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x11-toolkits/Xmt-4.0.0 (Score: 5.936328E-4)
Xmt is a Motif Tools library
Xmt is a Motif Tools library, introduced in the book Motif Tools (ISBN 1-56592-044-9). The Xmt Motif Tools library provides developers of user interfaces tools that make Motif easier to use. Xmt consists of the core library of additional widgets, utility programs, docs, tutorials, and example code.
security/sst-1.0 (Score: 5.935335E-4)
Simple SSL tunneling tool (uses netcat)
Sst can be used to connect to SSL-encrypted network ser- vices or it can be used as an SSL front-end to network servers. Sst can be used interactively, or in an inetd setting, or it can be embedded inside other programs (eg. Amanda). One of the main goals of sst is to be as basic as possible so in most non-embedded cases sst uses netcat to setup the networking I/O. Sst uses a socketpair(2) pipe to stay in contact with its netcat child process. In this way sst only has to concern itself with file descriptors. In the embedded mode sst expects the parent program to set up the networking I/O and to provide the appropriate file descriptors. In embedded client mode ("-c"), clear data is read from (or written to) stdin (fildes 0) and SSL- encrypted data is read from (or written to) stdout (fildes 1). In embedded server mode ("-s"), SSL-encrypted data is read from (or written to) stdin and clear data read from (or written to) stdout.
japanese/prn-1.0 (Score: 5.934457E-4)
Yet another converter from text file to postscript (with Japanese support)
Prn prints out a text file to a postscript printer by converting to postscript. If the file has kanji code such as 7-bit JIS, MS-kanji (shifted-JIS) or EUC, it can print out by using a kanji code converter whose name is kcc. If the file is code of C, C++, FORTRAN, pascal, ... , printing out by prn with a option '-c' can emphasize keywords and comments.
devel/Tie-File-AsHash-0.08 (Score: 5.9207616E-4)
Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl hash
Tie::File::AsHash represents a regular text file as a Perl hash. Each key/value pair in the hash corresponds to a record in the file. Changes to the hash are reflected in the file immediately.
cad/iverilog-10.1.1 (Score: 5.91898E-4)
Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
Icarus Verilog is a Verilog simulation and synthesis tool. It operates as a compiler, compiling source code written in Verilog (IEEE-1364) into some target format. For batch simulation, the compiler can generate C++ code that is compiled and linked with a run time library (called "vvm") then executed as a command to run the simulation. For synthesis, the compiler generates netlists in the desired format. The compiler proper is intended to parse and elaborate design descriptions written to the IEEE standard IEEE Std 1364-2000. The standard proper is due to be release towards the middle of the year 2000. This is a fairly large and complex standard, so it will take some time for it to get there, but that's the goal.
misc/asr-manpages-20000406 (Score: 5.91898E-4)
alt.sysadmin.recovery man page distribution
You are in the presence of a System Administrator. Kneel. "On Usenet, we vent in a group called alt.sysadmin.recovery. The group has a FAQ. If you read the FAQ, you will find that you (the users) subscribe to this group at your own peril. If you want to be useful, why don't you run over to the supply cabinet and get a new box of pixels for the monitor. As part of our venting, some of us have written a series of man pages that we'd like to see." Manpages you ever needed: bosskill.8 c.1 chastise.3 ctluser.8 guru.8 knife.8 lart.1m luser.8 normality.5 nuke.8 people.2 pmsd.8 rtfm.1 slave.1 sysadmin.1 think.1 whack.1
sysutils/bksh-1.7 (Score: 5.91898E-4)
Backup-only shell
bksh is a simple (some would say trivial) program designed to be used as a shell by ssh or rsh-like programs. All it does it to copy its input to a restricted set of backup files. It was made to allow administrators to create backup servers in potentially hostile environments without allowing full shell access to the server or the client. Features: - tape only or file & tape backups (compile-time config) - automatic file rotation allows keeping a history of backups - configurable number of files kept (static compile-time or dynamic) - allows naming of backup files on command line - works as a restricted shell to limit access to server - very simple and short ANSI C code, easy to audit
comms/remserial-1.4 (Score: 5.9091684E-4)
Bridge between a TCP/IP network port and a character-oriented device
Remserial acts as a communications bridge between a TCP/IP network port and a device such as a serial port. Any character-oriented /dev device will work. The program can operate as a server accepting network connections from other machines, or as a client, connecting to remote machine that is running the remserial program or some other program that accepts a raw network connection. The network connection passes data as-is, there is no control protocol over the network socket. Multiple copies of the program can run on the same computer at the same time assuming each is using a different network port and device.
games/help_hannahs_horse-1.0 (Score: 5.9055537E-4)
Pacman with a fast food twist
An arcade game best described as a cross between pacman and fastfood. Collect the pills and carrots while avoiding the ghosts! Cute and colourful! Basically, it's pacman with a fast food twist. You have to get the pills, pacman style, while also collecting the carrots that move around the mazes. There are also different styles of gates to make things trickier. These are: * Red and White - only the ghosts can cross them * Blue and White - only hannah can cross them * Wooden gates - both hannah and the ghosts can cross, but only passing from below to above * Red prison door things - need hannah to get the red key to open There are some command line switches you can use: -fullscreen will put the game in fullscreen mode -map X will start the game on level X
net/rabbiter-2.0.1 (Score: 5.9055537E-4)
Rabbiter is a twitter client for Rabbit
Rabbiter is a tool that collects tweets related to the talk and sends them to Rabbit as comments. In public conference such as RubyKaigi, audiences tweet comments about the listening talk to Twitter. To show the comments to your slide showed by Rabbit, you can use Rabbiter. If you have room to breathe, you can reply to the comments to reflect audiences' opinions. An audience can listen your talk with some different points of view because an audience can know other's comments. Note that you have a risk that audiences are interested in audiences' comments rather than your talk. You should ready your talk to make very interesting talk rather than audiences' comments.