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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第131140项(搜索用时0.01秒)
www/http_get-1.0.20140814 (Score: 0.061727703)
Dump http-contents to stdout
Get the contents of an http url and dumps it to stdout. supports ipv6 and https (SSL). A useful tool. :)
www/HTTP-CookieJar-0.008 (Score: 0.061034225)
Minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
HTTP::CookieJar implements a minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar in conformance with RFC 6265. Unlike the commonly used HTTP::Cookies module, this module does not require use of HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response objects. An LWP-compatible adapter is available as HTTP::CookieJar::LWP.
www/HTTP-Message-6.11 (Score: 0.061009433)
Representation of HTTP style messages
This module contains classes useful for representing the messages passed in HTTP style communication. These are classes representing requests, responses and the headers contained within them.
devel/mercurialserver-1.2.0 (Score: 0.06089888)
Software for hosting mercurial repositories
mercurial-server gives your developers remote read/write access to centralized Mercurial repositories using SSH public key authentication; it provides convenient and fine-grained key management and access control. All of the repositories controlled by mercurial-server are owned by a single user (the "hg" user in what follows), but many remote users can act on them, and different users can have different permissions. We don't use file permissions to achieve that - instead, developers log in as the "hg" user when they connect to the repository host using SSH, using SSH URLs of the form "ssh://hg@repository-host/repository-name". A restricted shell prevents them from using this access for unauthorized purposes. Developers are authenticated only using SSH keys; no other form of authentication is supported. To give a user access to the repository, place their key in an appropriately-named subdirectory of "/usr/lcoal/etc/mercurialserver/keys" and run "refresh-auth". You can then control what access they have to what repositories by editing the control file "/usr/local/etc/mercurialserver/access.conf", which can match the names of these keys against a glob pattern. For convenient remote control of access, you can instead (if you have the privileges) make changes to a special repository called "hgadmin", which contains its own "access.conf" file and "keys" directory. Changes pushed to this repository take effect immediately. The two "access.conf" files are concatenated, and the keys directories merged.
www/ntlm-http-0.1.1 (Score: 0.060714774)
NTLM HTTP provides NTLM authentication over http
Ruby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication.
www/HTTP-Thin-0.006 (Score: 0.060106646)
Thin Wrapper around HTTP::Tiny to play nice with HTTP::Message
HTTP::Thin is a thin wrapper around HTTP::Tiny adding the ability to pass in HTTP::Request objects and get back HTTP::Response objects. The maintainers of HTTP::Tiny, justifiably, don't want to have to maintain compatibility but many other projects already consume the HTTP::Message objects. This is just glue code doing what it does best.
www/unicorn-5.1.0 (Score: 0.05985283)
Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications
Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections and take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels. Slow clients should only be served by placing a reverse proxy capable of fully buffering both the request and response in between Unicorn and slow clients.
www/HTTP_Client-1.2.1 (Score: 0.05974281)
PEAR classes for high level HTTP requests
The HTTP_Client class wraps around HTTP_Request and provides a higher level interface for performing multiple HTTP requests. Features: * Manages cookies and referrers between requests * Handles HTTP redirection * Has methods to set default headers and request parameters * Implements the Subject-Observer design pattern: the base class sends events to listeners that do the response processing.
www/HTTP-MobileAgent-0.36 (Score: 0.059419777)
HTTP mobile user agent string parser for Perl
HTTP::MobileAgent is an HTTP mobile user agent string parser for Perl.
www/HTTP-Date-6.02 (Score: 0.059419777)
Conversion routines for the HTTP protocol date formats
HTTP::Date provides functions that perform conversions between date formats used by the HTTP protocol.