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sysutils/rinse-3.1.1 (Score: 0.0011726278)
Install RPM-based system into a directory
Rinse is a simple tool which is designed to carry out the installation of a new RPM-based distribution. Using rinse you can easily setup simple chroot() systems running different RPM-based distributions, such as Centos, Scientific Linux or openSUSE. The purpose and usage are analogous to the 'debootstrap' utility familiar to users of Debian GNU/Linux. It was primarily designed to work with the xen-tools software, which creates new guest images for running inder the Xen hypervisor.
mail/mailboxer-0.13.0 (Score: 0.0011719703)
Send messages inside a web application
This project is based on the need for a private message system for ging / social_stream. Instead of creating our core message system heavily dependent on our development, we are trying to implement a generic and potent messaging gem. After looking for a good gem to use we noticed the lack of messaging gems and functionality in them. Mailboxer tries to fill this void delivering a powerful and flexible message system. It supports the use of conversations with two or more participants, sending notifications to recipients (intended to be used as system notifications “Your picture has new comments”, “John Doe has updated his document”, etc.), and emailing the messageable model (if configured to do so). It has a complete implementation of a Mailbox object for each messageable with inbox, sentbox and trash. The gem is constantly growing and improving its functionality. As it is used with our parallel development ging / social_stream we are finding and fixing bugs continously. If you want some functionality not supported yet or marked as TODO, you can create an issue to ask for it. It will be great feedback for us, and we will know what you may find useful in the gem.
x11/xwatchwin-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0011719703)
Watch a window on another X server
xwatchwin allows you to peek at a window on another X server. To use it, you must specify the display name of the machine you want to watch, then the name of the window on that machine. Xwatchwin will attempt to connect with the X server hostname:0.0, and if successful, will try to retrieve a copy of the window in which you specified interest. You may specify the window you want to watch either by name or by its window id, usually a hexidecimal number. Usually specifying the window by name is simpler, although not all windows have names associated with them; in that case you must use the window id option. If the window you want to watch is not in a viewable state, xwatchwin will tell you so and exit. If while you are watching a window it becomes 'unviewable', xwatchwin will wait until the window becomes 'viewable' again. xwatchwin was written as an aid to a class for people learning to use X. The idea is that the instructor would type into an xterm window on his/her display and the students would use xwatchwin to see what the instructor typed. The students could then type the same thing in their own terminal windows. Hopefully others will find equally (if not more) constructive uses.
Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema
DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader automates the definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema by scanning database table definitions and setting up the columns, primary keys, and relationships. DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader currently supports only the DBI storage type. It has explicit support for DBD::Pg, DBD::mysql, DBD::DB2, and DBD::SQLite. Other DBI drivers may function to a greater or lesser degree with this loader, depending on how much of the DBI spec they implement, and how standard their implementation is. Patches to make other DBDs work correctly welcome. See DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Writing for notes on writing your own vendor-specific subclass for an unsupported DBD driver. This module requires DBIx::Class 0.06 or later, and obsoletes the older DBIx::Class::Loader. This module is designed more to get you up and running quickly against an existing database, or to be effective for simple situations, rather than to be what you use in the long term for a complex database/project.
games/toppler-1.1.5 (Score: 0.001164603)
Climb a tower and avoid monsters
The target of the game is to reach the target door of each of the 8 towers in currently 2 missions with this little green animal. This door is usually at the very top of the tower. But finding the way by using elevators and walking trough a maze of doors and platforms is not the only problem you have to solve. There is a bunch of other creatures living on the tower that will hinder you to reach your target by pushing you over the edge of the platforms. The only weapon of defence you have is to throw a little snowball. But most of the other creatures just don't care about this. So you must avoid them.
devel/cvsmonitor-0.6.3 (Score: 0.0011634701)
Monitor activity on a CVS Repository
CVS Monitor is an CVS repository browser. It provides visibility of activity in CVS to developers, management, and the general public. Features: * Look at any repository anywhere - CVS Monitor can act on any repository that has at least a public read-only account, even if you don't own the repository * Aggressive Caching - all statistics, and most pages, are generated purely from the cached information * ChangeSet Visibility - present changes to the repository in ChangeSets, a single change involves new revisions on multiple files * Tracker Integration - CVS Monitor can be easily integrated with your Bug tracking or Request tracking systems
devel/poco-1.7.2 (Score: 0.0011634701)
C++ libraries with a network/internet focus
The C++ Portable Components currently consist of four libraries. The Foundation library contains a platform abstraction layer (including classes for multithreading, file system access, logging, etc.), as well as a large number of useful utility classes, such various stream buffer and stream classes, URI handling, and many more. The Net library contains network classes (sockets, HTTP, etc.) The XML library contains an XML parser with SAX2 and DOM interfaces, as well as an XMLWriter. The Util library contains classes for working with configuration files and command line arguments, as well as various utility classes.
devel/asl-1.41r8 (Score: 0.0011634701)
Assembler for a variety of microcontrollers/-processors
ASL can generate code for totally different processors. These are implemented: Motorola 68000..68030,683xx including math co-processor and MMU; DSP56000; Motorola/IBM MPC601/MPC505/PPC403; 6800, 6805, 6809, 68(HC)11 and Hitachi 6301 Hitachi 6309, H8 and SH7000/7600 Rockwell 6502 and 65(S)C02 CMD 65816 Mitsubishi MELPS-740; MELPS-7700; MELPS-4500 and M16 Intel MCS-48/41, MCS-51, MCS-96 and 8080/8085 AMD 29K Siemens 80C166/167 Zilog Z80, Z180, Z380 and Z8 Toshiba TLCS-900(L), TLCS-90, TLCS-870, TLCS-47 and TLCS-9000 Microchip PIC16C54..16C57, PIC16C84/PIC16C64 and PIC17C42 SGS-Thomson ST62xx and 6804 Texas Instruments TMS32010/32015, TMS3202x, TMS320C3x and TMS370xxx NEC uPD 78(C)1x and uPD 75xxx (a.k.a. 75K0)
devel/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11 (Score: 0.0011634701)
N at a time iteration API
This module tries to find middle ground between one at a time and all at once processing of data sets. The purpose of this module is to avoid the overhead of implementing an iterative api when this isn't necessary, without breaking forward compatibility in case that becomes necessary later on. The API optimizes for when a data set typically fits in memory and is returned as an array, but the consumer cannot assume that the data set is bounded. The API is destructive in order to minimize the chance that resultsets are leaked due to improper usage.
devel/omniorb- (Score: 0.0011634701)
Python bindings for omniORB4, a CORBA 2.6 ORB
omniORBpy is an object request broker (ORB) for Python which implements specification 2.6 of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). omniORBpy is implemented as a Python extension module (written in C++) to provide bindings for omniORB4, a high performance C++ ORB. Some features of omniORB4: - Support for GIOP and IIOP 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. - Fully multithreaded runtime. - TypeCode and type Any. - CORBA 2.6 DynAny interfaces. - Dynamic Invocation and Dynamic Skeleton interfaces. - Complete Naming Service, omniNames. - Support for wchar, wstring and code set negotiation. - Full long long, long double, fixed point support. - PortableServer::Current. - Unix domain socket transport. - Bidirectional GIOP. - Interoperable Secure Socket Layer transport. - Flexible thread management. - Interceptors. - Fully interoperable with other CORBA ORBs.