Ports 搜索

devel/mph-1.2 (Score: 0.062004834)
Minimal perfect hashing code generator
The program mph tries to generate an order preserving minimal perfect hashing (MPH) function for the set of keys, one per line, on stdin. Each key can be at most 4095 characters long (see keys.h to increase this limit), and the keys must be unique. If mph terminates, it emits a language independent binary or text representation of the MPH function on stdout. To generate a usable hash function, this output should be fed to a language dependent filter, like emitc.
devel/Algorithm-ChooseSubsets-0.02 (Score: 0.062004834)
Perl algorithm to iterate through subsets of a list
Perl algorithm to iterate through subsets of a list. "Subsets" in this context refers to lists with elements taken from the original list, and in the same order as the elements in the original list. After creating the object, subsequent calls to next() will return the next such list in lexicographic order (where the alphabet is the original list).
devel/Chooser-2.0.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
Takes a string composed of various tests, arguments, etc and returns a value
A system for choosing a value for something. Takes a string composed of various tests, arguements, and etc and returns a value based on it.
devel/Config-Fast-1.07 (Score: 0.062004834)
Extremely fast configuration file parser
This module is designed to provide an extremely lightweight way to parse moderately complex configuration files. As such, it exports a single function - fastconfig() - and does not provide any OO access methods. Still, it is fairly full-featured. Here's how it works: %cf = fastconfig($file, $delim); Basically, the fastconfig() function returns a hash of keys and values based on the directives in your configuration file. By default, directives and values are separated by whitespace in the config file, but this can be easily changed with the delimiter argument (see below). When the configuration file is read, its modification time is first checked and the results cached. On each call to fastconfig(), if the config file has been changed, then the file is reread. Otherwise, the cached results are returned automatically. This makes this module great for mod_perl modules and scripts, one of the primary reasons I wrote it. Simply include this at the top of your script or inside of your constructor function: my %cf = fastconfig('/path/to/config/file.conf'); If the file argument is omitted, then fastconfig() looks for a file named $0.conf in the ../etc directory relative to the executable. For example, if you ran: /usr/local/bin/myapp Then fastconfig() will automatically look for: /usr/local/etc/myapp.conf This is great if you're really lazy and always in a hurry, like I am. If this doesn't work for you, simply supply a filename manually. Note that filename generation does not work in mod_perl, so you'll need to supply a filename manually.
devel/Dir-Watch-0.0.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
Watches the current directory for file/dir additions or removals
Checks for dir/file addition/removals in the current directory.
devel/Devel-TraceUse-2.094 (Score: 0.062004834)
This module shows the modules your program loads, recursively
Devel::TraceUse - Show the modules your program loads, recursively. An apparently simple program may load a lot of modules. That's useful, but sometimes you may wonder exactly which part of your program loads which module. Devel::TraceUse can analyze a program to see which part used which module.
devel/File-DirSync-1.22 (Score: 0.062004834)
Perl5 module for synchronizing two directories rapidly
File::DirSync will make two directories exactly the same. The goal is to perform this synchronization process as quickly as possible with as few stats and reads and writes as possible. It usually can perform the synchronization process within a few milliseconds - even for gigabytes or more of information.
devel/File-Grep-0.02 (Score: 0.062004834)
Perl Module that Find matches to a pattern in files or function
The File::Grep module is designed for find matches to a pattern in a series of files and related functions.
devel/Hash-Union-0.03 (Score: 0.062004834)
Smart hashes merging
Smart hashes merging
devel/IO-Null-1.01 (Score: 0.062004834)
IO::Null - class for null filehandles
IO::Null ======== Calling a constructor of this class always succeeds, returning a new null filehandle. Writing to any object of this class is always a no- operation, and returns true. Reading from any object of this class is always nooperation, and returns empty-string or empty-list, as appropriate.