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Results 1,0711,080 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
textproc/Vroom-0.37 (Score: 0.0038961372)
Slide Shows in Vim
Vroom lets you create your slides in a single file using a Wiki-like style, much like Spork and Sporx do. The difference is that your slides don't compile to HTML or JavaScript or XUL. They get turned into a set of files that begin with '0', like '03' or '07c' or '05b.pl'. The slides are named in alphabetic order. That means you can bring them all into a Vim session with the command: vim 0*. vroom --vroom does exactly that. Vroom takes advantage of Vim's syntax highlighting. It also lets you run slides that contain code. Since Vim is an editor, you can change your slides during the show.
www/Browser-Open-0.04 (Score: 0.003864635)
Open a browser in a given URL
The functions optionaly exported by this module allows you to open URLs in the user browser. A set of known commands per OS-name is tested for presence, and the first one found is executed. With an optional parameter, all known commands are checked. The "open_browser" uses the system() function to execute the command. If you want more control, you can get the command with the "open_browser_cmd" or "open_browser_cmd_all" functions and then use whatever method you want to execute it.
science/Chemistry-Reaction-0.02 (Score: 0.0038489362)
Represent a ring as a substructure of a molecule
Explicit chemical reactions
chinese/Encode-HanConvert-0.35 (Score: 0.0038477553)
Traditional and Simplified Chinese mappings
This module is an attempt to solve most common problems occurred in Traditional vs. Simplified Chinese conversion, in an efficient, flexible way, without resorting to external tools or modules. After installing this module, you'll have two additional encoding formats: big5-simp maps Big5 into Unicode's Simplified Chinese (and vice versa), and gbk-trad maps CP936 (better known as GBK) into Unicode's Traditional Chinese and back. The module exports various xxx_to_yyy functions by default, where xxx and yyy are one of big5, gb (i.e. GBK/CP936), simp (simplified Chinese unicode), or trad (traditional Chinese unicode).
deskutils/xfce4-xkb-plugin-0.7.1 (Score: 0.0038477553)
Keyboard layout switching plugin for the Xfce panel
This plugin displays the current keyboard layout, and refreshes when layout changes. Also the layout can be switched by simply clicking on the plugin. The new version can display the layout as text label and also as an image of the corresponding country's flag. If the flag image is unavailable then the plugin falls back to displaying text label for that layout. This plugin is used along with the XKB extension. For now the keyboard layouts cannot be configured from the plugin itself, they should be set in the Xorg file or some other way (e.g. setxkbmap).
devel/bbfreeze-1.1.3 (Score: 0.0038477553)
Module to create standalone executables from Python scripts
bbfreeze creates standalone executables from Python scripts. It's similar in purpose to the well known py2exe for Windows, py2app for OS X, PyInstaller and cx_Freeze (in fact ancient versions were based on cx_Freeze. And it uses the modulegraph package, which is also used by py2app). It has the following features: - ZIP/Egg file import tracking - Binary dependency tracking (e.g. shared libraries) - Multiple script freezing support - Python interpreter included (named 'py') - Automatic pathname rewriting (pathnames in tracebacks are relative) - New distutils command: bdist_bbfreeze
devel/XS-Object-Magic-0.04 (Score: 0.0038477553)
Opaque, extensible XS pointer backed objects using sv_magic
This way of associating structs with Perl space objects is designed to supercede Perl's builtin T_PTROBJ with something that is designed to be: Extensible - The association of the pointer using sv_magicext can be done on any data type, so you can associate C structs with any representation type. - This means that you can add pointers to any object (hand coded, Moose or otherwise), while still having instance data in regular hashes. Opaque - The C pointer is neither visible nor modifiable from Perl space. - This prevents accidental corruption which could lead to segfaults using T_PTROBJ (e.g. $$ptr_obj = 0).
devel/tass64-1.51.727 (Score: 0.0038477553)
6502/65C02/R65C02/W65C02/65CE02/65816/DTV/65EL02 Turbo Assembler
6502/65C02/R65C02/W65C02/65CE02/65816/DTV/65EL02 Turbo Assembler Key features: Open source, mostly portable C with minimal dependencies Familiar syntax to Omicron TASS and TASM. Supports 6502, 65C02, R65C02, W65C02, 65CE02, 65816, DTV, 65EL02 Arbitrary-precision integers and bitstrings, double precision floating point nos Character and byte strings, array arithmetic Handles UTF-8, UTF-16 and 8 bit RAW encoded source files, unicode strings Supports Unicode identifiers with case folding and compatibility normalization Built-in "linker" with section support CPU or flat address space for creating huge binaries (e.g. cartridges) Conditional compilation, macros, struct/union structures, scopes.
games/xbat-1.11 (Score: 0.0038477553)
XEVIOUS like shooting game
This is the XEVIOUS (NAMCO(C)) like game. TYPE: xbat OPTION: -hs : high speed mode -dc : use default colormap -g : rapid fire -r : exchange keys[z][x] -h -help : print usage -mode [0-4] : set game level 0:easy, 1:normal, 2:difficult, 3:more difficult, 4:abnormal COMMAND: [s] for Start or Pause [q] for quit [c] for setup (at Title screen only) Cursor key or Number key to move. i, j, l, k, m also to move. [z] and [x] to shoot. Please e-mail the author (wai@nemoto.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp) with improvements or other comments about this game.
mail/tumgreyspf-1.38 (Score: 0.0038477553)
External policy checker for the postfix mail server
Tumgreyspf, an external policy checker for the postfix mail server. It can optionally greylist and/or use spfquery to check SPF records to determine if email should be accepted by your server. Because of its design, legitimate e-mail is never trapped or rejected. Only spam and viruses are caught. Since adding it to our mail server (which also uses Spam Assassin, ClamAV, and an outsourced anti-spam system), our spam level has dropped by an order of magnitude. It uses the file-system as its database, no additional database is required to use it.