Ports 搜索

www/WWW-TinySong-1.01 (Score: 0.07289603)
Get free music links from tinysong.com
tinysong.com is a web app that can be queried for a song and returns a tiny URL, allowing you to listen to the song for free online and share it with friends. TinySong is a Perl interface to this service, allowing you to programmatically search its underlying database.
www/WWW-Tumblr-5.00 (Score: 0.07289603)
Perl interface for the Tumblr API
Perl interface for the Tumblr API
www/WWW-VenusEnvy-1.10 (Score: 0.07289603)
VenusEnvy comic strip archive and retrieval module
This module will download the latest VenusEnvy comic strip from the Keenspace website and return a binary blob of the image, or write it to disk.
www/WWW-Instapaper-Client-0.901 (Score: 0.07264547)
Implementation of the Instapaper client API
An implementation of the Instapaper client API. (see http://www.instapaper.com/api)
www/WWW-Search-MSN-0.0202 (Score: 0.07264547)
Backend for searching search.msn.com
This module provides a backend of WWW::Search to search using http://search.msn.com/.
www/WWW-HatenaStar-0.04 (Score: 0.072198324)
Perl interface to Hatena::Star
www/WWW-Mixi-0.50 (Score: 0.072198324)
Perl module of Automated interface to the Mixi
Mixi is most famous as SNS of Japan.
www/WWW-iTunesConnect-1.16 (Score: 0.072198324)
Client interface for Apple's iTunes Connect service
A Perl5 client interface for Apple's iTunes Connect service.
www/WWW-Yandex-TIC-0.07 (Score: 0.07137528)
Query Yandex Thematic Index of Citing (TIC) for domain
This package contains WWW::Yandex::TIC module assigned for querying Thematic Index of Citing (TIC) for domain in Yandex.
www/WWW-Mixi-Scraper-0.34 (Score: 0.07010509)
Yet another mixi scraper
This is yet another 'mixi' (the largest SNS in Japan) scraper, powered by Web::Scraper. Though APIs are different and incompatible with precedent WWW::Mixi.