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Results 551560 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.008 seconds)
devel/Role-HasMessage-0.006 (Score: 0.0025171796)
Thing with a message method
Role::HasMessage is an extremely simple role. A class that includes Role::HasMessage is promising to provide a message method that returns a string summarizing the message or event represented by the object. It does not provide any actual behavior.
misc/wmtunlo-0.1.3 (Score: 0.0025171796)
Falling-down-a-tunnel dockapp
This is a WindowMaker dockapp that displays a zooming 2-D tunnel. The visualization is highly customizable, and a number of example configuration files are included. Very hypnotic, and will greatly assist you in not getting any work done.
www/pwebstats-1.3.8 (Score: 0.0025171796)
Analyse a web server log
pwebstats will analyse a web server log in Common Log Format, or proxy server log, producing a variety of statistics. The output is a series of HTML pages and graphs.
misc/heyu2-2.10 (Score: 0.0025137833)
Control a CM11A interface from the command line
HEYU is a text-based console program for remotely controlling lights and appliances in the home or office. It is made available under a free and open source license. Heyu uses the CM11A computer interface to send and receive X10 control signals over the AC power lines to modules which can turn On, Off, or Dim attached lamps or appliances. It can store a schedule of timed events in the CM11A memory for execution when the computer is turned off or disconnected. Heyu now supports an optional W800RF32A or MR26A RF receiver connected to a second port as an auxiliary input device for X10 RF signals. Heyu can also use an optional CM17A interface to transmit X10 RF signals.
databases/gnatsweb-4.00 (Score: 0.002513121)
Gnatsweb, a GNATS web interface
Gnatsweb is a web interface to GNATS, the GNU Problem Report Management System. It is a Perl CGI script which runs on your web server.
textproc/YAPE-Regex-Explain-4.01 (Score: 0.002513121)
Explanation of a Regular Expression
This module merely sub-classes YAPE::Regex, and produces a rather verbose explanation of a regex, suitable for demonstration and tutorial purposes.
devel/IO-Detect-0.005 (Score: 0.0025102685)
Detect if a given scalar is a filehandle
It is stupidly complicated to detect whether a given scalar is a filehandle (or something filehandle like) in Perl. This module attempts to do so, but probably falls short in some cases. The primary advantage of using this module is that it gives you somebody to blame (me) if your code can't detect a filehandle. The main use case for IO::Detect is for when you are writing functions and you want to allow the caller to pass a file as an argument without being fussy as to whether they pass a file name or a file handle.
devel/DateTime-Format-DBI-0.041 (Score: 0.002503834)
Find a parser class for a database connection
This module finds a DateTime::Format::* class that is suitable for the use with a given DBI connection (and DBD::* driver). It currently supports the following drivers: MySQL, PostgreSQL (Pg).
devel/Test-API-0.005 (Score: 0.002503834)
Test a list of subroutines provided by a module
This simple test module checks the subroutines provided by a module. This is useful for confirming a planned API in testing and ensuring that other functions aren't unintentionally included via import.
ftp/ftpsync-1.3.06 (Score: 0.002503834)
Synchronizes a local and a remote FTP directory trees
ftpsync.pl synchronizes a local directory tree and a remote FTP directory tree. It was initally written to automize web publishing, but might be useful for some other purposes, like mirroring not-too-large public sites, data replication, and more.