Ports 搜索

mail/Email-Outlook-Message-0.918 (Score: 0.050037097)
Read e-mail messages stored as .msg files
This module reads e-mail messages stored as .msg files (such as generated by Outlook), and converts them to Email::MIME objects. It also includes a command-line interface in the form of the msgconvert script. Such files may be identified by file(1) as follows: Composite Document File V2 Document You do not need Outlook installed to use this module.
mail/claws-mail-3.14.0 (Score: 0.050033078)
Lightweight and featureful GTK+ based e-mail and news client
Claws Mail is an e-mail client (and news reader) based on GTK+ Currently, many features are supported including POP3, IMAP, NNTP, multiple accounts, threading, filtering, MIME attachments, APOP, SMTP AUTH, SSL, IPv6, GnuPG, internalization, and more. In addition to the above, Claws Mail has a lot of extra features, e.g. a plugin mechanism, a new filtering/processing mechanism, extra folder properties and much more...
devel/xc3sprog-r769 (Score: 0.049894884)
Free programmer for Xilinx Spartan S3E Starter Kit
This tool should let you to program your Xilinx Spartan-3E Starter Kit and similar boards based on Xilinx USB programmers.
archivers/sharutils-4.15.2 (Score: 0.048735406)
Pack, send, and unpack shell archives; synchronize via e-mail
This is the set of GNU shar utilities. This port installs them with the letter "g" prepended to their names, to avoid conflict with the FreeBSD base system. The uudecode and uuencode commands are omitted (BSD versions are present in the base system). The shar utilities deal with shar files, so-called shell archives, which are scripts suitable for transmission by e-mail or Usenet. When a shar file is executed, the files it contains are unpacked without the need for any software other than the shell itself and sed. Because they are scripts, shell archives from strangers should be read before executing them, to check for harmful commands. synopses from the info pages: * gmail-files: Send files to remote site. * gmailshar: Make and send a shell archive. * gremsync: Synchronize remote directory trees using e-mail. * gshar: Make a shell archive. * gunshar: Explode a shell archive.
devel/kimwitu-4.6.1 (Score: 0.04832971)
Tool for processing trees (i.e. terms)
Kimwitu is a system that supports the construction of programs that use trees or terms as their main data structure. It is a `meta-tool' in the development process of tools. Its input is an abstract description of terms, annotated with implementation directives, plus a definition of functions on these terms. The output consists of a number of C-files that contain data-structure definitions for the terms, a number of standard functions on those terms, and a translation (in C) of the function definitions in the input (eg. term rewriting). The standard functions can be used to create terms, compare them for equality, read and write them on files in various formats and do manipulations like list concatenation.
textproc/libe-book-0.1.2 (Score: 0.048073947)
Library for import of reflowable e-book formats
libe-book is a library and a set of tools for reading and converting various non-HTML reflowable e-book formats. Currently supported are: - eReader .pdb - FictionBook v. 2 (including zipped files) - PalmDoc Ebook - Plucker .pdb - QiOO (mobile format, for java-enabled cellphones) - TCR (simple compressed text format) - TealDoc - zTXT - ZVR (simple compressed text format)
mail/textmail-20070803 (Score: 0.047871087)
Converts e-mail attachments to plain-text
Textmail filters a mail message or mbox, replacing MS Word, MS Excel, HTML, RTF, and PDF attachments with the plain text contained therein. By default, the following attachments are also deleted: image, audio, video, and MS Windows executables. MS winmail.dat attachments are replaced by any attachments contained therein, which are then replaced by text or deleted in the same fashion. Any of these actions can be suppressed with the command line options. Mail headers can also be selectively deleted.
textproc/Petal-Mail-0.31 (Score: 0.047851335)
Format text e-mail using Petal
Petal::Mail processes a Petal XML template, and then turns the resulting XML into a text email which can be sent through sendmail or other. The XML has to follow a certain syntax which is defined in this documentation. Since Petal::Mail's is a subclass of Petal, its API is the same. Which means you need to read about Petal before you can use Petal::Mail.
x11/emprint-20130520 (Score: 0.04767925)
Utility for taking screenshots for E17
Emprint is a utility for taking screenshots of the entire screen, a specific window, or a specific region.
mail/trojita-0.6 (Score: 0.047583405)
Fast cross-platform IMAP e-mail client using Qt 5 toolkit
Trojita is a fast cross-platform Qt IMAP e-mail client. Some highlights are: * It is a pure Qt application with no additional dependencies * Robust IMAP core implemented using Qt's Model-View framework * Standards compliance, resources efficiency, interoperability and high productivity are primary design goals * Integrates well into any reasonable desktop environment * On-demand message list and body part loading * Offline IMAP support * Support for bandwidth-saving mode aimed at mobile users with expensive connection * IMAP over SSH -- in addition to usual SSL/TLS connections, the server could be accessed via SSH * Safe and robust dealing with HTML mail Trojita is neither a full PIM suite nor a POP3 client.