine whether you've chosen a bad password. * It tries to generate words from your username and gecos entry to tries to match them against what you've chosen. * It checks for simplistic patterns. * It then tries to reverse-engineer your password into a dictionary word, and searches for it in your dictionary. - after all that, it's PROBABLY a safe(-ish) password. 8-)
security/mcrypt-1.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library
Python-mcrypt is a comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library, which provides a uniform interface to several symmetric encryption algorithms.
security/trustedpickle-0.02 (Score: 0.0052562496)
TrustedPickle is a Python (de)Pickler with a way to verify the data
TrustedPickle is a Python module that can save most any arbitrary Python object in a signed pickle file. There are two big differences between this module and the standard pickle module. First, TrustedPickle can pickle a module, but the standard pickle module cannot. Second, TrustedPickle includes a signature that can verify the data's origin before the data is unpickled.