Ports 搜索

www/mnogosearch-3.4.1 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
mnoGoSearch is a full featured SQL-based search engine for intranet or small domain Internet web servers. You can also use it to build specialized search engines such as cooking recipies or searching newspaper articles. Provides pre-built web search frontend in C (via CGI).
www/mod_musicindex-1.4.1 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Apache module that allows downloading and streaming of audio
mod_musicindex is an Apache module aimed at being a C implementation of the Perl module Apache::MP3. It allows nice displaying of directories containing several kinds of audio files, including sorting them on various fields, streaming/downloading them, constructing playlists, and searching.
www/Gantry-3.64 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Web application framework for mod_perl, cgi, etc
Perl Web application framework for Apache/mod_perl. Object Oriented design for a pragmatic, modular approach to URL dispatching. Supports MVC (or VC, MC, C, take your pick) and initiates rapid development. This project offers an orgainized coding scheme for web applications.
www/tgwebservices-1.2.4 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Multiprotocol Web Services for TurboGears
Multiprotocol Web Services for TurboGears TGWebServices provides a super simple API for creating web services that are available via SOAP, HTTP->XML, and HTTP->JSON. The SOAP API generates WSDL automatically for your Python and even generates enough type information for statically typed languages (Java and C#, for example) to generate good client code on their end.
www/tinytinyhttpd-0.0.11 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Tiny tiny httpd
tinytinyhttpd is a very lightweight HTTP server written in C. It supports multi threads, customization, directory listing and CGI. It is confirmed to run the following software under tinytinyhttpd with no hassle: * MTOS(Movable Type Open Source) (perl) * WordPress (php) * blogn Plus (php) * tDiary (ruby) * PukiWiki (php) * NucreusCMS (php) * blosxom (perl)
www/udmsearch-3.1.7 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
UdmSearch is a full featured SQL-based search engine for intranet or small domain Internet web servers. You can also use it to build specialized search engines such as cooking recipies or searching newspaper articles. Provides pre-built web search frontends in C (via CGI) and PHP.
x11-toolkits/Gtk-0.7010 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
The base module of Gtk-Perl
Gtk-Perl is a set of modules that let you exploit the Gtk+ and Gnome libraries from Perl. The module maps the Gtk+ objects to Perl packages while trying to remain as close as possible to the C API, but not closer. This is the base module (Gtk and Gtk::Gdk namespaces).
devel/PkgConfig-0.12026 (Score: 3.8183166E-4)
Pure-Perl Core-Only replacement for pkg-config
PkgConfig provides a pure-perl, core-only replacement for the pkg-config utility. This is not a description of the uses of pkg-config but rather a description of the differences between the C version and the Perl one. While pkg-config is a compiled binary linked with glib, the pure-perl version has no such requirement, and will run wherever Perl ( >= 5.6 ) does. The main supported options are the common --libs, --cflags, --static, --exists and --modversion.
devel/ctags-1.0.5 (Score: 3.8183166E-4)
Python bindings for ctags index file
Exuberant Ctags indexing python bindings Exuberant Ctags supports indexing of many modern programming languages. Python is a powerful scriptable dynamic language. Using Python to access Ctags index file is a natural fit in extending an application's capability to examine source code. This project wrote a wrapper for readtags.c. I have been using the package in a couple of projects and it has been shown that it could easily handle hundreds source files.
games/Cockatrice-0.0.g2016.06.30 (Score: 3.8183166E-4)
Cross-platform virtual tabletop for multiplayer card games
Cockatrice is an open-source multiplatform supported program for playing tabletop card games over a network. The program's server design prevents any kind of client modifications to gain an unfair advantage in a game. The client also has a built in single-player mode where you can brew without being connected to a server. This project is written in C++/Qt with support for both Qt4 and Qt5.