Ports 搜索

共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第6,3816,390项(搜索用时0.01秒)
net/sntop-1.4.3 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Monitor status of network nodes using fping
This is a port of sntop, a curses-based utility that uses fping (ping can be used as well) to determine connectivity of remote network hosts on a regular interval. Features include HTML generation and a secure terminal.
net/syncthing-cli- (Score: 0.0012383816)
Syncthing CLI
Command line interface to syncthing
net/wmwifi-0.4 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Dockapp displaying the signal strength of WiFi connection
WindowMaker dockapp for displaying signal strenghts of WLAN Adapters
net/tclsoap-1.6.7 (Score: 0.0012383816)
SOAP and XML-RPC support for TCL library
tclsoap provides support for building clients and servers for the SOAP remote procedure call protocol from Tcl. SOAP is an XML based RPC mechanism which provides cross-platform cross language compatibility.
net/tcludp-1.0.11 (Score: 0.0012383816)
UDP extension for TCL
From the website: This package provides support for using UDP through Tcl. The package provides a new channel type and attempts to permit the use of packet oriented UDP over stream oriented Tcl channels.
net/tightvnc-1.3.10 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Enhanced version of VNC
Enhanced version of VNC, called TightVNC (grown from the VNC Tight Encoder project), which is optimized to work over slow network connections such as low-speed modem links. While original VNC may be very slow when your connection is not fast enough, with TightVNC you can work remotely almost in real time in most environments. Besides bandwidth optimizations,TightVNC also includes many other improvements, optimizations and bugfixes over VNC. Note that TightVNC is free, cross-platform and compatible with the standard VNC.
net/tintin++-2.01.1 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Client program to help playing MUDs
TinTin++ is a console MUD client for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Its main assets are an easy to learn and use scripting language, full telnet support, a split screen interface to separate mud output from client input, and keyboard macros that work on all systems.
net/tn5250-0.17.4 (Score: 0.0012383816)
5250 Telnet protocol and Terminal
tn5250 is an implementation of the 5250 Telnet protocol. It provides 5250 library and 5250 terminal emulation. (usually used to connect to IBM AS/400 Midrange systems)
net/mosh-1.2.6 (Score: 0.0012383816)
支持漫游、间隙连接的远程终端应用程序,并提供了智能化的本地回显和 用户击键的行编辑功能。 Mosh 是 SSH 的一个替代品。它更强大、响应更灵敏,尤其是在通过 Wi-Fi, 蜂窝网络和长距离的链路上使用时。
net/nanomsg-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Socket library that provides several common communication patterns
nanomsg is a socket library that provides several common communication patterns. It aims to make the networking layer fast, scalable, and easy to use. Implemented in C, it works on a wide range of operating systems with no further dependencies. The communication patterns, also called "scalability protocols", are basic blocks for building distributed systems. By combining them you can create a vast array of distributed applications. The following scalability protocols are currently available: * PAIR -- simple one-to-one communication * BUS -- simple many-to-many communication * REQREP -- allows to build clusters of stateless services to process user requests * PUBSUB -- distributes messages to large sets of interested subscribers * PIPELINE -- aggregates messages from multiple sources and load balances them among many destinations * SURVEY -- allows to query state of multiple applications in single go