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textproc/Text-SimpleTemplate-0.36 (Score: 0.0066954438)
Yet another Perl module for template processing
This is yet another library for template-based text generation. Template-based text generation is a way to separate program code and data, so non-programmer can control final result (like HTML) as desired without tweaking the program code itself. By doing so, jobs like website maintenance is much easier because you can leave program code unchanged even if page redesign was needed. The idea is simple. Whenever a block of text surrounded by '<%' and '%>' (or any pair of delimiters you specify) is found, it will be taken as Perl expression, and will be replaced by its evaluated result. Major goal of this library is simplicity and speed. While there're many modules for template processing, this module has near raw Perl-code (i.e., "s|xxx|xxx|ge") speed, while providing simple-to-use objective interface.
misc/xless-1.7 (Score: 0.0066940943)
X11-based viewer for text files
This is a port of xless (version 1.7), a handy text file viewer for X. Useful as a viewer tool for other apps (e.g., xfm, the X file manager), or as a standalone viewer. Presents a scrollable text window (both vertical and horizontal scrolling), with a number of clickable buttons. From the README file: FEATURES: Display either the file(s) specified on the command line or input from standard input, supplied by a pipe. File/pipe may be optionally monitored so that the display is continuously updated as new text is added. Display new files in the current window or by creating a new window. Reload or print the displayed file. Search the displayed file using either exact, case-insensitive, or regular expression patterns. Edit the displayed file with your favorite editor (as specified in the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable)
benchmarks/bonnie-2.0.6 (Score: 0.006693222)
Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
Bonnie: Filesystem Benchmark Program Bonnie tests the speed of file I/O using standard C library calls. It does reads and writes of blocks, testing for the limit of sustained data rate (usually limited by the drive or controller) and updates on a file (better simulating normal operating conditions and quite dependent on drive and OS optimisations). The per-character read and write tests are generally limited by CPU speed only on current-generation hardware. It takes some 35 SPECint92 to read or write a file at a rate of 1MB/s using getc() and putc(). The seek tests are dependent on the buffer cache size, since the fraction of disk blocks that fits into the buffer cache will be found without any disk operation and will contribute zero seek time readings. I.e. if the buffer cache is 16MB and the Bonnie test file is 32MB in size, then the seek time will come out as half its real value. The seek time includes rotational delay, and will thus always come out higher than specified for a drive.
devel/json-c-0.12 (Score: 0.0066810837)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) implementation in C
This is a port of json-c, an implementation of json in C. Json, JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data exchange format and a subset of the JavaScript programming language.
textproc/re_graph-0.2 (Score: 0.0066729123)
Regular Expression Graphing Program
The re_graph.pl program graphs regular expressions. The guts of the regular expression engine is a simple state machine. The various states and operations in the regular expression parser can be displayed using a surprisingly simple diagram. A few notes on what you are looking at: * The nodes Start and Stop denote the beginning and end of the regular expression. * The solid squares denote atoms. Lines indicate the next state. When a line splits, the state machine will take the top line first. If it's path is blocked it will backup and take the next lower line. This is repeated until it finds a path to the end or all paths are exhausted. * Brown boxes indicate a grouping operation, i.e. (). * Green boxes indicate a zero with test. The state machine will perform the test inside the box before moving ahead.
devel/Cache-AgainstFile-1.016 (Score: 0.0066501554)
Cache data structures parsed from files, watching for updates
A module that caches a data structure against a filename, statting the file to determine whether it has changed and needs to be re-parsed. You supply a routine to generate the data structure given the filename. This module is recommended for files which change infrequently but are read often, especially if they are expensive to parse. This approach has the advantage over lazy caching that multiple processes holding a cache will all update at the same time so you will not get inconsistent results if you request data from different processes. The module itself is simply a factory for various backend modules. The distribution includes backends for in-memory caching or file caching using Storable, plus an adaptor to use any modules offering the Cache or Cache::Cache interfaces as the cache implementation. Data structures are automatically serialised/deserialised by the backend modules if they are being persisted somewhere other than in memory (e.g. on the filesystem).
sysutils/clone-1.0.6 (Score: 0.0066501554)
File tree cloning tool
clone is a file tree cloning tool which runs 3 threads - a scheduler (main), a reader, and a writer thread. Reading and writing occurs in parallel. While this is most beneficial for copying data from one physical disk to another, clone is also very well suited for cloning a file tree to any place on the same disk. Cloning includes the whole directory hierarchy, i.e. sub-directories, files, hard links, symbolic links, attributes (modes, flags, times), extended attributes and access control lists. clone is useful for cloning (thus backing-up) live file systems, and it can also be used in incremental and synchronization mode. clone works on FreeBSD and Mac OS X. clone is very fast, for example, cloning a whole UFS2 file hierarchy on FreeBSD 9.1 of in total 2.3 TBytes of data from one hard disk to another took 7.5 h, so the average transfer rate for all kind of files (very small up to very big ones) was about 89 MByte/s.
sysutils/afuse-0.4.1 (Score: 0.0066501554)
File system automounting implemented in user-space using FUSE
Afuse is an automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE. Afuse currently implements the most basic functionality that can be expected by an automounter; that is it manages a directory of virtual directories. If one of these virtual directories is accessed and is not already automounted, afuse will attempt to mount a filesystem onto that directory. If the mount succeeds the requested access proceeds as normal, otherwise it will fail with an error. The advantage of using afuse over traditional automounters is that afuse is designed to run entirely in user-space by individual users. This way an automounting action can take advantage of the invoking users environment, for example allowing access to an ssh-agent for password-less sshfs mounts, or allowing access to a graphical environment to get user input to complete a mount (i.e. popping up a window asking for a password).
mail/im-152 (Score: 0.006647415)
Set of user interfaces of Email and NetNews
IM (Internet Message) provides a series of user interface commands (imput, imget, imls, ...) and backend Perl5 modules to integrate E-mail and NetNews user interface. They are designed to be used both from Mew version 1.x and on command line. The folder style of IM is exactly the same as that of MH. So, you can replace MH with this package without any migration works. Moreover, you are able to operate your messages both by IM and MH with consistent manner. IM is copyrighted by IM developing team. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the modified BSD license. Although you installed IM successfully, yet you must be initialized on your home directory at once. Execute imsetup command with your account after im installed. % imsetup
mail/tmda-1.1.12 (Score: 0.006647415)
Python-based SPAM reduction system
Tagged Message Delivery Agent (TMDA) is designed to significantly reduce the amount of spam (junk-mail) you receive. TMDA strives to be more effective, yet less time-consuming than traditional spam filters. The technical countermeasures used by TMDA to thwart spam include: - whitelists: accept mail from known, trusted senders - blacklists: refuse mail from undesired senders - challenge/response: allows unknown senders which aren't on the whitelist or blacklist the chance to confirm that their message is legitimate (non-spam) - tagged addresses: special-purpose e-mail addresses such as time-dependent addresses, or addresses which only accept certain kinds of communication. These increase the transparency of TMDA for unknown senders by allowing them to safely circumvent the challenge/response system. TMDA can also be used as a general purpose local mail delivery agent to filter, sort, deliver and dispose of incoming mail.