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dns/ghtool-1.0 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Command-line interface to the resolver library
To quote from the SourceForge project description: gh-tool is a command-line interface to gethostby*, in libresolv/libc. It allows one to check the local system's notion of an IP->DNS or DNS->IP mapping, including aliases, directly, rather than digging for mappings in DNS, which may or may not be relevant.
dns/inadyn-mt-02.24.47 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Simple dynamic dns client
inadyn, inadyn-advanced fork. A multi-OS (*NIX, BSD, NT, 32 bit Win) console/service/daemon dynamic DNS client. It gives the possibility to have your own fixed hostname registered on the internet, although your IP might be changing. It checks periodically whether the IP address stored by the DNS server is the real current IP address of the machine that is running it.
dns/File_DNS-0.1.0 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR class to read and write RFC1033-style DNS Zonefiles
The File_DNS class provides a way to read, edit and write RFC1033 style DNS Zones.
dns/tinystats-1.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
DJB's tinydns statistics generator
tinystats is a statistic generator for DJB's tinydns. It can be easily integrated with rrdtool to generate nice graphical DNS stats.
dns/zonenotify-0.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
DNS notify sender written in C
zonenotify is useful to send a NS_NOTIFY packet to BIND slave server. When you update a zone in your djbdns DNS you must notify the slaves about your change.
editors/aee-2.2.21 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Easy editor with both curses and X11 interfaces
"Another Easy Editor" An easy to use text editor intended to be usable with little or no instruction. Provides a full-screen text interface via curses (aee) as well as a graphical user interface under X windows (xae). Features include pop-up menus, cut-and-paste, journaling, and multiple edit buffers. aee is a superset of the "Easy Editor" (ee) that is part of the FreeBSD base system.
editors/hexcurse-1.55 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Versatile ncurses-based hex editor
HexCurse is a versatile ncurses-based hex editor written in C that provides the user with many features. It currently supports searching, hex, and decimal address output, jumping to specified locations in a file, and quick keyboard shortcuts to commands.
editors/joe-2.9.8 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Joe's Own Editor
JOE is the professional freeware ASCII text screen editor for UNIX. It makes full use of the power and versatility of UNIX, but lacks the steep learning curve and basic nonsense you have to deal with in every other UNIX editor. JOE has the feel of most IBM PC text editors: The key-sequences are reminiscent of WordStar and Turbo-C. JOE is much more powerful than those editors, however. JOE has all of the features a UNIX user should expect: full use of termcap/terminfo, excellent screen update optimizations (JOE is fully useable at 2400 baud), simple installation, and all of the UNIX-integration features of VI.
editors/joe-4.2 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Joe's Own Editor
JOE is the professional freeware ASCII text screen editor for UNIX. It makes full use of the power and versatility of UNIX, but lacks the steep learning curve and basic nonsense you have to deal with in every other UNIX editor. JOE has the feel of most IBM PC text editors: the key-sequences are reminiscent of WordStar and Turbo-C. JOE is much more powerful than those editors, however. JOE has all of the features a UNIX user should expect: full use of termcap/terminfo, excellent screen update optimizations (JOE is fully usable at 2400 baud), simple installation, and all of the UNIX-integration features of VI. JOE now has UTF-8 support and Syntax Highlighting.
editors/texmaker-4.5 (Score: 0.0052562496)
LaTeX Development Environment
Texmaker is a program, that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in just one application. Features : * an editor to write your LaTeX source files * the principal LaTex tags can be inserted directly * 370 mathematical symbols can be inserted in just one click * wizards to generate code * LaTeX-related programs can be launched via the "Tools" menu * the standard Bibtex entry types can be inserted in the ".bib" file * a "structure view" of the document for easier navigation of a document * extensive LaTeX documentation * in the "Messages / Log File" frame, you can see information about processes and the logfile after a LaTeX compilation * the "Next Latex Error" and "Previous Latex Error" commands let you reach the LaTeX errors detected by Kile in the log file * by clicking on the number of a line in the log file, the cursor jumps to the corresponding line in the editor