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Results 1,0311,040 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.011 seconds)
net/publicsuffixlist-0.1 (Score: 0.004299879)
Is a given string a domain suffix?
Is a given string a domain suffix?
textproc/XML-Handler-Dtd2DocBook-0.41 (Score: 0.004299879)
Generate a DocBook documentation from a DTD
Generate a DocBook documentation from a DTD
audio/mp3val-0.1.8 (Score: 0.004265735)
Program for MPEG audio stream validation
MP3val is a small, high-speed, free software tool for checking MPEG audio files' integrity. It can be useful for finding corrupted files (e.g. incompletely downloaded, truncated, containing garbage). MP3val is also able to fix most of the problems. Being a multiplatform application, MP3val can be runned both under Windows and under Linux (or BSD). The most common MPEG audio file type is MPEG 1 Layer III (mp3), but MP3val supports also other MPEG versions and layers. The tool is also aware of the most common types of tags (ID3v1, ID3v2, APEv2). The core component of MP3val is an application with command-line interface. There are also two graphical frontends for it: MP3val-frontend is a native Windows application (it is also included in the latest binary releases for Windows), mp3valgui is a multi-platform Python script (can be downloaded separately), written by an independent developer. Installing the latter under Windows is a bit tricky, so for Windows the first frontend is recommended.
games/legends- (Score: 0.004265735)
Fast-paced first-person-perspective online multiplayer game
Legends is a fast-paced first-person-perspective online multiplayer game released as freeware (software license). The game is designed to take advantage of the beautiful environments available from the Torque engine it is based on, while still offering the breakneck pacing and variety of styles available from such classics as Quake and Tribes. Gameplay is not the strafe-strafe-jump-strafe-shoot-strafe-run-like-hell style a lot of games espouse; the addition of a jetpack adds a third dimension of mobility that makes skill, forethought, and restraint necessities to winning. Team sizes are ideal between 10 and 15 on each side, and the network code allows 56k upwards to play smoothly. Game type offerings range from the classic Capture the Flag, Deathmatch and Duel to our own new types, e.g.. 'War'. Plenty of maps are provided by us, but the beauty of this game is its customization possibilities. Mission creation has never been easier, with a stable, full-featured editor integrated into the game engine itself. Skins, models, and effects can all be modified by the end-user with commonly available tools. The game has an Autodownload feature which means you never have to leave the game to join new user created Client-Side and Server-Side missions.
sysutils/uniutils-2.27 (Score: 0.004265735)
Unicode Description Utilities
Uniutils consists of five programs for finding out what is in a Unicode file. They are useful when working with Unicode files when one doesn't know the writing system, doesn't have the necessary font, needs to inspect invisible characters, needs to find out whether characters have been combined or in what order they occur, or needs statistics on which characters occur. uniname defaults to printing the character offset of each character, its byte offset, its hex code value, its encoding, the glyph itself, and its name. unidesc reports the character ranges to which different portions of the text belong. It can also be used to identify Unicode encodings (e.g. UTF-16be) flagged by magic numbers. unihist generates a histogram of the characters in its input, which must be encoded in UTF-8 Unicode. ExplicateUTF8 is intended for debugging or for learning about Unicode. It determines and explains the validity of a sequence of bytes as a UTF8 encoding. Unirev is a filter that reverses UTF-8 strings character-by-character (as opposed to byte-by-byte).
benchmarks/bonnie-2.0.6 (Score: 0.004221608)
Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
Bonnie: Filesystem Benchmark Program Bonnie tests the speed of file I/O using standard C library calls. It does reads and writes of blocks, testing for the limit of sustained data rate (usually limited by the drive or controller) and updates on a file (better simulating normal operating conditions and quite dependent on drive and OS optimisations). The per-character read and write tests are generally limited by CPU speed only on current-generation hardware. It takes some 35 SPECint92 to read or write a file at a rate of 1MB/s using getc() and putc(). The seek tests are dependent on the buffer cache size, since the fraction of disk blocks that fits into the buffer cache will be found without any disk operation and will contribute zero seek time readings. I.e. if the buffer cache is 16MB and the Bonnie test file is 32MB in size, then the seek time will come out as half its real value. The seek time includes rotational delay, and will thus always come out higher than specified for a drive.
biology/jalview-2.07 (Score: 0.004221608)
Viewer and editor for multiple sequence alignments
Jalview is a multiple alignment editor written in Java. It is used widely in a variety of web pages (e.g. the EBI Clustalw server and the Pfam protein domain database) and is also available as a general purpose alignment editor. o Reads and writes alignments in a variety of formats o Gaps can be inserted/deleted using the mouse. o Group editing (insertion deletion of gaps in groups of sequences). o Removal of gapped columns. o Align sequences using Web Services (Clustal, Muscle...) o Amino acid conservation analysis similar to that of AMAS. o Alignment sorting options (by name, tree order, percent identity, group). o UPGMA and NJ trees calculated and drawn based on percent identity distances. o Sequence clustering using principal component analysis. o Removal of redundant sequences. o Smith Waterman pairwise alignment of selected sequences. o Web based secondary structure prediction programs (JNet). o User predefined or custom colour schemes to colour alignments or groups. o Sequence feature retrieval and display on the alignment. o Print your alignment with colours and annotations. o Output alignments as HTML pages, images (PNG) or postscript (EPS). If you use Jalview in your work, please quote this publication. Clamp, M., et al. (2004), The Jalview Java Alignment Editor. Bioinformatics, 12, 426-7
devel/pig-0.15.0 (Score: 0.004221608)
Engine for executing data flows in parallel on Hadoop
Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pig programs is that their structure is amenable to substantial parallelization, which in turns enables them to handle very large data sets. At the present time, Pig's infrastructure layer consists of a compiler that produces sequences of Map-Reduce programs, for which large-scale parallel implementations already exist (e.g., the Hadoop subproject). Pig's language layer currently consists of a textual language called Pig Latin, which has the following key properties: -- Ease of programming. It is trivial to achieve parallel execution of simple, "embarrassingly parallel" data analysis tasks. Complex tasks comprised of multiple interrelated data transformations are explicitly encoded as data flow sequences, making them easy to write, understand, and maintain. -- Optimization opportunities. The way in which tasks are encoded permits the system to optimize their execution automatically, allowing the user to focus on semantics rather than efficiency. -- Extensibility. Users can create their own functions to do special-purpose processing.
Provide regexes for U.S. profanity
Instead of a dry technical overview, I am going to explain the structure of this module based on its history. I consult at a company that generates customer leads primarily by having websites that attract people (e.g. lowering loan values, selling cars, buying real estate, etc.). For some reason we get more than our fair share of profane leads. For this reason I was told to write a profanity checker. For the data that I was dealing with, the profanity was most often in the email address or in the first or last name, so I naively started filtering profanity with a set of regexps for that sort of data. Note that both names and email addresses are unlike what you are reading now: they are not whitespace-separated text, but are instead labels. Therefore full support for profanity checking should work in 2 entirely different contexts: labels (email, names) and text (what you are reading). Because open-source is driven by demand and I have no need for detecting profanity in text, only label is implemented at the moment. And you know the next sentence: "patches welcome" :)
misc/rname-1.0 (Score: 0.0042028595)
Execute a program with a fake name
This is a simple utility to execute a program under a different name.