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devel/Hash-Flatten-1.19 (Score: 0.032514982)
Flatten, unflatten complex data hashes
Converts back and forth between a nested hash structure and a flat hash of delimited key-value pairs. Useful for protocols that only support key-value pairs (such as CGI and DBMs).
devel/Hash-Merge-Simple-0.051 (Score: 0.032514982)
Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply
Hash::Merge::Simple will recursively merge two or more hashes and return the result as a new hash reference. The merge function will descend and merge hashes that exist under the same node in both the left and right hash, but doesn't attempt to combine arrays, objects, scalars, or anything else. The rightmost hash also takes precedence, replacing whatever was in the left hash if a conflict occurs. This code was pretty much taken straight from Catalyst::Utils, and modified to handle more than 2 hashes at the same time.
devel/Hash-MultiValue-0.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension to store multiple values per key
Store multiple values per key.
devel/Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat-0.11 (Score: 0.032514982)
Use Hash::Util::FieldHash or ties, depending on availability
Under older perls this module provides a drop in compatible api to Hash::Util::FieldHash using perltie. When Hash::Util::FieldHash is available it will use that instead. This way code requiring field hashes can benefit from fast, robust field hashes on Perl 5.10 and newer, but still run on older perls that don't ship with that module.
devel/Heap-Simple-Perl-0.14 (Score: 0.032514982)
Pure perl implementation of the Heap::Simple interface
This module provides a pure perl implementation of the interface described in Heap::Simple. Look there for a description.
devel/IPC-Mmap-0.21 (Score: 0.032514982)
Provides a minimal mmap() interface for both POSIX and Win32
Provides an object-oriented interface to either the POSIX mmap() or Win32 equivalent APIs to memory map a file into a process's address space for general memory access. IPC::Mmap provides only a minimal interface without the additional overhead of tie'd variables or locking enforced in other modules (e.g., Sys::Mmap, Win32::MMF); hence, the application is responsible for performing read()'s and write()'s on the IPC::Mmap object, and calling any needed lock() and unlock() methods, as required by concurrent processes. Memory mapped files provide an alternate shared memory mechanism for multiple processes. The technique maps the OS's file system buffers for a given file into each mmap()'ing process's virtual memory space, thereby permitting each process to essentially share the same physical memory. Refer to the excellent "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment", Stevens et al., Addison-Wesley Publisher for a detailed reference on the POSIX implementation. IPC::Mmap provides OS-agnostic wrappers for both the POSIX and Win32 memory mapped file capabilities.
devel/IPC-Open3-Simple-0.04 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple alternative to IPC::Open3
IPC::Open3::Simple aims at making it very easy to start a shell command, eventually feed its stdin with some data, then retrieve its stdout and stderr separately. When you want to run a shell command and parse its stdout/stderr or feed its stdin, you often end up using IPC::Run, IPC::Cmd or IPC::Open3 with your own parsing code, and end up writing more code than you intended. IPC::Open3::Simple is about removing this overhead and making IPC::Open3 easier to use. IPC::Open3::Simple calls IPC::Open3 and redirects stdin, stdout and stderr to some function references passed in argument to the constructor. It does a select on the input/output filehandles returned by IPC::Open3 and dispatches their content to and from those functions.
devel/IPC-PerlSSH-0.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Class for executing remote perl code over an SSH link
a class for executing remote perl code over an SSH link
devel/Heap-Simple-XS-0.10 (Score: 0.032514982)
XS implementation of the Heap::Simple interface
This module provides an XS implementation of the interface described in Heap::Simple. Look there for a description.
devel/IPC-Run-SafeHandles-0.04 (Score: 0.032514982)
Safe guarding for IPC::Run(3)
IPC::Run and IPC::Run3 are both very upset when you try to use them under environments where you have STDOUT and/or STDERR tied to something else, such as under fastcgi. The module adds safe-guarding code when you call IPC::Run or IPC::Run3 under such environment to make sure it always works. If you intend to release your code to work under normal envionrment as well as under fastcgi, simply use this module *after* the "IPC" modules are loaded in your code.