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Results 541550 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.005 seconds)
devel/libpciaccess-0.13.4 (Score: 0.032514982)
Generic PCI access library (CentOS 6.8)
devel/etl-0.04.19 (Score: 0.032514982)
Voria Extended Class and Template Library
ETL is a multi-platform class and template library designed to add new datatypes and functions which combine well with the existing types and functions from the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
devel/linux_kdump-1.5 (Score: 0.032514982)
Linux-compatibility ktrace.out processor
The FreeBSD native linux_kdump utility produces human-readable output from ktrace.out files generated by the FreeBSD utility ktrace(1) when used on a Linux binary.
devel/euca2ools-3.3.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Eucalyptus Command Line Tools
Euca2ools are command line tools used to interact with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as well as other services that are compatible with AWS, such as Eucalyptus. They aim to use the same input as similar tools provided by AWS for each service individually along with several enhancements that make them easier to use against both AWS and Eucalyptus. Euca2ools provide the functionality of AWS's REST-based and Query-based APIs for the following services: - Auto Scaling (commands start with "euscale") - CloudFormation (commands start with "euform") - CloudWatch (commands start with "euwatch") - EC2 (commands start with "euca") - Elastic Load Balancing (commands start with "eulb") - IAM (commands start with "euare")
devel/doctorj-5.1.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tool for analyzing Java code and documentation
Beyond the level of what Javadoc does, DoctorJ compares documentation against code. Among what it detects: * misspelled words * parameter and exception names: o missing o misordered o misspelled * Javadoc tags: o invalid o misordered o missing expected arguments o invalid arguments o missing descriptions * undocumented classes, methods, fields, parameters
devel/eventxx-1.0.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
C++ wrapper for libevent
eventxx is a simple, direct, one-header inline C++ wrapper for libevent. It's designed to be as close to use to libevent (without compromising modern C++ programming techniques) and efficient (since all implementation is trivial and inline, theoretically, it imposes no overhead at all) as possible.
devel/dotconfpp-0.0.5 (Score: 0.032514982)
Configuration file parser written in C++
dotconf++ is a dotconf like configuration file parser written in C++. It supports macro substitution from the environment or from the file itself, config file inclusion, easy handling of XML like tags, checking for required tags, and more.
devel/evolution-gconf-tools-0.1.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Scripts to make it easier to work with Evolution's configuration
Python scripts to make it easier to work with Evolution's configuration information
devel/kore-2.0.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Web application framework for writing web APIs in C
Kore is an easy to use web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C. Its main goals are security, scalability and allowing rapid development and deployment of such APIs. Because of this Kore is an ideal candidate for building robust, scalable and secure web things.
devel/f77flow-0.12 (Score: 0.032514982)
Analyze the structure of a fortran77 program
This little program analyses the structure of FORTRAN source-code. As a result you get a little flow diagram in which you can recognize which SUBROUTINE is called by the program. Further all subroutines called from this one are displayed. The indciation of the displayed names is a degree for the level. A new addition is the change of the starting point for an analysis. Instead to check the whole source-code you can start with a special SUBROUTINE and see the depence of this one. The number of files which contain the routines are not restricted by the program. You can report the CALL- and/or SUBROUTINE-statements together with filenames and line numbers to special files. Dirk Geschke 7. March 1997